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RELEASED Avali Race Mod, The second thread!

Discussion in 'Races' started by RyuujinZERO, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    It's not a 100 percent update. More like 95%. If you've updated the dungeons, let me know and I can add those in to my version, or vice versa.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  2. Mrmii21

    Mrmii21 Pangalactic Porcupine

    In my opinion I think the Apex ship might have been more fitting.
    But all the same, I can't wait for Ryu to put this out! Thanks!
  3. mizucario

    mizucario Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I actually just managed to make the species itself to work for Giraffe. As well as most of the items, furnitures, tiles and the weapons.
    As for the armor, inserts and the like, I've managed to get them working on the Avali Loom, Lathe and Gun bench respectively.
    Though I haven't gotten to making the high tier armors/weapons working yet. Still in a work in progress for me.

    The Dungeon itself is what I was planning on skipping because I'm not well versed in that area of coding .w.

    I can give you some of the work I've done for the mod just feel free to message me.
  4. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Well, all that doesn't work in my version is the dungeons, and the old Avali ship, so I really don't need anything else. Sorry...
  5. mizucario

    mizucario Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Lol~ Its alright :p
    Was just hoping I could lend a helping hand, thats all~
    Good Luck by the way~
  6. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    I may be a bit late to the conversation about 3D modding games, but I will say it anyways: There haven't been that many truly moddable 3D games coming out of late, and most of the good ones are stating to show their age. The one I've been working with the most is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's not the best game for modding (certain things are EXCEPTIONALLY hard to do, like animations), but its not *THAT* bad, either. It's current enough to have a more recent physics engine (it uses Havok Tools), but it's also been out long enough for the modding community to release enough third party tools and map out all of what's possible for modding with the game. A while back I managed to make and rig a custom creature model for the game using 3ds Max (I wasn't very good at texture mapping, so excuse the poor quality textures).
  7. Shadow Gamer

    Shadow Gamer Void-Bound Voyager

    Will the missing features be added in the near future? Half the reason the Avali are bad ass is because of their ship.
  8. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I don't know if it would serve much purpose, considering that it would only fit the first few ships and would have to be replaced by something larger later. Maybe eventually, but it's dependent on the Avali getting tiered ship designs.
  9. Revaer

    Revaer Void-Bound Voyager

    First off: Have you considered releasing the mod on your own, calling it Avali 2.0 instead as RyuujinZERO implied initially? I actually think that would make more sense at this point. I'd just download the 2.0 and know you're randomly now the official head of the project. Then we'd just submit our various ideas and whatnot directly to you, and you'd decide what to ask RyuujinZero or not? If he's tired of dealing with it, I'd rather see him free of it, right?

    Have you considered using a customizable ship design instead of the 'upper' tiers? Making up a pure-block ship that can be edited freely? The 'tiered' aspect would be broken, but on the flip-side the ship could be as expansive/compacted as each individual player would like. MadTulip's ship mod is out again, you could ask for something along those lines. Heck, if the art for various ship parts was all you needed I'm sure someone could design a few sprites, and maybe you could just make them into compatible parts for the ship or something. Maybe make a new Nano-Something for the custom ship bits. I'd offer to do art myself if it wasn't so time-consuming for me. Then again, if I was offering artwork, I'd probably throw down a 'tiered' design as well.

    How hard would an Avali AI be to do? Maybe I'll lazily look into it. :p
  10. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    But... I'm not the "official head". o_O

    I'm just quick, and resourceful (at times). I was under the impression that Ryuujin wanted to maintain ownership of the mod, but was not interested in doing the update work himself, so he left it up to the community. I just contributed in the way I could.

    I also have zero interest with working with ships, yet. Dungeons are something I might get around to by Friday, but I'm not sure. As soon as Ryuujin updates the mod download, people can feel free to contribute in whatever way they see fit.
  11. Revaer

    Revaer Void-Bound Voyager

    SO, snipping a bit I got a VERY different impression. So, let me reword my request then. Why don't we then SET an official head, such as a quick resourceful fellow for example, to launch an UNOFFICIAL variation of the Avali race until RyuujinZERO feels like continuing it. If a certain someone continues his amazing work later, we'll just let him of course. I doubt anyone would mind him taking any of the work we put into the Avali either. Until then, why bother the guy if he'd rather stay away from it for now? We could even ask the people who made their own mod content for Avali for permission to include it in our community variation of the Avali mod. I'm totally down for all their super-cool Cantina outfits to be included proper, for example. If they say no, that'll be a different issue and I'll wait/cope my own way. :D

    In that light, the AI is filled with a bunch of patch files I don't feel like editing, but I could totally do some easy artwork by the end of tomorrow (I hope) to at least make something visually unique for the Avali right? I may have arbitrarily started, on that note. I'll look into the rest of the AI later I guess
  12. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I guess, when you put it that way, there really isn't a point for waiting for Ryuujin to update the download. As such, here is the download for Avali (UG), for anyone interested in playing as an Avali with access to everything except an Avali ship and Avali structures:

    Still, I'm not sure I want to be considered "head" of this "Avali 2.0". I have nothing against the Avali, but I'm more of a Gallavoir kind of guy. :)

    I am not opposed to helping update other mods, like Catalina or Avali Augments, or even to help with other coding aspects like unique AI text and animations, but I am already involved in several of my own mods AND I try to have a life outside of these forums. A small one, but one nonetheless.

    Also, getting permission to update Catalina might be a challenge, considering the author hasn't been active for a year.

    GROVER CURES HOUSES Void-Bound Voyager

    As someone who's actually modded for TES, lel no. 50+% of the moddability comes from hacks and fragile external toolkits. If SB had the same level of talent and obsession as the TES community, an unauthorized SB2 would have been released before SB even hit UG. For all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, Lua is a real language, unlike the Great Satan Papyrus.
  14. Revaer

    Revaer Void-Bound Voyager

    Point taken I suppose. I haven't exactly been 'active' in this community much. If someone wanted the honor, I guess they can nominate themselves for the task. No-one said it had to be a full-time constant time-consuming thing... but it IS really implied. I'll appreciate any and all work that you DO get done, and maybe just collect it all in my little free time. :p (Then again, if people felt like just sending it to me I guess I could monitor progress or something. I could put together a to-do list and stuff and see what the community wants to do and whatnot.)

    In useless news, I can't decide on a color for the Avali AI. I'm super tempted to make it break the mold and be colorful just for sake of "I can" at this point. Maybe a darker blue? I got the basic idea visualized, but now I get to start putting details to it. Once I get that done, the emotes should be a LOT simpler. I edit better then I create, I guess.
  15. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    Avali is orange, duh. Their interfaces are all graphene and orange, why shouldn't their AI?
  16. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    I am well aware of the shortcomings of modding in the TES series, I was just saying that there hasn't been anything good lately, and it had a half-decent physics engine.
    I also am very familiar with modding Bethesda games. Name 20 other modders that successfully made a custom rigged creature for Skyrim - I didn't say it was "the best" or "easy" (quite the opposite), I just meant that as for CURRENT moddable games its about as good as it gets. Name a better fully moddable 3D game that's been released in the last 5 years...
  17. Revaer

    Revaer Void-Bound Voyager

    Ehh... I'd rather not see the Novakid orange copied over to the AI. I prefer something a bit more... exotic maybe? Anyway, I guess I'll just do the multicolor thing. It makes the strange avatar I picked a bit more interesting anyway... I hope. I guess you'll guys just tell me if my random sprites seam too out of place or not. You could always do your own after all.

    I might need to edit this a few times to figure out how to do attachments right. <_< >_> <_<;

    Attached Files:

  18. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I have no idea what you made, but I don't believe it would fit the Avali at that angle. How about having it face the player more?

    GROVER CURES HOUSES Void-Bound Voyager

    https://openmw.org/en/ :V ?
  20. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Ryuu originally suggested a sort of waveform (because of the Avali being very sound oriented) and honestly that seems like it would be very easy and fit well.
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