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RELEASED Amfin Species V0.3 (updated for Enraged Koala)

Discussion in 'Races' started by Ponyus, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Rhelor

    Rhelor Intergalactic Tourist

    excellent! thanks for the quick reply, can't wait to test this mod now *.* any idea what their weaponry style will look like aside from technologically advanced compared to the others (e.g: hylotls using a variety of japanese weapon styles)?
  2. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    this is the tier1 broadsword.

    "Vibroblade. Use ultrasonic vibrations to increase cutting effectiveness."

    the lower tier weapons will be mostly mechanical. hydraulic hammers, chainswords etc. higher tier will be energyblades and mostly ranged weapons (yes, i will make craftable guns)

    im not prioratising custom weapons right now, as i want it to be crafted with my new electronics crafting system. instead of making weapons out of just iron bars, you use wires, circuits and other modules to craft. im still working on the details, so it's crafted like normal for now.
  3. dark lord derpy

    dark lord derpy Big Damn Hero

    Not sure how I feel about them being a militaristic species, I feel warrior races are overdone, regardless, I love the ship design and the race and clothing.

    Perhaps a guardian culture? One who defends lesser species, whether they like it or not.
  4. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    as i said, nothing is set in stone and even if it is, we can always just blast it away with supercharged lasers.

    one idea could be that they are seekers and keepers of knowladge, wich would explain their advances in technology. the storyline of your character could be that you are a seeker and they sent you out to gather knowladge of the universe.

    could make dungeons that are massive libraries and excavations.
  5. dark lord derpy

    dark lord derpy Big Damn Hero

    I like that idea, that would be really cool. Also, any plans on more fin styles?
  6. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    plans on adding more? yes.

    any ideas for actual styles right now? not really.
  7. Rhelor

    Rhelor Intergalactic Tourist

    Welp another 2 hours gone :D even with the limited creative choices for the Amfin i managed to build a character that i adore so much more than any of the original races, coupled with the upcoming weapon designs and armors as well as the giant ship i believe this will become my mainchar and will stay as such for a loooong time to come :D

    once again: thanks for the work, great race design! ( updates please *.*)
  8. Graal

    Graal Big Damn Hero

    I've an issue: I can't make durasteel armour or Cerulium armour and weapons, but I can make Aegisalt weapons, is this normal?
  9. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    to be completely honest, i have not playtested this with the higher tiers of the game, but i cant think of anything i have done that could be causing this.

    i have not been "playing" starbound that much lately. i mostly just playtest the early things, such as ship updates and recepies.
  10. Graal

    Graal Big Damn Hero

    Never mind, for some reason I had to use the upgrades twice.
  11. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    With the latest patch (Beta v. Angry Koala) I had to change some of this race mod to make it compatible (and I didn't want to lose this mod). Seeing as I have updated it I thought I may as well upload it to here (though I have no custom armour etc)
    Also, I noticed you spelt recipes wrong... :p
    Dropbox link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98467064/Starbound/amfin.zip

    Attached Files:

  12. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Appreciated. i was gonna put up an update today or tomorrow (depending on how much i can get done today), so its nice of you to provide an alternative in the meantime.

    just to make it easier to me, what exactly did you have to change to make it compatible with the patch?
  13. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    1. The .modinfo file to show the latest version :p
    2. the .species file (using the new "__merge" feature which saves a lot of time (also, the "id" of races is optional and not including allows it to be installed and have no clashes eg two races with id 7 because there was no communication between modders)
    3. The label on the .charcreation file have now been moved to the .species file
    4. Using the "__merge" feature I changed the player.config and universe_server.config meaning there is less code there and allowing for multiple mods without conflicting .config file
    I believe that that is all that was changed. I would double check that I have changed everything correctly, though it did work for me.
    I hope that clears everything up. I was confused myself so this helped me understand the new patch worked (as well as using the live chat too)
  14. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    0.2 released! OP or resource thread for linky!

    ship is not entirely done, but i decided to include it anyway (if you remove the interior paneling, you will see what im talking about)
  15. Graal

    Graal Big Damn Hero

    Is this mod still being updated? I'd hate to see my main race go down :(

    I'm also working on an upgrade model for starter weapons, though I'll have to look into how to implement it once I've finished my assignments for Uni, but once that's done, I'll probably be able to send you something you can use.
  16. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Unfortunately, i dont have as much time as i'd like to work on this anymore. however, i will keep the current version updated to any patches that requires it.
  17. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Kawa likes this.
  18. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Working on some tier1 stuff. The Amfin tiers will be less linear than other species. Some gear may give you less armour stats, but give you the ability to breathe underwater etc.
  19. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut


    NPC spawners!

    Gonna need a bit of help with coming up with dialogues though.

    im also working on some other stuff alongside this. just waiting for a response that i have the proper permissions.
  20. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    as i have now recieved permission from erlioniel to use part of his Hoverbike mod for the Amfin species, i now feel comfortable announcing the amfin hoverbike.

    I will probably have multiple tiers of bikes, some being faster, but require more energy etc. They will be crafted using the electronics station the same way guns and advanced gear will be made.
    Carty1234 likes this.

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