Add a familial aspect

Discussion in 'Other' started by Midget Warlord, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. Midget Warlord

    Midget Warlord Intergalactic Tourist

    Really, no vast Adventure game such as this truly complete without a feature that allows for families to form. And unfortunately, in other games, it seems like that feature is put off for a while, But then forgotten entirely.
    While it may not be an idea for you're team of programmers making and updating Starbound Unstable, I recommend it, and would personally love this addition.
    And if it is an idea your programmers already have, then don't put it off!

    After note: Can I get a response from someone? Anyone? Or am I really the ONLY person that thinks this way?
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017

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