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Server Discussion Aegis Wrapper - Server Wrapper

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by unleashurgeek, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. hbrewitt

    hbrewitt Tentacle Wrangler

    I'd be interested in developing a plugin or two for my server- I'd be very interested in this early release even for development testing.
    The open source plugins are a great idea too!
    Thanks again!
  2. Djet

    Djet Sandwich Man

    Please create a 2 chat: Global and Local.
    Global: Player writes a message that they see everything. (at the beginning of the messages you want append "!". posts Color - Green)
    Local: The player sees a message on his ship or the planet.
  3. unleashurgeek

    unleashurgeek Space Spelunker

    What I am trying to do is keep the wrapper itself as basic as possible so it does not contain any features that some servers will not use. What you ask for, however, could easily be done with a small plugin (and actually could be a done a lot cleaner and more complex :p )
  4. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Will this offer spawn planet protection?
  5. unleashurgeek

    unleashurgeek Space Spelunker

    That will definitely be possible with some plugins.
  6. Djet

    Djet Sandwich Man

    Also, it would be not bad to see the setting permissions groups and colored prefixes, I wish you good luck in the development of the project! :up:
  7. hbrewitt

    hbrewitt Tentacle Wrangler

    Just another quick question, with the impending update- how will this fare through the update and after it?
    Will you be able to continue development after the update does/doesn't break it?
  8. unleashurgeek

    unleashurgeek Space Spelunker

    I already have implemented a permission handler for any plugin created command and what not, so you would just need a permission manager plugin, which I am going to release with one, to assign permissions to players and groups.

    Also I already have coded up a small Color help file for plugins.

    Its ability to live through updates depends on what they update. The more changes to the server structure the less likely it would be.

    With that being said, I will attempt to be on top of it as much as possible to make sure that it is always functioning. I will continue updating, supporting, and building upon this until either Starbound makes their server software with equivalent and better features or everyone stops supporting this wrapper.

    The main goal of this is honestly not be a wrapper at all, and I am hoping once I fully understand all the packets and the data structures of files, this becomes completely standalone and thus allowing it to completely optimized for I am only focusing on the server (which that also means I will be responsible for any problems :p ). I truly hope that I will be able to achieve this goal, and soon.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  9. eSportler

    eSportler Orbital Explorer

    is this Wrapper only for Windows??
    Or did it works on linux too?
  10. SolSoCoG

    SolSoCoG Astral Cartographer

    That is indeed an important question, as so far, about 66% servers(in general) run on linux/unix, and about 33% windows.
  11. eSportler

    eSportler Orbital Explorer

    You're right, but in case of Starbound most of the servers run on Windows. And additionally they're using Hamachi :facepalm:
    Hamachi creates a forwarding rule into the iptables which reserve the whole /8 Network. Got this Problem a few weeks ago when a friend couldn't connect to our Minecraft Gameserver which is running on an ip in this network. Uninstalling hamachi and everything works fine. Reinstalling and looking into the iptables shows the problem.
  12. Dedicated Machines are mostly using Linux, also all the hosts that are offering Starbound server hosting are not windows.

    But the sad thing about this addon is that is a single-developer, what makes it unlikely to survive a big Starbound Update as it is one just coming. This kind of things are not easy to maintain at all. :p
  13. unleashurgeek

    unleashurgeek Space Spelunker

    Who said I am the only developer?

    It will have complete cross platform support. Personally I think that all servers should run on linux because of its architecture, but small servers you will almost always see on windows. Regardless, I have been vigorously testing the wrapper on both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu Server 13.04 to be exact).
    eSportler likes this.
  14. eSportler

    eSportler Orbital Explorer

    Sounds good :)
  15. Well on the posts you refer as "I am releasing soon" and not we, so i figured . :p
    Are there any Features to make Auth System work? As some servers (russians) got their wrappers working with site registration to be able to auth on server without any restarts. Protections against grief / server-client crash guns / tries to huge flood to lag server as Starrybound itself had?
  16. unleashurgeek

    unleashurgeek Space Spelunker

    An Auth System and Grief protection should be completely possible with plugins.
  17. Maffi

    Maffi Astral Cartographer

    Sorry, I dont see any download link or anything... what really interests me: Is it open source?
    Starrybound was, but this whole shit made it kind of obsolete, I believe.
  18. unleashurgeek

    unleashurgeek Space Spelunker

    I think those quotes should be a sufficient answer.
    Maffi likes this.
  19. Maffi

    Maffi Astral Cartographer

    :up: Thank you, kind sir.
  20. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    I also think that statments a little general. Servers have purposes some served better through windows server OS.

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