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Are the Wiring Guides still accurate and comprehensive? Help me out!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by SeaJay, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. SeaJay

    SeaJay Space Kumquat

    Hi all, long time no see. You might remember me by my basic and advanced wiring guides, which are now coming on three years old. How time flies, huh?

    I haven't played Starbound in a while - been busy with work and study. So, with the long-awaited full release upon us, I was wondering if there have been any changes to the wiring mechanic since my last additions that would invalidate or make incomplete any parts of the guides. I skimmed the last few patch notes and didn't catch anything.

    I will be returning to the game at some point, but in the meantime it would be negligent on my part to leave misinformation up. I don't want new players to be mislead!

    If you're a current 1.0 player and you're savvy with the wiring mechanic, I'd appreciate it if you skimmed the guides and pointed out any missing or incorrect information, so I can add/correct it.

    Thanks in advance! :nuruwink:
  2. YsStory

    YsStory Void-Bound Voyager

    Welcome back SeaJay!

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