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Avali Community Additions [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Outdated Mods' started by Fevix, May 15, 2015.

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  1. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    I'm not sure i did anything worth mention yet, but thanks :) Good luck with finals, we'll try to have some sardines for ya when you're back, cat pal.

    I've been stuck away from creating anything thanks to some family health issues. Not sure for how long it'll keep me from actually MAKING anything, but we'll see... Hopefully everything ends well.
  2. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    That still wouldn't provide the traditional shotgun scattershot. The 5 rounds would always hit the exact same places. Again, railguns are extremely accurate, and today's real life railguns have been theorized to be able to hit targets that are over the horizon with reasonable reliability.

    EDIT: Clarification: I'm not trying to say that moving the gun would make the rounds continue to hit the same place. But anyone who's played an FPS/TPS has likely found a blank wall and fired their shotgun at it a few times to see what the spread looks like, and came out with something like this:

    Using the above shotgun and doing the same thing would give you a spread that looks like this:

    No matter how many extra shots you take with the 5-rail 'shotgun', you'd NEVER get a different spread. You can attach a 100-round magazine/roundloader to the rail-shotgun, put the gun in a clamp that'll hold it steady, then pull the trigger 100 times, and you'd still end up with the same pattern every time.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
    Never and OmegaMinion like this.
  3. Aku Hito

    Aku Hito Big Damn Hero

    Bah! I forgot to talk to you guys last night about my s hields no working... :(

    Also, would anyone be willing to color the durasteel shield please? Itd be great if anyone could.

    updateç on the talk of rail guns i had a weird bug happen where the railgun did more of a aoe attack dealing damage to everything arouns me for, i know for a fact thats not suppose to happen. While it happened once i have not been able to replicate it so it might just be a fluke
  4. Devani

    Devani Cosmic Narwhal

    The firelance's projectile bounces of walls, so if you were to shoot it in a inclosed area it could appear to have an AOE.

    I also still need to see your shields in order to help at all. ;)
  5. Aku Hito

    Aku Hito Big Damn Hero

    I was ouside it it kikled npcs as well nearby monsters, again I still think this is a fluke until it happens again, just announcing it.

    Edit: I was also shooting at the ground. Forgot to mention that.

    Yeah, I will post my shielda here when I get home as I got busy yesterday.

    Update: how much hp does the shields have at the last two tiers? Normally that is. This is important for what im making.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  6. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    SHields for T3 and T4 are 200 and 250 health.
  7. Never

    Never Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, yeah! I made it full well knowing that.

    It would function more like a shotgun does in starbound: The three or four shots come out of the barrel and fire in the same trajectory that they are assigned to fire in. Therefor, it would be more like a starbound shotgun than a normal shotgun.
  8. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    This makes a surprising whole lot of sense. Yeah, there are shotguns giving 7 shots and the like, always in the same angle, because of the limits of the 2d game.

    Make it a grenade/crag launcher and let's be happy about it.
  9. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

  10. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

  11. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    You know it can be fired simultaneously, thus making a wall of bullets, right? Which is kinda similar to a shotgun, but with individual bullets, not shrapnel.

    And while it could be counted as a minigun, its damage will look more like a shotgun attack. Which is why I'm nominating the Metal Storm-alike as a shotgun.
  12. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    If you look closely, you can actually see the impact spread isn't shotgun-like. It remains in the pattern it was shot in.
  13. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    Depending on the projectile type it actually does that... or not.
    But how to NOT make it OP?

    A wall of Bullets would likely decimate anything if you got close to it, unless it shoots back.
  14. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    Well yeah, it does not spread like a shotgun unless the barrels are arranged in a conical fashion.
    Which the Avali could do. And regarding OPness, we can tone it down by saying that this metal storm-like shotgun can only load a few 'salvo' at a time. Because it's handheld.
    Wonder if they can even be 1-handed?
  15. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    I remember seeing, long ago, on a page about adorned pistols and firearms in general, a pistol with about 7 barrels in a slight arch side by side. It seemed way less drunk than THIS. but it gives a slight idea~

  16. Ryehat

    Ryehat Void-Bound Voyager

    Holy crap I need me one of those tiny velociraptor thingies! Also, with the archaeopteryx I was thinking much, much smaller, like the size of a flying squirrel. So that if you had many it would look like a flock of little gliding reptilian birds around your character.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  17. Devani

    Devani Cosmic Narwhal

    I think I just learned how to use GIthub (not really) but I did manage to submit a pull request.
    Fevix likes this.
  18. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    This mod has been removed and is no longer available for download.
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