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RELEASED Amfin Species V0.3 (updated for Enraged Koala)

Discussion in 'Races' started by Ponyus, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    My issue arose from the fact that on making a bigger version of the character selection sheet caused all the alignments to be wrong. I understand maths, trust me on that one, I just wondered how I would change all this (see picture) , I think the easiest solution would be to change the default alignment of the character selection image rather than all the others.
    So yeah, I realise it is pretty easy, I just get it a little mess and thus wondered if there was another way except from trial and error
    Here is the image I use:
    And this is the result:
    SB CharSelect.png
  2. BigD145

    BigD145 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have only one question: Can you fill the interior of the ship completely with water? SPACE DOLPHINS
  3. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    once someone figures out how to give races armor traits(those released yet?) these can be easily segwayed into Zora from LoZ
  4. BigD145

    BigD145 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I was thinking Liir from Sword of the Stars.
  5. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    why not both.gif
  6. Twisted Codex

    Twisted Codex Void-Bound Voyager

    It's a cool race :3
  7. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Been really busy with school this week and i have my hands full in the coming week too, so i might not get much done until next weekend.

    i have started to plan out how im gonna do guncrafting and more advanced tech. not sure how much of it will work, but i'll work it out somehow.

    i think the advanced tech aspect is gonna be the most exciting part of the mod.
    Pinkie Pie likes this.
  8. HippiG

    HippiG Big Damn Hero

    im here waiting for a new version for the latest patch
  9. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    updated to offended koala and added as a mod resource.
  10. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

    Carty1234 and Ponyus like this.
  11. HippiG

    HippiG Big Damn Hero

  12. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    that mod has nothing to do with it. all it does is change how the screen look.

    the problem is probably an overlapping id and index number. open up amfin.species and change "index" to something higher, then open up charcreation.config in windowconfg/charcreation and scroll down to about line 180. there you can change the "id" and the position of the race.
  13. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    <shameless plug> If you use my xbawks charcreator mod, you can skip that last step. </shameless plug></bad xml>
    Pinkie Pie likes this.
  14. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    thats true, but i dont really want this mod to depend on other mods to work.
  15. HippiG

    HippiG Big Damn Hero

    sorry i did that the server crashed as soon as a non mod user client connected. and it sems that your race is incopatible with the other races that work with the cc mod..
  16. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i build it to work as a standalone. it should work if you just change the index number.
  17. HippiG

    HippiG Big Damn Hero

    Just did all that it crashed .
  18. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    not really sure what could be causing that.

    anyway, i got some time to work today. decided to start on the new ship.

    i got the basic layout done. now i just need to do the actual art for it.
  19. Eric

    Eric Existential Complex

    Kinda looks Enterprizey. I like that.

    What kind of lore are you planning for these gills? They are technologically advanced but, what is their culture?
  20. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    thats still undecided. the idea im playing around with right now is a very militaristic society. maybe like the Terran Federation in Starship Troopers, where you are frowned upon if you do not join the military.

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