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Feedback Barring new feature requests, what changes would you like to see for 1.0?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by SamuriFerret, Feb 7, 2016.

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  1. Cyanistic

    Cyanistic Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    • Make difficulties interest and dynamic as much as you can. The loss of pixels and ores is good start. Stronger monsters, stronger bosses, etc.
    • Seconding Lazer's suggestion of changing the requirements and quests to be more appealing for the player.
    • Someone steals something from you, you'd be angry right? Why the hell can I steal from people willy nilly and go on without being scolded or attacked?
    • I'm sure it's in the process, but people don't want to be forced to mine to progress into the game. If you guys are working on the different routes for progress in the game, please don't forget about it!
    • The ability to "broadcast" your availability on servers. Basically like putting yourself on a list saying "I'm free to party up!" instead of having to type and reading peoples names through the chat window.

    • Why not make armor more appealing and interesting by adding UI changes based on a full set of armor? Perhaps some higher end armor could have a minimap ui that allows you to see the terrian or danger detection software that causes enemies and traps to glow? Things that give utility that assists the armor in a secondary way unlike techs that affect playstyle in a primary way.
    • Please for the love of god fix the whole concept of larger bases and houses allowing rain/sandstorms inside once they go off screen.

    • Please make everything in the game currently capable of reproducing or replicating if it's a building or decorative item. Crafting, purchasing, I don't care, I need some way to gather these blocks or furniture that doesn't involve my scouring multiple planets for such little payout.

    • As always more interesting attacks and abilities. I personally really like the 'grab' ability some had that kept you from getting away or attacking. It made me treat those enemies as a threat as jumping in blindly would get me killed.

    • This one is highly desired. Give me back random systems or create a more diverse selection of planets in a solar system! I'm tired of eccentric being: arid, ocean. I like it more when the systems were more like notifications of how dangerous they were rather then what was inside of them.
    • If possible could you give the ships some more 'racial' features? For instance, the Floran ship (My favorite) has all these beautiful vines, roses, bones, and flowers along the outside of it. Is there any way to show those same features on the inside on the walls? Maybe as furniture maybe as walls. Which goes back to my whole crafting concept, being able to craft or purchase said walls would be great.
    All just off the top of my head. I'll add more if I think of more.
  2. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    I just wanna quote this for a YES PLEASE. There's some wood blocks, like the Classic Baseboard, that I would use the HELL out of, but they're so bloody rare right now.
    Tamorr likes this.
  3. Broconut

    Broconut Cosmic Narwhal

    Incoming giant wall of text! Some of this stuff might count as new features, so I apologize if that's the case.

    Changes to make planets more interesting:
    • Planets are way too common. Tone their numbers down and increase the average distance between star systems. This should help make planets less disposable.
    • Star types should have no effect on the types of planets that orbit them. Rather than having Gentle, Eccentric, Radioactive, Frozen and Fiery, we should have their actual stellar classes (A, K, G, B, and M) This will allow all star types to contain any combination of planets as well as adding a touch of realism.
    • The distance a planet is from its star should determine what kind of planet it is. Close planets should be hot (magma/volcanic), distant planets should be cold (frozen/midnight) and planets within the Goldilocks zone should be more Earth-like.
    • Planets should be less homogeneous. Why can't a planet with forests also have deserts, oceans, jungles, taigas, etc? It makes sense for some planets to be homogeneous like the frozen and fiery planets, but the planets we currently have from gentle to radioactive stars could be much more varied.
    • More mini biomes. Even if they're just a new mixture of existing assets, it would be better than the little variety we have now. I feel like a lot of the biomes from the old VitSotU mod could work as mini biomes.
    • Mini biomes should have their own parallax. Fade the parallax between biome transitions. The background underground already does this, so why not do it at the surface level too?
    • More underground biomes and structures. The types of underground biomes and structures that appear should be based on the surface biome they're under. No ice caves under volcanic biomes please.
    • Mini biomes and underground biomes should be uncommon instead of guaranteed in order to make finding them more rewarding.
    • Add different variants of primary biomes (like forest and desert) with slightly altered parallaxes, tiles and terrain modifiers so they're not always exactly the same. An example would be adding a desert variant with a mountainous parallax, sandstone for its main block and steeper hills and valleys like a canyon.
    • Allow sub blocks to take on a biome's hue shift. This will fix problems like deserts with red sand not having red fine sand as well.
    • The number of different biomes a planet can have should be based off of it's size. Larger planet = more biomes.
    • Different hues for tiles of the same type don't blend well and should be fixed. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
    • Pristine planets with no structures (underground and surface) but more natural resources, mini bosses and more dangerous monsters with increased drop rates.
    • Planets with dungeons should be rare and consistent; that is, a planet would be populated by one species and contain a few dungeons for that species only. Have the ship’s navigator inform the player whether a planet is pristine (untouched by civilization) or inhabited/previously inhabited.
    • Make planets more alive. Have grass spread on its own. Let bushes, flowers, vines and other flora slowly take back barren areas cleared out by players, or at the very least, allow players to do it manually by collecting seeds from these plants. Saplings that fall from a tree could plant themselves when they touch the ground and could then be collected by the player if they want them.
    EDIT: Back for another round of suggestions.

    Changes to improve the game’s economy:
    • Containers are everywhere! It completely kills the excitement of finding them. Limit chests and other containers with loot to structures only (with the exception of capsules) and significantly improve the loot tables to compensate for this.
    • Make it so capsules drop a very small amount of pixels and nothing else. Item drops like torches, flares and climbing rope are a nuisance to players who have already progressed up to mid game.
    • Pixels are so abundant that they practically have no value. Monsters should not drop pixels. The amount of pixels in chests should be significantly reduced. Make it so players have to actually earn the majority of their pixels through rent or selling goods to merchants.
    • Tenants should always pay the player in pixels with the chance of a small gift on the side. More often than not, tenants give the player items they don’t even need or want, so please make every tenant pay in pixels.
    • Merchants should not have unlimited items and pixels. Make it so they have to restock over time. Make it so that the player cannot dump all their useless stuff into one merchant. Make specialized merchants offer more pixels for the kinds of goods that they sell, like a doctor paying you extra for medkits and stim packs.
    And some other miscellaneous suggestions:
    • Furniture sets are way too limited. Expand upon them. I want to see sinks, cupboards, cabinets, wardrobes, dressers, desks, lamps, nightstands, bookcases, fridges, toilets, tubs and a bunch of other stuff for a lot of the furniture sets currently in the game. (see: Pixel Goods Store mod) Themed tiles to go with the furniture sets would be awesome too.
    • Allow the player to scan tiles just like they can with objects in the nightly. If a player finds a new tile that they want to build with, they should be able to scan it and learn a recipe to craft more of it.
    • Remove monsters from deep underground and add new threats instead like heat, pressure, gas pockets and radioactive materials.
    • Make asteroid fields and the space above planets cold again. Make the space above planets non-breathable.
    • Hand crafted cities that the player discovers throughout Starbound's story. They could be visited from the ancient gate after being given their coordinates between key missions. These hubs could contain merchants and plenty of side quests. Maybe even make it so that the player has to talk to NPCs around town to get the information they need to continue with their quest to find the six keys, all while picking up bits of lore along the way.
    • Have monsters of the same type spawn in groups from time to time. Have tougher monsters come out at night with dark color palettes to help blend in with the darkness. Give monsters sounds again.
    Whew, that was a truckload. Glad to have gotten all that off my chest.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
  4. roman.stanash

    roman.stanash Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I want to see some form of a enchanting table for weapons elemental status and right click ability. All I want in starbound.
  5. Pilchenstein

    Pilchenstein Ketchup Robot

    Stop snow from doing this:
    The MechE likes this.
  6. Aldath

    Aldath Void-Bound Voyager

    Okay... here goes:

    Stop tying planet danger level to biome!: Chucklefish, it has been said many times before. We don't want this. It kills the desire for us to explore and create planets in biomes that are not lava, since it's sadly the only one that seems to make our colonies actually rentable. We want reasons to explore every ind of biome again!

    Bring back craftable boss items: Really, planets need some action! Something you guys have to keep in mind is that the community has been asking for reasons to explore, and somehow tie that exploration to more than "GET ORES". Craftable boss items were a good idea that we have seen on other crafting games, and they usually work! Remember Chucklefish, no good innovation comes if you don't try to improve what others have done. Even great videogame hits have been improvements of others!

    No more contact damage: Another one frequently discussed by the community. Contact damage simply doesn't works with the new combat system, since weapons as gauntlets need you to stay up close to the monsters when many of them still will charge without tells and "moving" is pretty much an attack now.

    Give us a chance to skip the tutorial, or change it: As someone else pointed out, it's not fun at all to go and dig to the very core of the planet with a weak tool in order to get an ore that you will use oly ONCE during all gameplay. It looks like an endgame task, FEELS like an endgame task, and in the end you just notice all that trip underground was for nothing. When I create a new character, I fear doing all that chore again.

    Give armors more than just defense bonuses: With that said, give armors passive bonuses deppending on the set; make them unique.

    Implement an option to hide armor pieces: Seriously! Sometimes we want to see our character's faces, but there's not option to hide the armors whatsoever!

    Terrain elevations do not work with hoverbike: I'm not talking about bumps and small hills, but many, many planets have huge elevations with deep chasms on the other side, which are impossible to go across without digging. Hoverbike is an awesome addition, but the way you generate planets with said elevations and hoverbikes do not go well together.

    Chucklefish, I hope you listen to us in the end :(
  7. Pilchenstein

    Pilchenstein Ketchup Robot

    Make the dash techs activate by some other method than double tapping because that means you have to stop running to use them and it feels goofy. Also make the ftl dash reactivate faster - having to wait until every single particle has vanished is annoying.
    Shadow Wolf TJC and Lazer like this.
  8. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Craftable boss items were implemented terribly before, and have absolutely nothing to do with "exploration". In addition, no on knows how Chucklefish is planning on changing how progression works for the Story update. It's a huge update that has already completely changed the "tutorial" level.

    /spawnitem emptychest
    /spawnitem emptylegs

    You're welcome.
    Thalant likes this.
  9. Aroxys

    Aroxys Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I just have two points that I haven't seen covered:

    • Bring back varying ammo types for guns. I get that the fact that alternate fire covers this somewhat, but the fact of the matter is that Chucklefish seems to have just arbitrarily thrown away a ton of really fun ammo types. Especially for the Grenade Launchers. We used to have at least half a dozen uniquely functioning grenade types, now we just have the one and it can be replaced by a shotgun/assault rifle/sniper rifle with the correct alternate fire function.
    • Bring back and rebalance legendary weapons. THIS removal just makes no sense to me. One of the points of exploring entire worlds for me was to track down and find weapons that behaved unlike any other and have fun using them against the hapless fools who get in your way. I was excited about earlier builds because the catalog of legendary weapons was set to be expanded, but instead they all got removed? Not even Challenge Doors, where you think this weapon type would show up produces anything more spectacular than maybe the new basic weapon types.
    • Correction: Three points. Please, PLEASE revert turrets to their previous function, or just give them a basic default gun to use that you can swap out for one you found. Give them a damage multiplier based on the difficulty of the planet and possibly based on the Ferozium armor (since it's supposed to be the gunner armor.) They're useless right now anywhere but on a harmless or mostly harmless world.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
    Mockingbird :D and STCW262 like this.
  10. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    I just want to underline this again; I remember this list from my first days of Starbound, and I would be glad if the developers keep their promises first before they randomly ask "what to add to 1.0"?

    Especially this:

    Macro Terrain Changes: Affect an entire planet’s terrain and weather

    is the point I'm crying for since the so-called winter update in december 2014, when all planets have become the same when it comes to weather. Back in Koala, we had planets with sunshine-only. Please give us the power to influence the weather. I'm sick of all these storms on ocean worlds and sandstorms on desert planets when I'm going to have a concert.

    Besides that: server stability. Server stability. Server stability. And: server perfomance.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
    Azidoazide Azide and SivCorp like this.
  11. Psycho Hyena

    Psycho Hyena Phantasmal Quasar

    From what I've seen in the nightlies you're already moving towards that but I just want to echo that sentiment of making more and more blocks craftable. I still don't really see why you can't scan and print them but if that's not an option I'll take crafting. Maybe scan blocks and then you can craft them if you don't want to lose out on exploration too much? Though preferably without having to clear cut an entire planet just to build a log cabin or thatch shack since that really just replaces the tedium of knocking down villages with an even bigger job. So lighten those material requirements will ya? Also has the glow of ship thrusters bleeding inside been fixed yet? It's been like that for ages, can't still have a blue tinted ship on the big 1.0.
  12. Pilchenstein

    Pilchenstein Ketchup Robot

    Bring back ore in loose sand, that was way more fun than regular mining.
  13. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex


    It was super fun and was something that really set Starbound apart, as well.
  14. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Just reminded of this!

    Please give us a "hatless" invisible Vanity Armor. You've given us the option to have a lot of very cool hair/feathers/fins/etc on our characters, but equipping a helmet is essential to survival. What if we want to show off that scalp ornamentation but don't want to wear Glasses or whatever "minimal" Vanity Armor we might have been lucky enough to find? Let us gain the protection we need while maintaining the look we want!
    Mockingbird :D and Tamorr like this.
  15. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Although an emptyhead item would also suffice, here is a temporary solution from reddit:

    /spawnitem winterscarfhead 1 '{"directives": "?replace;6f2919=00000000;a85636=00000000;e0975c=00000000;ffca8a=00000000"}'
  16. Lichen

    Lichen Big Damn Hero

    I would like an option to disable weather visual effects to make my game appear less laggy
    Tamorr and Beatrice like this.
  17. HighTech109

    HighTech109 Void-Bound Voyager

    I took a look to all the requests in here, and i want to give my opinions and wishes.
    Pretty much the only thing a want in the game that hasn't been already said is a balance for magical weapons. I've tried so hard to make a character that uses staves and has fitting backstory. I eventually came up with a Hylotl priest, and played the whole game, only to notice that staves really suck. And it's for one reason: you can't move and are completly open to attacks while you charge the staff, and the payoyut in damage is minimal. Please give us the ability to at least walk slowly and jump while we charge to dodge attacks, and either increase the damage of staves or increase their charge speed, or both.
    Also, i want to give my opinion on this thread: please give us some feedback to what we write here. It feels like you're not even reading our requests. At least reply to our posts, or say something in the updates log.
    Azidoazide Azide, STCW262 and Thalant like this.
  18. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    During a previous update you guys showed a plan to 1.0 that you had made where you mentioned something about player built space stations.....are those still coming at all or not?
  19. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    Oh, More rare loot would be cool. The collectible monster figures were a nice touch, and the unique ranged weapons that were added recently are also great. More stuff like that.

    And biomes. We can never have enough biomes.
    Mockingbird :D likes this.
  20. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I'm not member of the devs team, but the colony system seems to be a nice step towards it, if not it's spiritual successor.
    Azidoazide Azide likes this.
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