August 5th - Mission Prototyping

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    I have touched up on these points In my previous post, but thank you for responding. It would have been acceptable if they accidentally overshot their target.
    They could have dialed it back to where their appropriate spot should be. I say the community would have understood and accepted it as an accident. Understandably they would only be able to have a few accidents without causing a ruckus in the community. Communication is key against many problems.
  2. Aramil33

    Aramil33 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Still wait for a stable release.... RELEASE DA KRAKEN!
  3. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks Phantasmal Quasar

    I was curious to know what the heck that dungeon I kept spawning in was… It's tricky, but fun.
  4. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks Phantasmal Quasar

    There's a thing called "Changing Ideas" that was invented in 1471 where Welsh man Yohann Strokavisk realized that the plan he originally put down on paper had to be changed. That's exactly what the devs and every single company in the history of ever has done. Words on paper are a personal guideline; nothing more. And with this whole "roadmap" crap, it was a method used that was deemed no longer useful to the devs. And seeing as you know all these big fancy worlds, why don't you make your version of Starbound then instead of complaining about what you think is wrong.
    Program_024 likes this.
  5. Terrahero

    Terrahero Cosmic Narwhal

    Why are people so adverse to escort missions? I can imagine some pretty neat missions.

    Lets set the stage, you come across a band of cultists. They already sacrificed all but one of their captives. You quickly dispatch of the cultists. The last captive, frightened and alone, tells you they came and took them away from their home planet.
    You, being the hero and all, offer to take this poor individual home. All he can tell you is that his home was on a mostly sandy planet, that was a wonderful light yellow colour. And amidst this sandy biome was a wonderful, rainbow, oasis. And at night they could see the white moons.

    You take him on your ship, and check your universe map. There are two desert biome planets in this solar system. But only one that has two snow biome moons. You land and see that light yellow hue of sand, and set out to find the rainbow oasis.
    jpmrocks likes this.
  6. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks Phantasmal Quasar

    I like this, although I'd prefer them just coordinates, instead of descriptions, or a planet name from a nearby 25 star systems.
  7. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    Your post seems to have a bit of condescending tone.

    Ideas can change yes, but not when your in the beta stage/ almost in release. This is how feature creep begins and how games eventually stay in perpetual beta. Telling someone to make their own game in a response to valid criticism, leads me to believe you do not have an argument to uphold. Along with that it comes across as a fallacy.
  8. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks Phantasmal Quasar

    Almost release? This is beta part 1 of 3. And perpetual beta? You mean like Terraria and Minecraft? Because those failed so badly. And I say to stop complaining simply because it gets nothing accomplished. Actions, not words. You were given a posable thumbs long before language, use them. And I don't know what a fallacy is.
  9. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I really like this thought here. I can probably add a little more to it from my primitive experience... So, what I gather is before Starbound understood what having a lot of cash meant they presumed a few things. For instance, the time it would take to create a game that is mostly procedural. Also, another thing that had happened that changed a lot of things which they never realized would was getting all of that extra cash for Starbound. Sure sounds great to get all that money, but here is the rub of it. When a company who is making a game suddenly comes into a lot of cash a lot of priorities end up changing. Another instance here, is that they are now able to really flesh out the game that they want to make because the resources to do so has increased. So now Starbound's road-map is outdated not because it was ever really inaccurate (it might have been) but it is now because the resources to make the game has changed. More resources = bigger game = more time to make game. Honestly though, I am perfectly fine with this. I would rather have a game which is closer to the original concept than something where they would patch and hope it turned out right (probably would have been fine regardless).
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
    TeepoDarkwing and jpmrocks like this.
  10. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    They are pushing for 1.0 now they are also releasing their stretch goals. They said that they were not going to include novakids until release. what are they doing now? Releasing the novakids. Starbound is almost near its release.

    When did I imply that terraria and minecraft were in perpetual beta? They are well past 1.0, the games already officially released and the developers are simply adding onto it.
    So complaining about something does nothing? So what is feedback? its a form of complaining. Criticism is a form of feedback can be both constructive or destructive. If no one complained nothing would change and no one would take action. Are you saying there is -nothing- wrong with the game? Even a tiny bit?

    Just because you do not like looking at complaints does not mean people should stop.

    Ps: You need better bait.
    Snowfalcon likes this.
  11. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks Phantasmal Quasar

    I've bolded my responses.
  12. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    I left my responses in normal text.
  13. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks Phantasmal Quasar

    No where does your source say that them being added into the game now mean that Starbound 1.0 is coming out soon. I just see an announcement of a mod being added to the game. And at that time, not even a mod. Just an idea.
  14. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    If we manage to hit $500,000 in pre-orders, this race will be added to the base game and will be playable upon release. They will also be fully integrated into the lore!

    Hmm certainly looks like a mod to me(sarcasm). I mean its not like a mod is something that is made by other people that it is not included in the base game.
    Its in the base game
    therefore it is not a mod.

    As it says playable on release it seems that 1.0(standard) is on the way.
    Snowfalcon likes this.
  15. ilya39

    ilya39 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    DIdn't launched nightlies for a while, was surprised by this new "starting dungeon", a bit bored of completing it...
    Matter manipulator can't dig any surces, only from background (walls, dirt walls etc.).
    And another thing - it'll be good to do something to close first "starting dungeon" entrance to not being tired of walking and walking and walking through it...
    Just one switch after first time completing this dungeon to close that cave would be great at all.
  16. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks Phantasmal Quasar

    Can I get a source that says Starbound 1.0 is around the corner from when the Nightlies started? Preferably from the past six months, if possible. Like a tweet, an email from Tiy, a Blog post that I missed. I believe sources that are dated less than a year. I'd like to compare the source you provided to the Mayan death calendar. Both were released a long time ago, and neither show much credibility of what they said (except that Mayans were off by .0003 seconds in their calendar, and that SB raised $500,000). More recent sources, please.
  17. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    So anything more than a year equates to not eligible for sources? Debating doesn't work that way.

    Also Starbound made well over $500,000

    1m copies x$15= 15,000,000 it might be much higher.
    additional info
  18. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Today's diffs are much the same size-wise as yesterday's. Some work on the test mission, some art improvements¹, and the /toplayership command is now /warp.

    [NEW] dungeons\other\missiontest1\missiontest1-liquids.png
    [NEW] humanoid\any\playerwarpinbeamgate.png
    [NEW] humanoid\any\playerwarpoutbeamgate.png
    [NEW] humanoid\any\playerwarpoutgate.png
    [NEW] sfx\objects\stonedoor_close_fast.wav
    [NEW] sfx\objects\stonedoor_open_fast.wav
    <    "Outpost" : {
    <      "selectionWeight" : 1.0,
    <      "satelliteProbability" : 0,
    <      "baseParameters" : {
    <        "worldType" : "FloatingDungeon",
    <        "description" : "Outpost",
    <        "dungeonWorld" : "outpost",
    <        "smallImage" : "/celestial/system/planet_small.png",
    <        "image" : "/celestial/system/outpost/outpost.png",
    <        "imageScale" : 0.125,
    <        "smallImageScale" : 0.5,
    <        "worldSize" : "outpost"
    <      }
    <    },
    <    "toplayership" : "Usage /toplayership playerSpecifier. Warp self to the specified player's ship.",
    >    "warp" : "Usage /warp <'HomeWorld' | 'OrbitedWorld' | 'OwnShip' | WorldId>",
    <  "commandProcessorScripts" : [ ]
    >  "uniqueWorlds" : {
    >    "outpost" : {
    >      "type" : "FloatingDungeon",
    >      "dungeonWorld" : "outpost",
    >      "seed" : 1234
    >    }
    >  },
    >  "commandProcessorScripts" : []
    >      "value" : [26, 0, 0, 255],
    >      "comment" : "wire #26",
    >      "brush" : [ [ "wire", { "group" : "group26", "local" : true } ] ]
    >    },
    >    {
    >      "value" : [27, 0, 0, 255],
    >      "comment" : "wire #27",
    >      "brush" : [ [ "wire", { "group" : "group27", "local" : true } ] ]
    >    },
    >    {
    >      "value" : [28, 0, 0, 255],
    >      "comment" : "wire #28",
    >      "brush" : [ [ "wire", { "group" : "group28", "local" : true } ] ]
    >    },
    >    {
    >      "value" : [29, 0, 0, 255],
    >      "comment" : "wire #29",
    >      "brush" : [ [ "wire", { "group" : "group29", "local" : true } ] ]
    >    },
    >    {
    >      "value" : [30, 0, 0, 255],
    >      "comment" : "wire #30",
    >      "brush" : [ [ "wire", { "group" : "group30", "local" : true } ] ]
    >    },
    >    {
    <      "def" : [ "image", [ "missiontest1.png", "missiontest1-objects.png", "missiontest1-wires1.png", "missiontest1-wires2.png" ] ]
    >      "def" : [ "image", [ "missiontest1.png", "missiontest1-objects.png", "missiontest1-wires1.png", "missiontest1-wires2.png", "missiontest1-liquids.png" ] ]
    <  "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ]
    >  "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ],
    >  "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.wav" ],
    >  "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.wav" ]
    <  "outboundNodes" : [ [2, -1] ]
    >  "outboundNodes" : [ [2, -1] ],
    >  "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.wav" ],
    >  "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.wav" ]

    ¹: liquidtentaclejuiceicon (1).pngliquidtentaclejuiceicon (2).png
  19. TheDr.Awsome

    TheDr.Awsome Orbital Explorer

    Whats all this argueing about?!? So what the devs seem to be changing release date (or at least thats what some seem to think) it's their game and their doing a great job! have any of you tried coding? It's hard. Really hard. I think the devs can change plans as much as they like! I may just have to take my cookies away so no haters and complainers start to cover them with useless posts...
  20. Khrono

    Khrono Big Damn Hero

    Awesome! I haven't played in a few months because I played way too much at launch and with a big break it can feel like you are getting a brand new game all over again. Can't wait for some of these updates so I can play for hundreds of hours xD

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