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A Starbound Release Party :D (Check out the first post, huge changes incoming!)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by BlastRed, Oct 27, 2013.

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  1. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    I've got enough builders now! That's Great :DD :DD
    Now, all i need is some of you to apply for something else!
    Getting closer to the party everybody :O
  2. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    My one post was a vague application, but I really don't have any experience being in a position of power (mod or admin) on something I don't run/own.
  3. I hereby declare you to be my pawn on the release party server thus allowing you to join us during this glorious event, if you serve me well I will make sure to reward you greatly :laugh:
    BlastRed likes this.
  4. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Sir yes sir, I shell serve you valiantly and stuff. I will also still be bringing the punch.
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  5. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    So TWO Mods in the party!
    And since the new update came out, i don't have as much time as i planned ...
    i also need to learn how to host a STARBOUND server, and i hope it's just like terraria
    and minecraft
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  6. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    I will likely mess with a server some if I have time before the party, I can PM you my findings on how hosting works.
  7. oneblockwonder

    oneblockwonder Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would like to attend the party but I don't know how I am going to give you any food or eat any of the food at the party behind my monitor... and going to your place just isn't going to happen.
  8. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    In the game!Not at my house lol.
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  9. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

  10. So BlastRed how about you make a list of people who signed up for the party and add it up to the OP?
  11. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    Right. ill do that now. ill make a list, and if there is a white list on starbound, ill add them
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  12. Cool, that will be useful!
    Thanks! :]
  13. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

  14. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    So it'd be around 11:00 AM for me, then? You said noon, right, and I live in Central Time (-6, I think).
    BlastRed likes this.
  15. It will be 7pm for me I guess, sounds okay to me (If I got the timezones thing right...)
  16. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    Changed the timezone, please check if you can fit in the party :)

    I'll just say the party has started in the forum if i got the time wrong, so don't worry! :up:
  17. Alright, thanks BlastRed! (Yup, got the time wrong, it's going to be 6pm, not 7pm.)
    BlastRed likes this.
  18. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    I would not mind but I only have a low level laptop I use for personal servers and would have to operate from my slower home network, which would mean I would have to make sure the server would let everyone connect, it would be better for someone with a better server set-up or some dedicates servers in a farm to be the back-up guy.
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  19. Pseudoboss

    Pseudoboss Spaceman Spiff

    I can be a backup mod, I have a little experience with it, wasn't my cup of tea last time, but maybe i've changed.
    I have a good computer that i've servered for Minecraft and Terraria, but my internet's crappy, so hopefully SB's server stuff is as orgasmic as they claim.
    linkthegamer and BlastRed like this.
  20. Tlarby

    Tlarby Guest

    "I'm cool and I would like to join that party!"
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