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About Instruments

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by MrMisterMisterMr, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. MrMisterMisterMr

    MrMisterMisterMr Orbital Explorer

    I found a trumpet in a chest, and I was wondering how to add new MIDI songs to the list, or if that has even been implemented yet. The only song I have is Canon, and I can't seem to find the option for adding new tunes anywhere. Any help is appreciated!
  2. GewaltSam

    GewaltSam Big Damn Hero

    We were testing this earlier before. What i can tell you for sure: google "ABC-Files" and get a few songs you like. Copy them to


    After a quick game restart you should be able to pick the new songs. Playing in a band didn't work so far, but requires some more testing. If someone got it working, feel free to tell us :)
    A song or two crashed the game, but most worked fine.

    Have fun making some music :)
  3. darethen

    darethen Big Damn Hero

    Nice thanx. Been looking for this topic for a few hours now
  4. Shu Chiba

    Shu Chiba Void-Bound Voyager

    Crash whenever i try and imported ABC file ><

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