Modding Discussion Avali 1.0 Reboot Discussion

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by RyuujinZERO, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. BlueShard

    BlueShard Giant Laser Beams

    How fascinating, Doctor Leinglo.
  2. RowanEx

    RowanEx Pangalactic Porcupine

    I know you won't accept suggestions yet, but seeing that the Spore name is Iubati, what if the name "Avali" means "Avalon Iubati?"

    ...I'm just new and I didn't exactly made an account just to suggest.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  3. RowanEx

    RowanEx Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was about to delete it...
  4. LS_Wraith

    LS_Wraith Void-Bound Voyager

  5. Ser-matticus

    Ser-matticus Big Damn Hero

    Hey ryuujin... what happens if a avali pack comes across a lone avali 'orphaned' of its pack and of the same affiliation. i remember you said in the wiki packs could take in loners, but the bonds won't be as deep.
  6. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Did you just answer your own question?
    J_Mourne and RyuujinZERO like this.
  7. icytux

    icytux Void-Bound Voyager

    Will the mod be taking form as a new project here on the modding forums, or will you be doing it on the original Avali page?
    RowanEx likes this.
  8. Ser-matticus

    Ser-matticus Big Damn Hero

    well i mean more specifically what would happen, would they try to build bonds with them, would they try to treat them like a brother/sister?
  9. killertank901

    killertank901 Void-Bound Voyager

    saw the ship in development. Maybe you could make it a bit bigger? it looks tiny even next to the Novakid ship. No offense, but it is pretty small when put next to the other ships.

    Btw: I am a huge fan of the mod, and I love the way starbound supports mods.
  10. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Dude, it's just the image size that's smaller. Of course the ingame ship will have the same amount of space as all the other ships do.
  11. BlueShard

    BlueShard Giant Laser Beams

    The Avali probably have a wolf pack mentality, as such they would likely adopt an orphaned Avali out some sort of pack honour or natural social precedence. They wouldn't really treat them like brother, more like a someone her has suffered a tragedy and that they have a duty to support.
  12. Ser-matticus

    Ser-matticus Big Damn Hero

    That seems pretty believable... but i do also want ryuujins opinion on it... also what grade did you get on that project ryuu? cause a friend of mine said the avali's creation was a science project.
  13. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

  14. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  15. RowanEx

    RowanEx Pangalactic Porcupine

    Now that I look at it, it seems like it is gonna be a big ship...
  16. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Alrighty. I'm now settled in in 'murrica :p - so back to the modding from this scheduled interupption.

    Not sure where that rumour came from :p

    The Avali ship currently has ~2900 blocks of usable space, not counting doors. So it's a bit smaller than the hylotl ship but not by much. I may expand it a bit anyway.

    I'm very tempted to simply replace the 'Out-dated' mod entry rather than create a new one. The current Avali mod is still the most highly rated mod on Chucklefish and will help visibility <.<

  17. Ser-matticus

    Ser-matticus Big Damn Hero

    Oh well I still would love an answer to the Avali pack question, and two welcome to America
  18. icytux

    icytux Void-Bound Voyager

    Haha, true that, and it deserves to be up there! If you add the word Reboot or Revival it might even get more popular because people will click on it curiously. Just make sure to write something up in it, saying how you're bringing it back so they aren't disappointed when they go to see that the page hasn't changedX3
  19. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    I wouldn't say "welcome" was the right word, he was heavily interrogated while arrived in the States, atleast it's wasnt the malaysian hospitality
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  20. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    For what?! I mean, it is the NSA, they don't hire for intelligence, and everyone knows it (and that sentence probably earned me a place on a watch list), but what could they possibly have been suspicious about here? "Mr. Ryuujin, your fluffy space raptors are too popular to be legitimately explainable. Just what kind of evil plan are you bringing to the US?"
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
    origamania, bAv and Lodish like this.

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