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An open letter to the Starbound community.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by SpiroExDeus, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    name me one as i can name a lot of people on this forum that would defend the Dev's no matter what and have done so as long as if been following the SB forum. all the people criticizing chucklefish have a reasonable argument.
    Pingeh likes this.
  2. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Maybe you should make a critical poster appreciation thread. ;p I mean we do have many developer appreciation ones.
    (This is a joke before anyone freaks.)
  3. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Hahaha all of them? Oh please
  4. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    Stunning as this might be, some people side with the devs because they actually recognise that nothing the devs do is done with the goal to screw their fanbase, and in fact that their goal is to try to please us where possible. While I agree that some people have had legitimate gripes, the way that those gripes have been presented has often been the problem, with their posts painting the devs as liars who treat their fanbase with disdain, when nothing could be further from the truth.
  5. maximlus

    maximlus Master Chief

  6. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Uhgg. Who cares? I unwatched this lame thread. Why am I still getting notifications?
  7. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    If someone keeps telling you, repeatedly, something that turns out they can't followup on - What do you call them?

    It doesn't matter if it is a promise or not. If you keep saying something, repeatedly, and do not following up on it? Eventually you will cry wolf one to many times and people will stop believing you. Chucklefish has gained a reputation one could argue, for not being able to follow through on what they say. Some people have stopped believing them.

    They, themselves have said they stopped giving estimates, because they can't manage them. Keep that in mind.
    Colton, LeifGram, Marche100 and 2 others like this.
  8. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    I have taken the original concept of this post and translated it into a simple principle so that people realize more easily the intent was not to criticize a particular sector of the community.

    If someone annoys you and is breaking ANY of the Forum rules. Simply:

    Report Them
    Ignore Them
    Eat Cake

    I give you the Report > Ignore > Cake icon!
    reportignorecake by SpiroExDeus, on Flickr

    Feel free to copy it and use it on your Avatar or Signature if you approve of the concept.

    If you want to use it as a sig this code is useful:

  9. Terrahero

    Terrahero Cosmic Narwhal

    You simply claimed that any bussiness that delays a game for 2 years is incompetent. All i did was illustrate that it happens in big titles aswell that are developed by teams that are far from incompetent.
    Besides those big MMOs run dev teams that have had years of experience, being overseen by a big publisher with a multi-million dollar budget and people that studied to manage such projects.
  10. Marche100

    Marche100 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Chucklefish has a multi-million dollar budget.
    Colton and Pingeh like this.
  11. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    LOL as if
  12. Marche100

    Marche100 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    82,199 Backers ( $1,877,481 )
    $1,877,481 + their combined money that they were expecting to use to, "work on the game for a lot less". 2,000,000 is multi-million.
    Colton and Pingeh like this.
  13. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    when you say multimillion you logically think of more than under 2 million >_>
  14. Skudge

    Skudge Void-Bound Voyager

    This thread started out great then devolved into depressing.

    Smiling monkeyface is crying on the inside.
    Colton and SpiroExDeus like this.
  15. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    have you ever considered a job in politics as a spin doctor.


    Colton and ImmortalFrog like this.
  16. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    I'mma pop in with something totally unrelated and say that I have always wondered where the suicide message in Black Ops 2 came from
  17. Koihime Nakamura

    Koihime Nakamura Ketchup Robot

    Yes. It's not uncommon for people to miss them, even if it's a proven studio. (It's why a better way to phrase things may be "We are currently targetting Q1 2014 for SuperAmazingOfficeProgram." because it's not a promise or a statement it'll be out.)

    However, I can't really call missing estimates more than a minor problem at this moment. Ask me again in December about that...

    .. so, this really cannot fairly be used as a criticism of Starbound... yet.

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