August 22 - Adding skies to outposts

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I think... I think some of the idea behind this is that the outpost is almost magical, using ancient technology far beyond current levels.

    This means that, even if we can't see it, this "chunk of rock" may have some form of atmosphere, high gravity, asteroid protection system and a day/night cycle.
    In fact, if this were true it actually adds to the role-playing fun behind the gate - I now truly feel that I'm in an ancient, wondrous place.
    My basic point is that you can interpret all of this "impossible" stuff as merely evidence that the gate was created by truly powerful beings, worthy of respect, or you can interpret it as "the devz dun car bout reelizm an dat suckz" (//Sarcasm, //Arfengame, just a joke).

    (or, if you want to get really technical, you can pretend that this whole thing is just the devs experimenting and testing their capabilities ;))
  2. TrueHarlequin

    TrueHarlequin Void-Bound Voyager

    I think the sky needs big changes.

    1) Is the sun not moving anymore? Thought it did. Now it just fades away?

    2) The stars move, so why don't the planets/moons move as well? Planets orbit the sun, moons orbit the planet. The sky should reflect all of this.

    3) When you run around the planet, the planets/moons/sun should take your position on the planet into account, no?
  3. SimpleTrooper

    SimpleTrooper Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now it look like gate is situated high above planetary surface... Just like floating islands in Terraria! ;)
  4. Leischii

    Leischii Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm really hoping there will be an update for starbound soon.
    All the stuff you show is awesome and interessting...but it's a long time ago that you gave us an Update.
    The last "Update" were the nightly builds in june
    But that's not a "real Update" so i really hope there will be a "full Update" avaible soon.

    I don't want that you rush now but....pls do your best
  5. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    Love your explanation, I makes sense where you are coming from. :up:
    Type1Ninja likes this.
  6. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Thanks a lot. Nobody else has replied. :rofl:
    I'm glad you like it; I try to be helpful as best I can. :3

    EDIT: Like it if you think it's good, that's the way it's supposed to be done :rofl:
  7. Xxen13

    Xxen13 Aquatic Astronaut

    I saw that the stars rotate in a clock-wise position, maybe the rotation of the stars can be random as well? Like having them go across the sky to the left on one planet, and on another planet the stars can be in a dawning direction? Making it seem like you are on a different area of each planet.
    Zael, Type1Ninja and OmnipotentEntity like this.
  8. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Dude, Omni liked your post. :DD
    That means there's a really good chance of it being in the game! :rainbow:
    Xxen13 likes this.
  9. face21

    face21 Void-Bound Voyager

    Geez relax it wasn't like I was being ragey, when I said I'd I actually love to be told why this is cool I was being genuine and now I know, so okay yay funky skies, I guess?
    I still don't see much sense in it, I mean, but that could be just because I liked the idea of a black shimmering nothingness that backs a gateway to static plane of existence, course maybe that doesn't sound cool huh?
  10. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *Obligatory "Daily posts aren't happening daily" post* =P
    Can't wait to see what they work on after novakids and the outpost - hopefully Hylotl cities and the ocean biomes? I can only hope :megusta:
  11. Xxen13

    Xxen13 Aquatic Astronaut

    Cool, that would be awesome... when i saw the stars going around in circles like that, i thought to myself... "Does this mean this character is on one of the poles EVERYTIME he lands on a planet?" lol.
  12. drakray

    drakray Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    in the latest nightly, where is the Gate, as it been disabled?, can't continu to test without it, nor the robotic table, which I can't find anywhere :(
    edit: nevermind, found the robotic table after titanium
  13. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    I think the gates have been randomized now, I enter admin mode to explore, there out in other systems but you'd have to look for them (i think that makes more sense, before there used to be like 3-4 of them per system)
  14. drakray

    drakray Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    but how do I exit the system if I can't repair the FTL?

    also, how do we get the Processor now for the robotic table?, since the robot is disabled?
  15. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Most people just do /spawnitem shipT3 1 (gets you a fully fixed ship, do T8 for the megaship) i believe.

    For the processor you can look up @spiritofcat's processor mod or just spawn one (I forget the item name ATM, will edit if i remember if before someone else does)
  16. drakray

    drakray Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    how do I unlock the cheat?
    /ruinthefun don't seem to work
  17. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    try /admin 1

    that will activate it, when your done with it, type /admin 0
  18. Splignarth

    Splignarth Orbital Explorer

    I...I don't understand why,--when I seem to remember being told that the non-beta, "official release" version was "just around the corner" back when I purchased this in January of 2014--we're still getting updates on, for instance, "decoupling skies from the coordinate information" and "progress on ships" and whatnot.

    I'm all for the transparency of the development process you guys seem to have embraced, and I must say that that aspect of everything is very cool.

    What I'm not in favor of is an eschewing of responsibility to one's customers for the sake of "getting it just right" when "getting it just right" seems to involve some measure of Rebuilding The Universe With Ones And Zeroes.

    That's obviously an exaggeration, but I think it serves to raise this question: Are you guys working from a timeline or are your paying customers simply at your mercy?

    Has a release date been announced?

    I didn't purchase the game to assist in paying the salaries of endlessly enthusiastic and creative people riffing off of each other as a means to write a story with no agreed-upon conclusion.

    Will every creative whim produced by each member of the creative team be acknowledged and added to the "Te Be Implemented" list?

    Will I be able to buy an ice cream cone in Starbound?

    If so, are there plans for frozen custard shops or gelotterias?

    Are product-placement plans in the works?

    Will PepsiCo. be involved with Starbound at any point?

    Will I be able to call up a Pizza Hut(tm) from my home base on a small jungle planet, put in an order, and expect a delivery guy to knock on my actual front door?

    Will I be able to do real-world medical research from a lab I create in Starbound?

    Can I access the internet via the personal computer I looted from an abandoned prison in Starbound?

    If so, will I then--from this PC I found in the prison--be able to purchase and download Starbound to play from the desk I built in the house I built in Starbound?
  19. Rink

    Rink Void-Bound Voyager

    Was that post a joke?
  20. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I think so. Ice cream cones are already a thing in the game.

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