OOC Avali Nexus OOC

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Avali Nexus, Mar 23, 2015.

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  1. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    It works! :DD
    Is this actually happening? Because the gunfire sounds might be a way for me to get this meeting thing over with already.
  2. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

  3. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Where is it?
  4. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Two blocks over?
  5. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    That works.
  6. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Well. Sirius just called Galaxion "Sir"...
    That's a thing, I guess.
    Should it be a thing?
  7. BloodClunk

    BloodClunk Void-Bound Voyager

    Character name: Kushen Ciger. Business name: Jawdrop

    Race: Glitch (Male)

    Personality and description: Jawdrop loves Action and always loved the sound of Guns.
    He always wants something exciting to happen or else he will be bored. He prefers to be alone, and he doesn't do well in Groups.

    Backstory: Jawdrop, or Kushen Ciger was raised in a bandit lair, he never knew his real parents, neither did he know of any family members. Since he became 10 Jawdrop didn't like anyone, because of his loneliness.
    When he became 18 the bandits kicked him out and he was all alone on a Planet called Dexhola, a jungle planet, where he lived and stayed for about 2 years until an Apex came alone in his ship, the Apex was
    a scientist and wanted to take some plants and insects with him for him to inspect. Jawdrop couldn't live like this and he decided to take it his life in his own hands and murdered the Apex with a scalpel that he stole from the Apex. He took the ship and became a Bountyhunter, after a while people called him Jawdrop because of his insane act of violence. Jawdrop would kill his parents for business, for money, because he never knew how it is to have a real family that loves one. And now he is roaming the Universe, taking in orders for the right amount of Pixel.

    Traits: He has a sharp eye and can see like an eagle from far, far away. He also has no limit for violence and is very well built in strength.

    Flaws: Jawdrop trust only a very little amount of people, and it'll take a long time for him to talk open about himself or other things. He is insane and has no limit of anger when it comes to talking about his "family".
  8. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    For those who like to read the OOC topic first, please see this post for details.
  9. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Answers to questions I know I will get:

    Q: Will the RP ever return, and will it still be the same?
    A: I have no real plans for the RP. The time until the postponing ends will be "indefinite" until further notice. I don't know what I'll be doing with it when it returns, but there will be no changes until then.

    Q: Are you serious?
    A: Yes. This is taking too much time and energy. My personal life has caused me some stress lately and I would like to have a period of peace.

    Q: Why such personal reasons?
    A: I can't deny I'm practically the cornerstone of the RP. Unfortunately, the binding I made it to me when I started the worldbuilding has caused these personal reasons to have a much larger effect on the RP than if I was a normal player.

    Q: Can't someone else take over?
    A: Swapping out Moderators would change the feel and direction of the RP, and when I return the universe would be so changed it would be impossible for me to take the throne again.

    Q: I don't care, I'm RPing anyways!
    A: Although I would love to make a rant about people being disrespectful to my wishes, just remember that the planets don't write themselves. You'd wander aimlessly around places we've already set in perfect detail, of which there are few.

    Q: You gonna reveal the big secret yet?
    A: That would ruin the point of coming back later.
  10. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Haha. Ha.
    Yes, I know you're the reason this universe is the way it is, but just because you can't be there to make sure every detail is kosher should not mean that everyone else has to stop.
    That's like a game developer saying "hey because this isn't turning out the way I'd hoped I'm just gonna shut down the game servers suddenly, and all the fans and people who have put a lot of time into it can go die in a hole." Of course, that has happened before, and usually it makes a lot of people very unhappy. Obviously.
    Now, I know I shouldn't complain since my interaction has been minimal (due to not having the right circumstances to really start interacting yet / lack of time to do so) but honestly a lot of the non-personal problems seem like they could be solved with:
    A. A few retcons [I like my retcons]
    B. Some rules put in place [to stop situations that make people get stuck in a deadlock or work around them]
    C. More RP moderators [yes I know you said it wouldn't be the same, but is that not better than just scrapping it entirely?]

    Also, on that note...
    Don't act like this is your world alone. Everyone here contributed to it in some way, big or small.
    "The throne" implies that you are the lord, with infinite power over everyone and everything.
    True as it may be that you are the RP admin here and as a result the world does technically revolve around you, that really should not be the case, a clear example of why being right now. There should be more people who can "take over" or you share secret notes about the world so they can do important stuff with the important factions, etc.
    But whatever, that's just me giving my two cents.
    Good day.
  11. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    First off, I'm not dumping the entire RP into a trash can. It will continue to be a thing, just locked. And yes, I am important here. I decided to bear the chains, and now I want a break from them digging into my skin.

    A. Retcons are fucking messy, and we both know it. It means drawing another path that lines up with the beginning and the end, all without falling into the same trap as the original idea. Part of why I'm tired is because of all the things I still have to track down and retcon. (Would you like to search through twenty threads, each with 500 pages of 20 posts?)
    B. Getting around deadlocks creates plot holes and people feeling left out. Oh hey, since you weren't there for the super-important firefight of destiny, now your character has to explain why he didn't participate when he was on the ship.
    C. Are you volunteering or something? Mods are only really for keeping users in line, the Game Master tells the story. And let me tell you, I am terrible at details, so if you wanna try to take the crown, you'll have to listen to a billion "Oh, yes, and...".

    Next off, I'm aware that other people work with this. But it's all been small chunks for some plot event or mildly interesting thing. And let me tell you something about importance:

    Half a year ago I changed up the galaxy entirely (again) by creating an event that still doesn't make sense in my head, and everyone went with it. Remember it? The Republic march on 2190? Throughout this entire time, people have voluntarily agreed to whatever crazy idea I had that day. I might as well be the goddamn king, since everyone has taken to bowing to me, instead of, you know, raising up in a riot with the conveniently supplied pitchforks and torches. Oh, and as noted above, Half of this universe is buried in the RP and the other half is buried in my mind. You want a full list of secrets? Donate to some brain scientists and hope they make up a device that can read one's brain.

    You know what? I take the whole "I'm the captain and that means you all go with me" back. You can make your spin-off, but you're doing it without me, because I WANT A BREAK FROM THIS CHORE OF A UNIVERSE. IT IS TIRING, AND BORING. GALAXION, FOR ALL HIS DETAILS AND IMPORTANCE, IS BORING. THIS UNIVERSE, FOR ALL IT'S WAR, HAS BARELY CRAWLED A DAY OF TURMOIL AND BLOOD.

    You think being Game Master is easy? Here, take the crown.
  12. Timtimthe2nd

    Timtimthe2nd Big Damn Hero

    You've both made some good points. However, I would like to say that, Otter, you shouldn't have to bear being GM all alone. I think that, similar to what Shaad said, we should have more than one GM. No, I'm not volunteering, but I think that some dedicated members of this RP, the ones who have supported it and have been around long enough to know what they're doing, should also be made GMs. If we have multiple people collaborating together to make the universe and story, it would be less stress on everybody. Plus, having multiple people bounce ideas together would be beneficial to the accuracy and interest of the story. Now, I'm not saying that this has to be done, and I know if it is then there will have to be voting, and probably a little debate, but if we as a community come together and actively try to make a solution, truly, we can, and will, be able to overcome any problems we face. So I'm open to suggestions, but I feel like this could be a viable solution to ending otter's, and everyone else's stress.
  13. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    My stress is waking up every day with the little voice in the back of my head saying "Oh hey you still need to continue to story of Galaxion and Friends™, and let's not forget you might need to do a story involving Starling again because everyone probably forgot she exists again, maybe explain her out-of-character outburst last time, oh and what are you going to do with the mini-mecha squadron on Nexus IV, because you kinda left their story hanging, and let's not forget that Galaxion's 'I'm female' era still doesn't make sense, only you tried to make sense of it and you already made up a shaky solution to it, and did I mention the galaxy is still in a war? Hey maybe you should stall with another Freespace-world story!"

    It goes on and on. It's a chore, I need a break. You guys can try to hold down that fort if you want, but I don't want another thought of "where did Shaad get the gender-reversal serum, then?" crossing my mind for a long time.
  14. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    You aren't obliged to anything. You can take a break.
    All these plot threads? You don't need to do anything with them - plot threads are there, yes, but you don't have to do things with all of them. Hell, you don't have to do things with half of them. Heck, ignore all of them for now if you want to.
    Unexplained things? Let people come up with their own ideas and interpretations.
    You don't have to run everything and explain every detail from beginning to end.

    These were only a few limited suggestions, and I'm sure there are better ways to do it. Ask around, get ideas from people. Also, you can't please everyone.
    Yes, some odd things happened in the process of changing things up. So? Lots of weird things happen in reboots or changes. People went along with it probably because they trusted your judgement and because you had tasked yourself with worldbuilding.
    I never wanted to make a spin-off, I was just stating that I'm optimistic that the RP can take care of itself in your absence. A lot may not happen, but it will still be avaliable to those who want to do it. Ta da.
    End of discussion, because honestly I'm done with talking to you because you seem literally incapable of seeing anything but disaster.
  15. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Do explain what worth is entire plot is if it's anything less than shallow. Hell, if it's that worthless, might as well go back to shenanigans, right? A nice, rich story makes it worth it to play along, otherwise it's all just "Why are we following all these obscure limitations again?".
    I am not seeing other people taking over as a disaster. I'm sorry that I have been very closed with other avenues of solutions here, but my wishes is that the RP is paused (READ: PAUSED) until I can handle it again. I am also sorry that I disagree with someone else taking over, but that means coordinating at least some part of the universe to whoever decided it was a good idea to be the replacement. And you know what, I'm sorry that I thought that GMing would be easy. Being the fucking GM was never even my original intention. I just wanted some fucking story that wasn't the generic Starbound copy twisted by a year of gods playing sandbox. If you think we need someone new in charge, go ahead, see how it goes. It's not like I'm the only person who cares about something other than being a talking head on a planet we will never leave. I doubt anyone else would be interesting in shaking things up, BECAUSE THAT IS HAPPENING. EVERY SINGLE PERSON EXCEPT ME JUST WANTS TO DO THE SAME OLD "SLICE IF LIFE" STYLE TALK UNTIL THE END OF TIME.

    Hope you like a year or two in either a stagnant universe, or one where I can't even GM in again because anyone else is eventually going to take a left when I plotted out going right, which dumps a nice big ball of stress on me right off the bat.

    And why the fuck are you vouching for the RP when you couldn't even prop up a character longer than 5 posts? You of all people should agree that it's hell to work with.
  16. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Considering you outright stated that you find the universe, characters, and everything else boring
    I doubt, despite what you say, that it would ever start up again if stopped, but whatever.

    I don't know about everyone else, but I want stuff to happen. I have things planned that I never put into motion because there was no reason for it to happen (and I didn't want it to happen just yet) The thing is though that there are so many rules and regulations here that a lot of people are probably scared to do things lest they interfere with the universal canon or whatever, and everyone probably expects other people who are in charge of factions or large groups of characters to do things. I can prop up a character longer than five posts, but didn't that time (I'm assuming you're talking about Sirius and Rasano's interactions) because there was legitimately no reason to do so. Of course now everyone is in a ship or spread out, and it would feel stupid to randomly intrude.

    I don't even remember what I was talking about anymore because of how convoluted this discussion is becoming, so I'm actually going to quit this time.
    Take your break, close down the RP, whatever. Honestly, I don't see anyone else complaining so don't let me alone stop you.
    Besides, as you said, I don't do anything here despite my intent to.
  17. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Okay, so...I know what I'm about to say is going to involve so much heresy (and as per usual, I'm probably going to put this in the derpiest of manners), but as one of the people who barely got shit done, here's my thoughts on the RP closing.

    We. Are all. Doomed.

    Unless the RP gets a reboot somewhere down the line, an interesting piece of when I was doing my research showed that this place was quite literally the one and only Avali RP community on the internet. The remaining links I found? Adverts on more hardcore RP sites linking straight back to this thread. Yeah.

    I know I don't have the same degree of experience nor history with you guys as everyone else has had, but speaking from my experiences with Forum RP there are a few holes that could be fixed. Allowing just one person to essentially become the center of the entire plot is a sign that things are rather bad. Another is that glossing over the rules again, there was nothing to stop idlers or people leaving the RP. You all know about my issues with Corosar (whom I am now convinced has left the RP entirely before closure), but as I recall, it was mentioned that someone named "Gonzo" had things to do on the planet...before dropping. In both cases, neither party (to the best of my knowledge) informed anyone about them leaving, which holds up other players from posting and causes the RP to stagnate at best, or cause others to ragequit out of frustration at worst.

    Character-wise, I don't have much to comment on. While there was some weirdness and quite a few characters were "Gods of War", nobody really seemed dressed up as a blatant Mary Sue figure. Also speaking from experience, Combat in RP is notoriously difficult to do right and balance properly, so my sympathies in this regard.

    Overall, I am disappointed it ended like this. Much like Shaadaris (and possibly others who haven't posted here), I wanted to do so much more (and heck, I went out of my way to research the Avali Wiki, check over the "Creating a Character" notes on there and triple check for anything that might be too canonically violating) especially since I actually did kind of have ideas and stories that could be told, depending on how others interacted with us (let's just say in a nutshell either we slowly became more sane as things went on, or we went even further down the batshit crazy cyborg part harvesting Avali route).

    Will I come back if things get rebooted? Probably, but only if people actually liked having us around. My main point with coming here actually was to try and make some friends, but it does not appear to have ended well, and I'm pretty sure I've stepped on a lot of people's toes, accidentally or otherwise.

  18. Timtimthe2nd

    Timtimthe2nd Big Damn Hero

    Well, you haven't stepped on my toes. In fact, I was rather intrigued by your character. I'm sure we all had stories we wanted to tell, and I'm sure they would've been told eventually. I can see Otter has gotten bored being the GM, and isn't willing to try and collaborate with anyone to make a solution, which saddens me. I really enjoyed this thread and this community, and I hoped that we'd have a lot of fun together. Maybe, this thread will come back, but if we don't have people trying, then there's no way it will.
  19. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    In honest opinion, the GM is a role I can sympathise with. It's the job nobody wants :3
  20. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    It will return, just not in a small amount of time. It will not be permanently shut down, just until I can handle being GM again. There will be no changes to the universe until then, simple s that.
    When I first realized that I was practically GMing the universe, I thought, "Hey, this is easy! I'll just do this in my free time!". It's like writing stories, only instead of getting to spread the universe over several books and series, you have to crunch everything together because the players might go off to somewhere that is not Plot-Based Destiny Planet #14.
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