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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. OwenBDead

    OwenBDead Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah he was a little vague, especially with the SS highlighting the planet and not the correct moon.

    -85928327 -91300614
    Gamma Yed Posterior 990 I a (jungle)
  2. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    Like Fadith, I could also not find the tech or sniper. I also found avian houses. I tried on multiple different servers and they were all the same planet.

    Tesh likes this.
  3. Ohso

    Ohso Poptop Tamer

    Free Level 10 sniper rifle with what I can only describe as bullet time. 2226 dps
    X -77908285 -24912131 X Lesath 1556 IV
    Head right for a good stretch until you see the long plain chest on the ground. Rifle is inside.
    To the left is a strange pyramid base with purple robots and two tech chests but all I got was junk in them.
    Though there was a matter generator. Planet has tons of plutonium and Solarium.
    POODERQUASTE likes this.
  4. mewfan151

    mewfan151 Big Damn Hero

    *LOTS* of Coal here, easily 250 with minor caving. Not counting Smelted Coal from wood if fully leveled.
    Foqus likes this.
  5. Beoorc

    Beoorc Seal Broken

    Tried two different servers... both had avians.
    There was two houses of this: http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/3471/e9cfs7sc_jpg.htm

    Other Planet:

    X Alpha Vol 37 II

    X: -31363698
    Y: 11888804

    Lv: 10
    Biome: Desert

    Run some metres right for random chest and then straight left until tech chest (dash).
    Some minutes more and ur reach pirate ship and planet done

    Planet: http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/3471/e3k3ctsn_jpg.htm
    Chest: http://s7.directupload.net/file/d/3471/tg2rvpe4_jpg.htm
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  6. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    Just so there is no confusion, the tech chests are not the kind that guaranteed a tech drop (I was well aware they were normal tech chests.

    The planet was exactly as you described it, but the drops were not. I found a ordinary chest with platinum, but there was no Spawner nor any drum set. Maybe high-tech chests are unlike regular chests and tech high-tech chests where as they don't always spawn similar loot? I've read people debating this for a while, but haven't gotten a concise answer.
  7. AIM781123

    AIM781123 Seal Broken

    My first finding Ha
    Its X sector

    HR 8799 Peg 9726 I ( one ) D

    X: 97845517
    Y: 47697334

    Its quite far away to the left

    If you have butterfly just fly....
    It also sells Top end armor set blue prints

    Hawk and Raven set

    Before you go recommend you bring at least 20000 pixel to buy all

    Hope this helps
    Wystner likes this.
  8. Nyaria the Apex

    Nyaria the Apex Space Penguin Leader

    Well, I found my first Florian Village today on a little Alpha Sector Planet, I've seen ALOT of Apex and Avian villages, but never seen a Florian one before, so I thought I'd share this one.

    I also would like to mention there are multiple little Apex Labs, and well over 4000 wood or more.

    Alpha Kalodox 6251 II
    Biome: Forest
    Threat Level: 1
    X: 43798748
    Y: -1412335
    Alpha Sector
    Right of Spawn
    Planet Color: Purple

    really pretty fancy tree houses :D

    Edit: Better Clarification!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  9. Aphrodonis

    Aphrodonis Sandwich Man

    Is it IV a or b?
  10. Ohso

    Ohso Poptop Tamer

    The level 10 planet. Checked and it is just IV, the smaller planet is a. It's in Sector X.
    Aphrodonis likes this.
  11. Thebroestbro

    Thebroestbro Void-Bound Voyager

    X:-44646497 Y:87874846
    Gamma Sco 70 II threat level 3 Forest planet has tons of eye chests and a tech chest on the surface. Also an avian gunship.
  12. Day56

    Day56 Void-Bound Voyager

    Anyone got a beta gun seller?
  13. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    Went here for a pit stop, found two large mobs (careful about these guys), and a crystal temple (With either Apex with weird names, or Avians in Apex armor) matter blocks to be found here.

    Sector X- Astrix 0615 II c
  14. CaptainFoxx

    CaptainFoxx Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sector X
    X 10 SGB 450 I a
    X: 2723403 Y: -53233826
    Arid Planet Level 10, has the shortest Apex Test Chamber course for a morph ball tech
    Foqus likes this.
  15. SuperLoki

    SuperLoki Space Hobo


    Sector X
    X Alpha Hyi Majoris II c
    X -72381163
    Y -80383965
    Avian Town, Go left from touchdown :)
  16. Soulie

    Soulie Aquatic Astronaut

    A couple easy tech chests in the X sector.
    55760401, -22291876
    X Acrux 5915 V - tech chest just right of spawn.
    X Acrux 5915 II b - tech chest just right of spawn.
    M4X_L10N likes this.
  17. Kondibon

    Kondibon Aquatic Astronaut

    Found a morphball tech, two Avian pirate ships (gunsgunsguns), and a few abandoned apex labs. There's also a few volcanic mini-biomes so be careful.
    X Alpha Lyn Minoris IV (the tentacle planet)
    Head left and you'll see a normal chest. Just a little ways past that, in the entrance of a cave, in some slime, is the morphball. Keep heading left for the airships. Keep heading even further left for the apex labs, though I didn't find much more interesting than pixels.

    The rest of the system is pretty diverse as well but I haven't explored it all yet.
    Foqus likes this.
  18. cooltv27

    cooltv27 Heliosphere

    I was looking around the x sector when I saw a purple planet, its tentacles
    threat 10
    x: 66262134
    y: 69774957
    I havnt explored it yet, ill do that when I get enough fuel to go and leave but enjoy
  19. Wystner

    Wystner Astral Cartographer

    18, -63
    X Myn 912 I b
    Level 10
    Watersword in chest left of spawn

    48, -60
    X Larkheed 012 II c
    Level 10
    Watersword in chest at one of the bandit boardwalk things
  20. Juicymarmalade

    Juicymarmalade Poptop Tamer

    I'm looking for Beta or Gamma sector gun merchants if anyone's got some :)
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