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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. Gumba00

    Gumba00 Tentacle Wrangler

    It is the human mech. and not sure i believe left.
  2. stefrele

    stefrele 2.7182818284590...

    The Alpha Bartwe 7439 Sector:

    X: 75267318 Y: -35180830

    I've just explored a small snow planet lvl.3 with an Avian village and a bunch of abandoned small Apex facilities.
  3. Pekno

    Pekno Master Chief

  4. Hojirozame

    Hojirozame Tentacle Wrangler

    Sector X
    Gamma Atomilion 8794 II
    X: -57742637, Y: 887883077
    Lv 40 Arid
    There is an Avian Pirate Ship a reasonable distance to the left. There was also a chest on the way that had a rocket launcher, but your loot may vary.
    Endyron likes this.
  5. SolidWarSnake

    SolidWarSnake Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I've been looking for a human village for awhile and I can't seem to find one. Could someone tell me if there even in the game and possible give a location. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. maga

    maga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Alpha Omega Cap 01 A?
  7. maga

    maga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I only found a level 1 snow planet!
  8. Kirigaya Kazuto(Kirito)

    Kirigaya Kazuto(Kirito) Phantasmal Quasar

    Anyone got a Alpha planet with a gun seller that is close by? (Ive went through all 21 pages I just dont remember if i saw any)
  9. maga

    maga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And on there I found these GORGEOUS white trees that had branches which tendriled out to grip a bubble thing.
  10. stefrele

    stefrele 2.7182818284590...

    maybe i posted the wrong coordinate. Hard to tell wich one is what when you change planet and check for other system.
    But yes this planet has some weird yet nice scenery! :)
  11. Ludolph

    Ludolph Intergalactic Tourist

    Sector X (or is it Chi?)
    X: -3342329 Y: 341116054
    Gamma Redditron 888 II

    Lol'd on the name. Main planet is Tentacles biome with threat level 35 with quite abundant cerulium and rubium deposits near surface and some aegisalts deeper down. Its moon is jungle biome, threat level 40, and has two derelict Apex laboratories with High-tech chests spawning some high-end meelee weaponry, just in close proximity of LZ on the left.
  12. maga

    maga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Although I did find an igloo. I'm trying the level 10 one now.
  13. CheesyDonut

    CheesyDonut Void-Bound Voyager

    Rainbow desert and glitch towns

    Gamma Sector
    X: 73925042 Y: 66296523
    Gamma Sabby 8468 ll
    Biome: Desert
    Threat Level: 26

    You drop next to 2 rainbow chests with rainbow furniture blueprints in them, you can see them both in 1 screen as you land, it's a steal!

    If you go left or right (i went left) for some time. You'll find a large glitch town where i found some cool vanity clothing (a red riding hood like cap). So check the chests!!! (chests have cool stuff, crates and cabinets not so much). When you're out of the town there will be a tech chest somewhere in the desert, it's hard to miss. And then:
    An other large glitch town!!! Also check the chests in this one. I found an uncommon (green) assault rifle that shoots fire.
    The contence of the chests might be random but if it's not, you're in luck.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  14. Ribkage

    Ribkage Aquatic Astronaut

    X Sector
    Gamma Xi Ser Minoris III - lvl 40 forest
    x-577446 y8878906

    All on the surface, crazyness!
    6 Eye Chests (2 have all seeing cloak)
    4 Wood Chests (one has an awesome giant purple shield, its in a tunnel you should be able to see it with 2x zoom selected with eye trees above it, its just to left of spawn kind of after first surface wooden chest)
    2 High Tech chests (1 I think has a purple weapon)

    My legendary/purple items bugged and all turned into "Perfectly Generic Cubes" and that was in a high tech chest so I think it has a purple weapon in it and I just got screwed and cant loot them till theres a fix or the wipe patch.

    My last planet had around 100 diamond ore able to be mined under a mine and I forgot to write coords down like a dummy. I think in lvl 40 zones if you mine under mines they may all have diamond ore, not sure.
  15. xCloudHeartx

    xCloudHeartx Big Damn Hero

    Has anyone found a Glitch Castle in the Gamma section?

    I just got Gamma opened and I'd love to raid a Glitch Castle and get some better weapons. :up:
  16. Day56

    Day56 Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice pic. That is all.
  17. Gowst

    Gowst Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh my goodness...
    I went left for a while and found a chest with a Molotov Cocktail, a Monocle, and a MICROPHONE.
    It's at...

    Alpha 3 Vul 2956 III
    X: -33415098 Y: -62696087
    Alpha sector of course. Enjoy your singing monocle wearing...person.
  18. Requiem

    Requiem Phantasmal Quasar

    I am searching for the coordinates about the full Assassin Dress Blueprint and the Hoverboard Blueprint (just asking if even that item is available in the beta).
  19. Requiem

    Requiem Phantasmal Quasar

    Btw, your coordinates are linking to an empty spot. There isn't a solar system called "Alpha 3 Vul..." please correct the them again, please.
  20. Shock34

    Shock34 Master Chief

    Does any one have coords for an ocean planet is those are in the Beta?
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