August 4th - Liquidity

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    I really hope this water collecting item can be acquired early on because that would make mining MUCH easier. No more needing to mine out channels to let water flow down. Now I can just suck it up and relocate it elsewhere! YEAH!
  2. Connorses

    Connorses Big Damn Hero

    What, you can't squirt the liquid with the GIANT SQUIRT GUN you're holding? Dissapointing.
  3. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    The way I figure it, it could be an upgradable gun. Water to start, upgrade to poisoned water by the time you have steel, suck up oil or something once you get say aegisalt, lava with say ferozium...

    Maybe add a medic-style backpack a la team fortress 2, get a heal-water gun. Fill it with Red Stimpacks, spray your friends during a big battle. Or any stimpack, for that matter.
    Skarn likes this.
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    That's the joke.

    Also, merged your double-post.
    thunderskull833 and Titanium like this.
  5. lonelyhornet

    lonelyhornet Title Not Found

    imo it'd be better if right clicking on the gun sucked up liquids and left ejected them instead of using the matter manipulator.
  6. Astasia

    Astasia Pangalactic Porcupine

    Really hoping the super soaker is a temporary look. Looking at that I can only think of a cheap plastic toy, especially since I have that exact super soaker in a box somewhere. Plus it doesn't make sense to me to suck up water with a gun, or with such a tiny looking tank on it.

    I'd honestly rather see this as an object you place in the world, a pump, that sucks up all the liquid below it. With a large tank on top that fills as it pumps, only holding so much before needing to be emptied.
    DoomFire likes this.
  7. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    In Terraria, I always surrounded my houses with lava... It was great for pesky goblins and door-to-door salesmen.

    I'm not sure about this, but it looks like the suction doesn't put it into any kind of container, it just makes it one more type of block in your inventory. Seems like the super soaker image is pointless. On the other hand, it was always so annoying getting the wires, pumps, and levers all the way down to the lava layers to pump it to the surface. Fun the first few times... but annoying after doing it multiple times.

    I can see a few problems with that, though the main one would be it needing to be a stream of some sort to fit the gun. That you would then douse yourself with every time it hit that one block at foot level, leading to poison and burn status effects.
    Imagine all the "your mechanic made me kill myself" posts.

    IDOITMYWAY Master Chief

    So I can build a rain catcher AND might be able to put a good use to it? Oh HALLELUJAH!
    Jonesy likes this.
  9. XZile

    XZile Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now my ninja character can finally use water attacks, and yell SUITON!! before using them...

    Same here...
  10. Aggravated

    Aggravated Aquatic Astronaut

    Now that's what I call a neat update.
    Good news!
  11. khalismur

    khalismur Big Damn Hero

    I hope metadept fixes the animation, because the sucking flow is not going into the gun's barrel.
  12. N3tRunn3r

    N3tRunn3r Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is awesome!
    Finally building traps, sea, lakes for harvesting fish, creating areas and who knows, maybe some water or acid is needed for any crafting process?! ^^
  13. DarkTanatos

    DarkTanatos Astral Cartographer

    i would like to see this kind of mechanic for crafting air-locks for underwater and and asteroid stations.
    also an aquifer could be possible to let seeds grow faster.
  14. DoomFire

    DoomFire Existential Complex

    Well, cool... liquid manipulation functionality.

    I like the idea of something sucking up the liquids, but I do hope the super-soaker is a temporary sprite. o ~ o
    Also a simple edit of the liquid icons to make them look like they're in canisters would be nice, so you're not just holding bare liquids.
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  15. J0FreY

    J0FreY Void-Bound Voyager

    Make glowing liquid !
    It would be so nice =3
    blackshadow2000 likes this.
  16. Terrahero

    Terrahero Cosmic Narwhal

    Great to see liquids are going to play a bigger part in the game in general.

    im hoping we see some mechanics to fit this. Limited capacity on your "super soaker", upgradeable to larger storage. Not bring able to just suck up any and all liquids at will, so not mixing liquids or being able to store molten rock in a basic canister. Liquids not being storable in regular chests, but barrels. Such things, as to really respect the fact it is suppose to be a liquid aswell as the individual properties of certain liquids.
  17. blackshadow2000

    blackshadow2000 Void-Bound Voyager

    that would be amazing! something like liquid glowstone from that one minecraft mod i saw a while ago!
  18. blazblu

    blazblu Orbital Explorer

    I dislike how the same tool isn't used for both sucking and dispensing. Hopefully that'll change later.
  19. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    I hope liquids behave differently in zero gravity someday. :nod:

    So many novel things could come out of zero gravity in this game. So many. :giggle:
  20. blackshadow2000

    blackshadow2000 Void-Bound Voyager

    but then how would you suck up 3 different liquids at once? unless you could have interchangeable canisters

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