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A new look at the Hylotl/Floran conflict: Do Hylotl eat Florans?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by RexBox, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You know now that I think about it, if animals/fish/etc. are the non sentient lifeforms while Avians/Humans/Apex/Hylotl are the sentient races of the meaty variety. And Florans are the sentient race of the plant variety. Then doesn't that mean the non sentient plants like the fruits/trees that the races in the game eat/cut down, are the 'animals' of the plant variety? Wouldn't that mean that vegetarians would still be harming other beings?
  2. Ehlek

    Ehlek Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Aaaaand that is actually false propaganda at work, folks. The most common argument is "You need protein"
    And let me tell you, There is plenty of protein to go around in many, many common plants. The idea that meat is good for you comes from years of the nutrition triangle being taught. No, you do not need dairy or meat or any animal products to live a healthy life. There are perfectly acceptable and reliable substitutes for everything. Though vegan bacon leaves something to left to be desired, A plant-based diet can greatly increase your life-span (Due to the restoration of very important tissue in your veins and the removal of plaque, which actively prevents strokes and other problems)
    And make you more fit. Also, if you don't eat meat, you don't get the plethora of hormones that come with it.
  3. Franklin0

    Franklin0 Star Wrangler

    Well that's similarly propagative. While there've been studies suggesting vegetarians live longer than meat eaters, it's a correlative find, not a causative one. Vegetarians also tend to not smoke, work out, and be generally more health conscious than their dietary counterparts, which are what actually may be extending their lives. Not necessarily because they avoid chicken.

    But this is all such a silly, well-trod ethical debate, and doesn't even apply to the initial question.
    Doyp likes this.
  4. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    well if they are based on japan,
    and japan has tons of vegtiables in there diet
    i would say yes
  5. Hexerin

    Hexerin Existential Complex

    the essential acids for one, among others.
  6. Franklin0

    Franklin0 Star Wrangler

    Hush Hexerin, you're not correct. Omega-3s (the acids) are easily found in other, non-meat sources[1], as well as all other essentials. Even if they weren't, they could supplement them with vitamins.
  7. Skye Wingpop

    Skye Wingpop Space Hobo

    While the development of empathy, and likewise ethics, provided an advantage in the form of cooperation, groups, society and culture, I don't agree that these developed attitudes and intellectual tools have relevance when it comes to concern for species other than our own, at least in our case where there aren't any truly symbiotic relationships.

    Some species of cows, for example, have been reduced to an optimization problem of their traits for the benefit of our species. What makes it unacceptable for these individuals to suffer, knowing that they're essentially another cog in a factory? Suppose there were advancements that made it more economical to use a 3D printer to construct meat, rather than raise the animals to slaughter. At that point there is no reason to maintain the population at such a large amount and the species eventually becomes curtailed into a handful of genetic samples, with no living individuals left. Would this be unethical, and why? They were always a recipe for us to produce a good, we just optimized the process. The genetic code is all that remains, and so is it really life? Was this life ever significant, when it was just the elaborate machination of a set of instructions?

    edit: Sorry for the delay, I was walking my cat.
  8. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But I like eating meat.... along with various fruits, and vegetables (as I don't just eat one thing).

    That being said, the only way the Hylotl would be eating Florans would be if they have no issues with eating another sentient lifeform (even if the lifeform in question is a plant). The same question for Florans is a bit harder to answer, what with them not even being mammals/reptiles/etc.
  9. SephiGast

    SephiGast Void-Bound Voyager

    I eat florans... but they bring it on themselves... they called me smelly fish... so I ate them....
    Beathrus likes this.
  10. Franklin0

    Franklin0 Star Wrangler

    You're selling short the emotional attachment and personification of other, relatable species. This emotional application is biological, and why many doctors recommend dogs as companions. The emotional symbiosis relieves stress, staves off depression and suicidal tendencies, and creates a reflective exercise in empathy for others beyond oneself. There are plenty of symbiotic systems humans are involved in, not just directly physical.

    Again, you're disregarding the psychological, emotional and empathetical development of sentience, and they're vital, natural systems.

    You're using a lot of personal reference points to this economic construct. The cows are perceived as strictly equipment to you, not everyone, and the desire for life and an absence of pain has been proven among them, along with various emotional states including depression and elation. So again, your approach to them being simply a forced construction of genetics is negating the emotional, psychological, and ethical requirements they have, and our own emotional, psychological, and ethical application to other species. And this is further painting my fear for your possible sociopathy. The inability to apply empathy to the suffering of selected others.

    I apologize if I cut this short, though. I really don't like spending my day debating the value of life on a video game message board. Good luck.
  11. Tulandros

    Tulandros Aquatic Astronaut

    Does the wiki say vegetarian or herbivore? I mean they probably would not eat floran if they are such big pacifits. However if the person writing the lore put vegetaian but meant herbivore then they might consider floren a nice light salad. The pacifism again causes issues.
  12. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I sort of wonder though were would cows be in the world to day, if they hadn't become a food source/produce food for humans today (the same could be said of chickens)? Would some of the various breeds of cows have gone extinct or endangered due issues humans have with not killing off other life (some likely would have never existed due to humans not breeding them that way)? Or would they become more of say like the deer or other animals where some humans will go out hunting for them (in this day and age due to the way food can be gotten, I doubt there would be to much over hunting, unlike older periods of human history).
  13. Franklin0

    Franklin0 Star Wrangler

    You could read up on Aurochs, if you're looking for a good idea as to what cattle may be like today had they not been domesticated. I presume they'd be more akin to oxen/buffalo. Aurochs were big and did not fuck around,

  14. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The only issue with them not being connected to humans (via either as a reliable food source/something else) would be that there would have like been some areas where cattle would have gone extinct due to over hunting of humans (didn't that happen to the American Buffalo (Bison) of the western US?).

    That being said, this thread has gotten off topic fast. And just because the Hylotl are pacifists, doesn't mean they can't eat other species. Though it doesn't really seem likely (even if the Floran are sentient plants).
  15. Tulandros

    Tulandros Aquatic Astronaut

    Pacifists are opposed to violence and I cant see the florans going quietley. Maybe if the came across dead florans. I don't know, its an interesting question.
  16. Lokai

    Lokai Void-Bound Voyager

    Cannibalism implies eating your own kind, if you go out and eat a monkey that isn't cannibalism, that is lunch... go out and eat fred the trash man...that is cannibalism. So Hylotl's eating a florian would not be cannibalism just like a floran eating say an avian wouldnt be cannibalism. Cannibalism implies eating your own speciesX3 so the floran actually eat each other is what that implies.... vicious adorable little cuteies!
  17. StormyJSilver

    StormyJSilver Space Spelunker

    So... the Florans and Hylotls have begun the war here then..... It is up to I the peacebringer to help them find solitary peace... in death!

    Planethopping, I will find and exterminate all Florans and Hylotls until the war is over, for that is a peacebringer's job!

    Snazzy Drew likes this.
  18. Kriptini

    Kriptini Zero Gravity Genie

    My Avian would love to cover a Floran in his ranch dressing...
    F-ranko likes this.
  19. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    QShadow, Akado and Hrexandro like this.
  20. Veraal Fins

    Veraal Fins Big Damn Hero

    I, Personally, would never eat a Florian.

    Not only are they an incredibly belligerent bunch, but they're unlikely to taste very good. In Greenfinger's notes, you can find that there's been a lot done to more or less artificially increase the Florans consitution, to better facilitate their expansion to other worlds.

    Imagine eating a giant uncooked artichoke after having to first fight it. Now imagine that it's full of strange chemical additives, full of meat it had eaten earlier, and as garishly colored as some Florans can sometimes be.

    No, I would never eat a Floran.

    Florans are abominations by their very 'Nature'. They're also violent, cruel, and rather naive as a race. They cannot be blamed for their nature, of course. Their "Greenfinger", whom they venerate as a father figure, is who I've really a problem with. Read up on him some, and you'll see why he's earned so much hate for him and his children.

    Some Florans are cool, though. I guess. Sometimes. But not most!

    tl;dr: Tomatoes will not fight you, taste better than Florans, and look more tasty.
    Also, None of my tomatoes would be married to an Avian.

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