Androbot v2.1

Discussion in 'The Monster Monster Contest' started by aiMarz, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Fathomir

    Fathomir Big Damn Hero

    Nice man! I love the 4 legged bot with the phaseblade.
  2. aiMarz

    aiMarz Big Damn Hero

    Thanks Fathomir. :) Figured some of you guys would love it.
  3. aiMarz

    aiMarz Big Damn Hero

    3/15/2012 - Added a "pets" option in the description and what the Androbot would drop. For those of you new to the thread, this information can be found in the second posts under the main post.

    And just throwing this out there, but if anyone has any free time and would like to do a mockup of a pixel version of any of the variations, I would love to see what it would look like, I attempted to create a mockup of it, but I just can't seem to get it to look right.

    Here is the current progress of the pixelized version I'm working on... :)
    androbot_pix_01.png - First attempt.
    androbot_pix_02.png - Slowly getting there?
  4. Giant Door

    Giant Door Space Penguin Leader

    I gave it a shot since your so damn persistent lol

    aiMarz likes this.
  5. aiMarz

    aiMarz Big Damn Hero

    Persistence has always been a quality of mine, probably why I've been in the Management field for over 10 years ;) See now, this is terrifyingly brilliant though and I love the sheen you put on it. Do you mind if I play around with the sprite you created? I would love to get a feel for what you've done so I can learn some things off of it. Love it so far though.

    And yes Giant Door, I know I've done more than enough, but I really wanted to bring some inner game life to it to see how it would look in pixel form, so thank you for giving it an excellent shot :) Love it.
  6. Giant Door

    Giant Door Space Penguin Leader

    Yeah it's yours to work with. Just note, going by the images in the media gallery, Starbound's pixels are actually 3 x 3. So the trick is when you are drawing do it either with a 3 x 3 brush, or rescale a starbound character (for reference) by 33.33%, draw in 1 pixel blocks and then resize 300%
  7. aiMarz

    aiMarz Big Damn Hero

    That makes sense... So basically they are using a scaling property of 3... That would be why my version looks way too big firstly, but it makes a lot of sense. I'll give it a shot and see what I can come up with, thanks Giant!
  8. aiMarz

    aiMarz Big Damn Hero

    Many thanks to Giant Door for his assistance on the pixel art version of the Androbot. I made a few changes to the phaseblades and added the tiny antenna as well. Thanks again to Giant Door!

    Hope you guys like it, this will be the last revision of Androbot for the contest. Thanks to everyone who commented and if you have an entry that I haven't looked over yet then let me know so I can take a glance at it. Good luck with the competition! :)

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