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RELEASED A.V.I.A.N. Avian Core

Artificial Visual Intelligent Assistance Network

  1. SmoothMelody

    SmoothMelody Void-Bound Voyager

    So it looks like the stable release today dun broke it? :C

    When I try to load the game with it installed as the only installed mod, I get the following error:
    Fatal Exception caught: (StarException) An error occured during loading: (JsonException) No such key in Json::get("portraitFrames")

    I dunno if you're still working on this anymore Cgeta, but it is a beautiful and well crafted modification that added a lot of charm to the ship AI!
  2. Polecat

    Polecat Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, I'm getting the same thing. Looks like the release broke it.
  3. Cgeta

    Cgeta Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm surprised the previous stable didn't break it already :O
  4. dj_lun4

    dj_lun4 Orbital Explorer

    I know how to install it its just i cant find my human folder.
  5. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Redownload the zip file, then.
  6. dj_lun4

    dj_lun4 Orbital Explorer

    Ok ok let me start over i have the whole A.V.I.A.N zip and the human AVIAN file but in the instructions it says i need the human folder from starbound as well as seen here: "So if you want A.V.I.A.N. to replace, say, the default AI for the humans and hylotl, move the BASE, Human and Hylotl folder into the mod folder"
  7. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Move the AVIAN BASE and AVIAN Human files into your mods folder. That's it.
  8. dj_lun4

    dj_lun4 Orbital Explorer

    wait nvm mind i understand it now[DOUBLEPOST=1440509476][/DOUBLEPOST]
    yah i know i just figured it out. :facepalm: man did i over think this:DD
  9. bohric

    bohric Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Broken for me too, after the new stable update. Getting the same "portraitFrames" error as SmoothMelody and Polecat. Any idea what's causing the problem?

    EDIT: I did a quick search through all the mod files, and nothing I can see explicitly references anything called "portraitFrames". I see "aiFrames" and "staticFrames" but that's it.

    EDIT 2: Wait. I think I might have found something. In the mod file "ai.config.patch", you're replacing part of the vanilla code with your own. But the vanilla code makes a reference to "portraitFrames", while your code does not. The error in the log now sounds like the game is trying to access "portraitFrames", but you've removed the reference to it. All that you would have to do is to add a line in each of the individual races' patches that adds that reference back in. I don't know if this is right, but I'm adding the text of both of the config files as attachments.

    EDIT 3: I tested it myself, and it worked! Or appeared to work, at least. It let me load my character, and talk to AVIAN without a problem. Honestly, I don't even know what "portraitFrames" even does, but I had it use the default Floran file. I just had to add in one line.

    Attaching the modified ai.config.patch file. Hopefully, I 've helped somewhat. This is easily one of my favorite mods for this game, and I'd love to see it fixed as soon as possible.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  10. Cgeta

    Cgeta Pangalactic Porcupine

    I guess I'll look into it over the next days, working on an update.
    I'd feel bad if I abandoned it >_<

    And yeah, the thing with the base folder can be confusing.
    The thing is that some lines can be added only once. So, if you added multiple versions for different races, they would add some lines multiple times, and the game wouldn't like it. So I made the base folder to add the one time things only once, while the race folders add the race specific things.

    I haven't looked into that in a while though, so I'm not sure how everything went exactly.

    And english isn't my first language, so I can't explain things well. But I'll try to rephrase the text that tells you how to install it. Maybe I could use pictures.

    Or maybe there's something like soft dependencies, or some other way where I can avoid needing a base folder.
  11. crimsonwisp95

    crimsonwisp95 Void-Bound Voyager

    the new update wont let me use the mod D,:
  12. bohric

    bohric Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's kind of what we've been talking about in the last few posts. We know what the problem is – we just need a more elegant solution that the one I came up with. I guess just wait for an update.
  13. Cgeta

    Cgeta Pangalactic Porcupine

    There's no real elegant solution. Since all races use the same file, I'm forced to adhere to its limits. So, whenever you're in a mission, and she pops up on the bottom of the screen, she just says the default text that all other races do, and her animation is just a still image, for some reason. But it might be normal like that, I dunno. Doesn't affect the regular ship version though.

    I'm currently checking out all custom race mods if they have updated aswell, as I need the name for the portrait png file. If they didn't update yet, or have been abandoned, I'll just follow the system the default races and most mods do

    Gaah, I can't find whatever accesses the portrait files. I know it has something to do with the missions and "stagehands", but I now have to use one picture for every race. Which makes whole mod's size too big to be posted here xC
    It seems 2mb is the limit here
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  14. Cgeta

    Cgeta Pangalactic Porcupine

  15. bohric

    bohric Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (sigh) One other thing. Apparently, Pleased Giraffe changed how the ship and the matter manipulator are upgraded. They don't use metals and resources anymore; they use "Upgrade Modules" and "Manipulator Modules" respectively. Found this out the hard way when I went to upgrade my ship, and AVIAN still had the old materials in her dialogue. I know you just put out an update, but this is bound to confuse some people, and it shouldn't be hard to fix. (Just tedious, I guess.)
  16. Cgeta

    Cgeta Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oooh, yeah. I didn't really look much into the dialogue! I forgot the AI's mention the requirements for upgrades

    Also ship upgrades

    That's going to be quite some work to copy-paste the new text for every upgrade dialogue for every race xC
    I think it'll be done tomorrow
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  17. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm all inbetween installing this or not...

    Bugs aside... this Avian is just Lovely~
    I'm tempted to just draw her~
  18. crimsonwisp95

    crimsonwisp95 Void-Bound Voyager

    keep up the awesome work s guys. Really glad the mod isnt abandoned like some of the other ones i used.
  19. Cgeta

    Cgeta Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh wow, there's more matter manipulator upgrades now. 9 from the previous 6!

    More stuff to write. x_x

    Might take a little longer

    Today I managed to update the old texts, and add the three new ones. And I also added three new races, felins, nekos and latexians. I found request for them in notes and reviews and stuffs. Dunno if the race mods themselves are up to date. In the last update I also added the peglaci. Didn't mention that

    Anyway, I guess tomorrow I'll copy paste the new texts to the other race versions. 19 of them! 14 files for each!
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  20. SmoothMelody

    SmoothMelody Void-Bound Voyager

    You are the best!

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