August 4th - Liquidity

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. thunderskull833

    thunderskull833 Orbital Explorer

    i see what you did there it sucks get it sucks up water:)

    is anybody noticing he is using the novakid race also can somebody tell me exactly when the next update is i have been waiting so long for the novakids and lastly how do i use nightly builds
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  2. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Oil? hmm... That would be a nice addition, among other liquids... Good to see we finally have a way to collect liquids. :)

    Not overly fond of the color scheme, as is makes look even more like a child's toy. Being a reverse super soaker (as someone else put it) model is fine in my opinion, but I just think the colors might be a bit too vibrant... or might be the color combo, I am unsure.

    Anyway good go. :D
  3. Bronze Dog

    Bronze Dog Starship Captain

    Very glad this is being added. I can build an underwater base in the ocean and empty it out without relying on mods (though I'm certainly considering StarFoundry for auto-draining in the event of a flood).

    Being able to craft stuff using liquids is a nice bonus with a lot of potential.

    Water: Concrete, ice, snow, bottled water, water balloons.
    Lava: Obsidian, magma stone, pumice.
    Poison water: Poisoned weapons, gas grenades.
    Tar/Oil: Asphalt, lubricants for machines, Molotov cocktails, fuel, plastics.
  4. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh man, SO HYPE. I'm really glad we can carry liquid the same way we can regular blocks, too! Most sandbox games make carrying liquid a huge hassle. Now I can make nice little reservoirs on my Home Planet of Obscene Amounts Of Farming. :D
    jamstronaut likes this.
  5. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Time to suck out all the lava from a planet's center... :idea:
    Be back in 10 years! :badpokerface:
  6. xstationcubed

    xstationcubed Void-Bound Voyager

    And here's where I beg for a weapon allowing you to utilize said liquid offensively. With results dependent on the liquid used of course.
    enderpony likes this.
  7. JennShii

    JennShii Pangalactic Porcupine

    Mario Sunshine in Starbound? Will this be a thing? Please make water jetpacks! :giggle: :heylisten: X3
    Silent Strider likes this.
  8. DarkPursuer

    DarkPursuer Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the idea, but I'd prefer it more if it's a matter manipulator rather than a water gun that sucks up water. Perhaps we could have it as an upgrade for the matter manipulator?

    I mean, it'll just be silly if liquid is the only matter that can't be manipulated.
    DoomFire likes this.
  9. Ixmore

    Ixmore Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ya I'm starting to think Chuckle Fish is the South Park George R.R Martin. At least give us a little something.
    enderpony likes this.
  10. TheLoneGamer

    TheLoneGamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wanted to code something like this months ago, but the lack of scriptable items back then stopped me in my tracks. I know modded objects could already do this, but it’s just not the same as a handheld item. I’m glad this just isn’t a plain bucket either, but something more high tech, even if the sprite doesn’t look high tech. I’m also glad this is scripted instead of hardcoded so modders can go wild with concepts. Should be some really interesting items showing up really soon.
    jamstronaut likes this.
  11. warbrand2

    warbrand2 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    lol, would be nice to see this mechanic used as a weapon... get a watergun, load it with oil, spray oil at target, use fire weapon on target, target bursts into flame burning everything it touches and taking increased fire damage(instead of normal burning)
  12. mj707

    mj707 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes! The thing I want most out of the next update is (as weird as I sound) more crafting recipes for building materials, and the use of liquids in crafting recipes adds an interesting element.
    jamstronaut likes this.
  13. nours77

    nours77 Sandwich Man

    nice to make some liquid in craft, but i don t like the gun look like... (water gun), it seem like a toy and not an equipping who can suck any liquid, are we in future ? the animated suck not focus on gun s spout but in the gun s tank...
    can you add a blow mod in the gun, for just reject what has been sucked in by mistake or for blow lava, poison on monster, acide shower, poured lava (effect like burn or poison can hit monsters ?)
    with no ammo we can suck indefinitely ? how liquid stack in inventory, like dirt or stone in number of block, in liter in tank ?
    what going on when you throw liquid pack of you inventory (nothing like stone, it will free all the liquid ?)
    i see only water, poison, lava, how many liquid are expected ? (for food like milk, honey, for heal like blood, green water like apex use, oil for glitch, for fuel with petroleum ?)
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
  14. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    Woah! I love the idea, especially the idea of it being used in recipes.

    -A see-through tank so you can see the liquid in your "water gun". Instead of it being on the gun, it could be a huge container strapped to your back. As you carry more liquid in your tank, it would slow you down.

    -Instead of the liquid being in your inventory as a block, you should have to stick it in a container. It would just be more logical, needing that the liquid doesn't spill everywhere.

    -You should make the Oil be able to be converted as fuel for your ship, or maybe to power turrets! In my opinion, turrets still seem OP. So if you needed oil to power these turrets, then it would be a little harder to maintain them.

    Those are just a few ideas.
    Hope you enjoy them. :)
  15. gigantic tarantula

    gigantic tarantula Master Chief

    Oh helll yeah. This new addition is small, but it packs a great punch
    jamstronaut likes this.
  16. mo'guts

    mo'guts Big Damn Hero

    this is looking great, can't wait to see what kinds of recipes all the the different kinds of liquids and other goop can make
  17. SoldierMorty

    SoldierMorty Big Damn Hero

    Oh, neat! Now I can see an oil planet LITERALLY GOING UP IN FLAMES.

    Jeez, that would make for a nice dungeon too, at least when I think about what players would need in order to stave off the fires and, in general, survive the environment, haha!
    jcklsldr likes this.
  18. Man in the Mists

    Man in the Mists Void-Bound Voyager

    Entomoligist: I could see a liquid tank being added as a back item that boosts the ability of the water gun. Most likely more range and a way to switch liquid types on the fly.

    I wonder if we can also use the liquids to water crops. The main benefits would be a faster grow time and possibly more crop and/or seeds. Of course, not every crop will want to have water sprayed on them, just ask the toxicturnips.
    jcklsldr likes this.
  19. jcklsldr

    jcklsldr Void-Bound Voyager

    I was happy with just being able to carry liquids for no other reason than to play with them. Then you went and said they could be used to collect fuel and participate in special recipes...Now you've piqued my curiosity.
  20. StarKaiser

    StarKaiser Big Damn Hero

    its about time that we SB players can carry liquid by a bucket (made by iron ores or bars) or use that gun to soak any of liquid like.. Acid pools, lava pools, lakes and seas to fill up on making a good guarded home.. like lava pools might burn up monsters (is that right??) and don't have to craft turrets at early point till late game

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