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RELEASED Avali (Triage) 1.11.0

Return of the most adorable predators this side of the universe rift

  1. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Yep, and it'd be easier to get rid of Avali than FU. As it stands, I can just avoid that tab for now.
  2. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    There's no place in the avali mod that references the item "avalipethouse", so the crash is not coming from the Avali mod. I can't tell you where it IS coming from either cause you and 7 other people have reported this as an issue but there's literally nothing I can do to resolve it short of adding a dummy item named "avalipethouse" that does nothing.
    letmethrough and notanaccount2 like this.
  3. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Ok, THAT is really weird. Well, one mod down, too many more to check. >_< lol.
  4. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    If you send me your modpack (Like, literally, zip it all up and put it somewhere I can download) I can give you the answer in 5 minutes.

    EDIT: I'll also need your Workshop files, if any. They'll be at one of these locations:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820
    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820
    Just zip those up and I'll look through them too
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
    notanaccount2 likes this.
  5. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Hrmm, most of them are from steam, just trying to sort out ones that may be culprits at the moment. Could be Frackin' Races, as it has some racial things, but didn't think it added any pet stuff. Yet another I cannot remove without wiping characters, not universe at least, lol. I'll get a zip posted for ya when I can. I don't really have a lot of mods is the issue, just weird it's that ONE thing that crashes.

    Edit: Just realize it had ALL of the mod folders still in my file for steam. might dig thru and see if anything got left when I removed a few mods.
  6. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    do you have a ship pet mod at all? i know there was that ship pet for avali that was a robot that if i remember right had a pet house for it.
  7. Smokamrok

    Smokamrok Void-Bound Voyager

    The Avali honestly look more like large rabbits to me. :avalibleh:
  8. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    If you have mods installed from both places, delete the folder versions. This can cause issues if a mod developer tries to remove something.

    But, no, seriously, send me your modpack, I need to figure out what to start telling people cause the number of people sending in "IM CRASHING ON NANOLATHE CONTAINER MENU!!!!!!!!!" and giving me a log pointing to "avalipethouse" is getting on my nerves
  9. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    As far as mods from here, I switched to steam a while ago, so none downloaded from here. Will get the upload when I get home from work tonight. Any ideas for a site for the upload, as the file is too big for uploading thru here.
  10. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    Dropbox, Google Drive, anything like that.
  11. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Okay, so, 1. Are you insane?
    2. Are you seriously considering this to be a better idea than adding a dummy item named avalipethouse?
    Anyways, it's this mod. ( 748625593 )
    First result searching for avali + pet.
    Could also be any of the other variants, but they're all on the same page if you search that.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
    notanaccount2 likes this.
  12. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    While their ears are described as "rabbit like" on the wiki, you'd have to ignore their feathers.
  13. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

  14. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    ... You're never going to believe this: It's the Borderlands Item Mod. The contents.pak I found the recipe that's causing crashes was found with a mod ID of "745076162" which, if you plug that into a Workshop url, leads you to http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=745076162 which is the Borderlands Item Mod.

    I've contacted them and told them the issue, hopefully they'll resolve it.

    1. Perhaps, but if I am it's been caused by the number of people sending in this bug report
    2: Yes, because the Avali mod is not "Let's fix bugs in other people's mods". Should I also add a dummy item for every possible item name just in case another mod dev tries to add another recipe that doesn't have a corresponding item?

    Anyways, if they had that mod they wouldn't be crashing, because it's crashing with a "No such item" error, and having that mod would mean the item exists. Furthermore, they don't HAVE this mod installed, which you'd know if you read the error logs.

    In any case, the problem mod is, as stated above, the Borderlands Item Mod, and I've contacted them to get them to remove the erroneous file.
    notanaccount2 likes this.
  15. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Never would have suspected that one, lol. At least it's found finally.
  16. Smokamrok

    Smokamrok Void-Bound Voyager

    sure, but in the low pixel quality one cant really distinguish between feathers or fur. I'm just talking about their appearance, not about their anatomy. For me their appearance strongly reminds of a rabbit.
  17. Ancev Caine

    Ancev Caine Existential Complex

    For anyone who still remembers my old Avali Logistics Frigate from back in the day, a fine individual known on these forums as @bearffalo has updated both the white and black versions to 1.3 and uploaded them to the Steam Workshop. I'd like to give him my thanks for keeping my old work alive.
    bearffalo and Arti78 like this.
  18. bearffalo

    bearffalo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ancev Caine likes this.
  19. aBOXofTOM

    aBOXofTOM Pangalactic Porcupine

    Borderlands item mod breaking all our nanolathes. that's a new one.
  20. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    They were trying to copy/reverse-engineer the pet mod into a pet mod for their Borderlands mod, gave up, and deleted all the files.

    They just missed one.

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