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RELEASED Avali (Triage) 1.11.0

Return of the most adorable predators this side of the universe rift

  1. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    This really is the best I could get it:

    I'm flailing about trying to figure out through trial-and-error WTF some of these undocumented variables control... I was able to let it be fired near a wall be changing the "fireOffset" value, but it won't get close to the wall.

    I think the issue is that it's assuming that the "hook" object needs to be embedded into the wall, where here the object I'm holding is also the "hook". I used blank image files for the mock hook, and was able to remove the rope by setting the value:
    "ropeWidth" : 0.0,
    However, there are two variables I just CANNOT figure out what they're controlling:
    "ropeOffset" : [0.0, 0.0],
    "ropeVisualOffset" : [1.0, 1.0],
    My changes to "ropeVisualOffset" seem to have moved the spawn point for the now-invisible rope to roughly the tip of the pickaxe blade, but I can't figure out what "ropeVisualOffset" is supposed to do.

    Furthermore, there seems to be no real way to stop it from being able to be "reeled in" apart from just setting "breakLength" value to something very low. There are these two variables:
    "reelInDistance" : 0.0,
    "reelOutLength" : 0.0,
    ...But setting them to 0 does not mean you can't real in - it just means you can't real back out again.

    Unfortunately for the mechanics you'd want to use something like this for (run, jump, and click), I have to give it some amount of variance, and thus the lowest I could set the "breakLength" value to was 3-5, otherwise you would occasionally not "connect" with the wall or ceiling you were trying to attach to.

    EDIT: Got the spear working fairly quickly, but the rocket launcher... I have no idea lmao. The good news is it can be crafted and held... and that's about it atm LOL!
  2. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Hey, has someone made a protectorate uniform to fit the avali yet?
    By the way... you get avali crewmembers the exact same way you get vanilla crewmembers, except you use an avali tenant instead.

    If you really can't be bothered to build a colony, /spawnnpc avali crewmembertailor
    All crewmember types:
  3. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    Tenant? What's that? The only crewmembers I have been able to recruit were ones I gained the trust of by doing long quest chains for them.
  4. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Wait, was it a tenant or the other dudes? I forgot
    Anyways do long quest chains for avali.

    Yup, definitely tenants.
  5. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    I've only managed to get "soldiers", and I haven't made a colony yet, so maybe that's why.

    They do all seem to wear the same uniforms, so I see what you mean there (although I've not edited it - they all came wearing that):

  6. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Okay, well... yeah, if you want an avali crewmember you're gonna have to kick all of them off the ship and get exclusively avali crewmembers so that they can wear avali uniforms. Wear something easily dyable like survival gear and talk to the tailor when you get one, so you can change your avali crew's uniform to something avali instead of the protectorate uniform.
  7. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    Wouldn't an easy fix to this issue be to make all the outfits invisible?

    I mean sure they'd all be naked, but you could have more than one race besides avali lmao... n.nU
  8. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere


    make them all wear this

    Jokes(?) aside, I've got an idea rolling around in my head about how to get the Avali crewmembers into avali-fitting gear.
  9. jaymee_murder

    jaymee_murder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is a bad idea, the minibosses in the game that are rescaled are one of the worst looking things, yes everything is rescaled, but they are rescaled to look equal in design, anything rescaled differently will affect the pixel art and how it matches the rest and ends up looking tacky and cheap, some things in the game do it well, such as planets in the sky, but the effect ends up working for them because the smaller pixels kinda works with the planets being so far away, but when it comes to objects like items and mobs the rescaling will be obvious cos it will be constantly compared to everything else including the character.
    --- Post updated ---
  10. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    *Has 100% unlocked achievements*
    There's minibosses in this game?!
  11. joeyseafood

    joeyseafood Phantasmal Quasar

  12. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    Some minor quests. You can occationally find someone on a random planet who will ask you to kill a "miniboss" version of a normal monster, which has more health, does more damage, and is about 3x the size.

    I didn't have any Creature Capture Pods on me at the time to check, but I'd assume they're uncatchable. :p
  13. Sir mudkip

    Sir mudkip Phantasmal Quasar

    items seem to be missing from crafting stations after latest update
    --- Post updated ---
    note it only seems to effect other races that are not avali
  14. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    >makes breakthrough in mining technology
    >gets buried by drama
    >considers taking breakthrough elsewhere
  15. sovereign961

    sovereign961 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I did see the mining laser that you posted, and I was really impressed by it. The only question I had is how the focusing lens system might work, since I don't know of any magazine style system for weapons in SB. Having the item have a durability, like the old avali mining laser?
  16. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    The old one I think was also based on my work albeit much simpler, pickaxes and drills are unfortunately hard coded.

    I might be able to make it consume items...
  17. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Make it use energy like the energy pickaxe. Anything else is just annoying and I might as well just mine with my energy pickaxe.
  18. shadowd15

    shadowd15 Pangalactic Porcupine

    It looks like the Avali grappling hook is broken (though a little skimming of the last couple pages makes me think you guys are working to solve it). I had it on a character, she used it and now her techs are broken and the hooks never leave the tiles they're embedded in. It's a pretty bad state of affairs. Getting rid of the grappling hook didn't stop the issue.
  19. Ser-matticus

    Ser-matticus Big Damn Hero

    I'd belive it, it would be pretty cool if we had a coded entry for each species regarding their academy days
  20. k7avenger

    k7avenger Void-Bound Voyager

    I can confirm this. The techs refuse to work at all, and the grapple too.

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