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Beam down bacon

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Gnomechompski, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. MadKian

    MadKian Void-Bound Voyager

    I disagree. Why should it be any difficult to change the landing location?
    We are talking about a spaceship here, it should be a matter of "setting coordinates" somewhere on the ship.
    IMO it should be just an option somewhere in the HUD, like "Set current location as landing location", nothing more.
    Aeon, Davarpe, Rin-Kin and 1 other person like this.
  2. Iceefire

    Iceefire Master Chief

    Id suggest building a "safe house" where you initially spawn until this feature is added. Makes for a much simpler and much less deadly night.
  3. SeaJay

    SeaJay Space Kumquat

    Nice gravedig.

    I was expecting a complaint about how you lose your Alien Bacon while beaming up and down. :confused:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  4. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Wheres the bacon? Is that just a tag to get more views?

    Nope theres currently no way to get more views change the "beam down location", would like a BEACON aswell for that ^^

    Btw anybody noticed how old this post is?

    The dead are out of their graves, run!!!
  5. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    It has been stated that it will be able to choose where you beam down/spawn at some point.

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