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RELEASED [ARCHIVE] Creative Mode - Complete control over your experience.

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by aMannus, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Still needs a way to craft EVERYTHING in the game not just the thing in this mod
  2. ReMark

    ReMark Subatomic Cosmonaut

    For some reason, the Nexus site will not allow me to acquire this rather cheat-y mod. Would it be too much of a hassle for the thread OP to post the download on another file-sharing site?

    If not, I'll try to find my way around Nexus's sillyness.
  3. aMannus

    aMannus Space Kumquat

    Thanks, I was quite busy the last 2 days getting everything in. I have been looking at eliminating fall damage and possibly providing flight somehow as well, but with the new update.. well.. let's just wait with that.

    And yes, I do still need the item spawner, which is going to be a new table. I started working on it but mostly still looking for a faster way to generate all recipes. A basic version will be in 0.7 with recipes I added myself, given the Starbound update won't come out before that.

    The reason why I'm using nexusmods is because it also has a handy download count, an easy way to manage images and a few other things that are really useful. I added a dropbox mirror before since nexus was screwing up back then, I guess I'll have to do that again for the time being.
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  4. ReMark

    ReMark Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks in advance! I'll keep this thread watched in the mean time. It has a lot of promise, seeing as how there is no distinction between creative/survival for the time being.
    Again, thank you!:)
  5. aMannus

    aMannus Space Kumquat

    Link is in the opening post right now, listed as a mirror. Have fun!
  6. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey, just try mediafiles, some people dont want to sign up..
  7. aMannus

    aMannus Space Kumquat

    That still doesn't provide any of the stuff that nexusmods provides. A dropbox link will work for now, and is a direct download.
  8. ReMark

    ReMark Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Thanks to aMannus, once again!"

    Jecoconono, signup is free, just don't tic any of the boxes on the first step. Just checked it, and nexus still doesn't let me, despite having signed up. Although I did find someone else with my name, which might explain a few things. I'll have to check on that later. (Either my name is really catching the trend-train, or there be monsters in my potato-computer!)
  9. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Some people dont want to go through the hassle of doing it...
    How would i have this account then? Lol. And i was talking to you, not me, you wanted it to change so i told suggestions to aMannus!
  10. ReMark

    ReMark Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh, no. I didn't want him to swap the entirety of it. He also already replied a while back about having a mirror up, if I am correct (Which I gladly used).

    Sorry about that! And wait.. This forum account is also used for the nexus forums?! That would explain a lot of things. :saywhat:
  11. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Then why dont they make us auto login? X3
  12. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

    Try signing up, it's well worth it for that website and with starbound getting ever more popular you will find yourself using it one way or another.

    Oh you signed up, um.. i dunno then! :confused:
  13. aMannus

    aMannus Space Kumquat

    This is kind of what I'm hoping for. Nexusmods is actually really awesome for managing and distributing your own mods, but also makes it really easy searching for mods yourself. I really hope it kicks off and more people will start using nexusmods for starbound mods. Although, honestly, I'm surprised by the amount of people that are already using nexusmods, which is awesome.
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  14. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

    So yeah, fall damage is my #1 concern currently, i keep dying to it. x.x Call me clumsy.

    Hm.. what else could be useful..

    Why not create some new spawners that can spawn in hostile mobs to fight each other, or maybe make spawners re-create npcs when they die and not make the spawner itself disappear?

    *Or better yet, don't mess with spawners at all and make a mod to move npcs in to your town by the use of a billboard, the billboard should list space nomads looking for a home, a new list pops up every day and the old one disappears, they pay you rent for their homes on the spot and once every week in game time for a fair sum each, this will encourage players who download that mod to build more instead of steal buildings from others, i'd like to see that. (and if you do that, please make guards suck less or make tiered guards available for hire on the billboard.*
    Maybe over the course of the mod you could challenge random npc types to attack your village for pixels, fortress defense style, or make it random i suppose, but not everybody enjoys random slaughters, so an option is the best bet you have.

    Boy, i talk a lot, hope it was not all silly and useless though. :paper:
    Lord Fatso likes this.
  15. aMannus

    aMannus Space Kumquat

    While it may be an interesting mod idea (although difficult and time consuming), it's really not what I was going for in this mod. I'm sure there will be mods like these popping up closer to release for sure though.

    News update: I've been looking into how to get the item spawner to work for a good few hours now, and it seems it's just not possible to implement custom recipes that allow vanilla items to be crafted in a different way. The spawning table seems to have to take a backseat while I somehow figure out a way.

    I've thought about using certain items in the furnace that smelted into a certain item, but quite honestly, this is a massive pain to do for a lot of items.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  16. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Step 1 : Creative Mode In 2d Games
    Step 2 : Creative Mode In All Games Server Usable Publicly
    Step 3 : Brain Tumor
    Step 4 : Profit!
  17. ald234

    ald234 Void-Bound Voyager

    For some reason every time I click on the ultimate table my game crashes
  18. aMannus

    aMannus Space Kumquat

    Have you copied the entire CreativeMode folder over into your asset folder, not just it's contents?

    UPDATE: Pushed 0.7 release. It contains the almighty Spawn Box now! It only has like 3 recipes right now, seeing as I should've been in bed 4 hours ago, but atleast this'll make it easy enough for me to add recipes for here on out. Now I just need a script to easily add all vanilla items at once..

    Also, textures! Both the Ultimate Box and the Spawning Box have their own custom-made textures. I'm no artist, but atleast they're not an eyesore anymore.

    Installation and acquiring blueprints changed a bit as well. Look in the 'How to install' spoiler to find out how it's done now.

    Major credits to @Toast_Storm for helping me out with something I couldn't figure out.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  19. Slurm

    Slurm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry, this mod doesn't work. I extracted the whole folder in assets. I start up the game and i try to smelt a wood platform. nothing happens
  20. aMannus

    aMannus Space Kumquat

    I just tried it with a new character and it works for me. Make sure you smelt it at a furnace, not a campfire. I wouldn't know what the problem could be if you did everything right to be honest.

    EDIT: apparently more people are having the issue. I have no time to check out what's going on, since it is working for myself.

    Try 0.6 for now (it's still on nexusmods) and add this line to your player.config:

    { "item" : "cheatunlock" },

    So it'll look like this:

    "tier1" : [
    { "item" : "cheatunlock" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial" },

    I really need to sleep now, I'll check it tomorrow what's going on here.
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