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Artificial Ocean

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Jerln, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    I'm trying to build an artificial ocean (really more like a deep lake), but I'm running into some problems. I figured that glass backgrounds would be the best choice for this project, but they cause the game to lag like crazy. Is this a limitation of the game or my computer, or is it something that can be fixed?

    My computer has Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics, and a 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5.

    The glass-wall area is roughly 300 x 100.
  2. BlueDragonic

    BlueDragonic Void-Bound Voyager

    I think it might have to do with the fact that glass blocks are transparent which means that more stuff has be rendered at the same time. Perhaps with the new update performance will also be worked on.
  3. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    Everything on screen is rendered at the same time though, so if that was the case then being underground would also cause this problem. Oh well, I guess I'll build something else in the mean time and see if the performance changes in the next update help.
  4. Synien

    Synien Void-Bound Voyager

    You could use smooth ice? It will let light through but isn't properly transparent and is a pale blue color so it wouldn't destroy your ocean look?
    Sylxeria likes this.
  5. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    I guess that maybe glass specifically could be the problem? I'll try that, then.
  6. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    Do it with ice, glass makes light rendering atrocious for your computer seeing that you have integrated graphics.
  7. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    Glass was fine, the problem was WEdit. I wasn't waiting long enough for it to finish filling in the selected areas, even though it looked like it was done.
  8. BlueDragonic

    BlueDragonic Void-Bound Voyager

    Good to hear the problem was resolved, albeit in an unexpected manner.

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