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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. bad explorer

    bad explorer Starship Captain

    anyone else running out of fuel all the time? is there a better way of getting fuel other than mining coal?
  2. clumsyrobot

    clumsyrobot Poptop Tamer

    Uranium starts popping up in Beta sector and eventually becomes really common in later sectors. Same goes for plutonium. Solarium not so much, mostly because it looks so similar to gold. Much easier to mine in snow and sand, same as everything else.
  3. AIM781123

    AIM781123 Seal Broken

    When you reach Sector X you will have no problem traveling.

    Solar something!!

    They can be found in any planets in large quantities
    You will never use coal again
  4. Pyromann

    Pyromann Void-Bound Voyager

    Sector X
    X Delta Lup Minoris V
    X: -4313110
    Y: -2575830
    Biome: Tentacles

    Just go right, all chests are on the surface, Happy looting!

    I Found:
    Rare Grenade launcher
    Plasma Pistol
    Plasma Machine Pistol
    Rocket Launcher
    Legendary Bubble Sword

    There also is:
    Sewer dungeon (Do tiny shits rly instakill?)
    Carboard hat
  5. Ttariel

    Ttariel Big Damn Hero

    Looking for a Rainbow-Cape but it seems like all the coordinates dont work anymore. Anybody got something please ?
  6. abigail

    abigail Intergalactic Tourist

    Hello i looking for the pixel hero shirt have anyone cords ? :)
  7. RainbowlySmit

    RainbowlySmit Tentacle Wrangler

    A fancy hat, violin, bone xylophone, snowman coordinates:
    morphball coordinates (tech) :

    More coordinates soon!
    Enjoy! ;)
  8. MPxWendigo

    MPxWendigo Space Spelunker

    I might have a spare, not sure. Pretty sure I only have one but I'll double-check and inbox you if I have a spare.

    Also, if anyone could post coordinates to Giant Flower Biomes, that'd be great, preferrably ones where you can verify you've found Giant Flower blueprints. I've already looked through the entire thread with no working coordinates (as in I get there and the biomes are not giant flower biomes anywhere on the ENTIRE planet(s), presumably because of the patch.)
  9. Pyromann

    Pyromann Void-Bound Voyager

    Anyoen have a Legendary tesla Coil I could get?
  10. RainbowlySmit

    RainbowlySmit Tentacle Wrangler

    pixel hero cape coordinates (rare) :

    More coordinates soon!
    Enjoy! ;)
    Aeit and Ttariel like this.
  11. Day56

    Day56 Void-Bound Voyager

    No, they drop wings it may just take a few planets.
  12. Fish in the Flask

    Fish in the Flask Aquatic Astronaut

    I just found a rainbow trees!
    X Theta Dra Majoris IV [ b ]
    -33541552 / -48609127
    Thereat Lv : 10

    * this planet is too small... no more then 255 rainbow woods.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  13. Fernfinger

    Fernfinger Seal Broken

    I didn't find the sword in that chest unfortunately, but I found a steel drum instead. Thanks anyway.
  14. nellysaur 326

    nellysaur 326 Void-Bound Voyager

    mate i just did it, its alot faster to get the legendary gun
  15. RainbowlySmit

    RainbowlySmit Tentacle Wrangler

    legendary all-seeing horror, coverriddler coordinates (rare) :

    More coordinates soon!
    Enjoy! ;)
  16. StarBrethren

    StarBrethren Phantasmal Quasar

  17. Amused2Death

    Amused2Death Aquatic Astronaut

    I wish the OP would have edited the original post with a list of coordinates. At 83 pages, its getting tough to find what your looking for.

    Any mods have a spare hour?
  18. Butterybutters

    Butterybutters Master Chief

    Are you sure you entered them correctly because I found the planet easily enough. Hoke to the left for about 5 minutes give or take.
  19. MPxWendigo

    MPxWendigo Space Spelunker

    Just go through from page 1, search for what you want/need in-game, and then never go back to those pages. It takes a hot minute but after that it's easy street, that's what I did. Now I'm just decorating my ship and waiting for the next patch, occasionally dipping in to look for people posting certain biomes or instruments : P
  20. Fishypokey

    Fishypokey Space Spelunker

    yeah, its random, but they balance it such a way that the dps is just plus minus from each other, let say, faster swing speed, lower dmg per swing, while slower swing speed, higher dmg per swing. And also, on higher level planet, the item will have higher damage compared to lower level planet
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