A more diverse, realistic universe

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Urb4n0ninj4, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Urb4n0ninj4

    Urb4n0ninj4 Poptop Tamer

    Maybe it's because I play too much KSP, but the universe in Starbound drives me nuts.

    And let me preface this by saying I know it's beta, since that seems to be a usual argument to any opposition of how the game operates. I know, these are suggestions to make the universe better, assuming there aren't plans to already.

    • I feel like a planet shouldn't have 3 orbiting bodies that are all "planets," and half the size of the planet it's orbiting. They should be smaller, moon-like, and spread out a bit. With as many star systems as there are in a sector, there's plenty of chances to have a normal biome planet orbiting a star, each with a moon or two. Not saying a moon can't have an atmosphere, water, etc, but it seems way too common.
    • Varying gravity relative to a planets or moons size. I'm sure it's been mentioned at least once here.
    • Day/night cycles (and eclipses as well?) that match the planet or moon.
    • I too would also like to see heat added, as well as cold. Moons (and planets really) don't just get REALLY cold all of the sudden, they can get dang hot too.
    Into the nitpicky, aesthetic related....most are just visual, but some could add interesting gameplay elements;
    • planets/moons with eccentric orbits
    • binary star systems (saw this mentioned, i like the idea)
    • Asteroid belts (could have a few large ones in it that are mine-able)
    • Tidally locked planets/moons, making some parts always day and night
    • planets/moons with tilted orbits

    I guess my overall issue is that as the universe stands now, it feels like it's too "simple," and like each star system is just like another.
  2. NanakoAC

    NanakoAC Orbital Explorer

    re: gravity. i have a more detailed writeup of an implementation here

    all of yout ideas are pretty awesome, i approve
    Urb4n0ninj4 likes this.
  3. Coincidence

    Coincidence Poptop Tamer

    I haven't thought about it yet but it sounds pretty good to me. All those things would give the starmap a way better look. I hope the devs read it and think about it. :)
    Urb4n0ninj4 likes this.
  4. Urb4n0ninj4

    Urb4n0ninj4 Poptop Tamer

    Thanks for the support guys. And NanakoAC, yeah suggestions like gravity base on size, temperature toward the hot end, and a few others were suggested before, but some where falling toward the double digit pages so I felt maybe I'd express interest in them as well, as they contribute to the concept of a more realistic, interesting universe.
  5. CrystalDragonness

    CrystalDragonness Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I enjoy all of your ideas Urb4n0ninj4. I'm personally in favor of binary star systems (I would even like to see triple systems, but lets not get greedy eh?) but I would also love to see the others you have mentioned.

    While we're on the subject I'd also like to throw out the idea of primordial planets; planets that are not quite finished forming as a kind of biome. These kinds of planets would appear similar as magma planets, with the threat of constant erupting volcanoes and acidic rains and would have no lifeforms on them, and ideally these planets would change their surface features every time you visited the planet, but I don't know how feasible that would actually be from a technical point.
  6. Rylyn

    Rylyn Orbital Explorer

    I also played a lot of KSP few months ago and I can't agree more with you.

    Seal of approval :D
  7. ThisIsMe

    ThisIsMe Seal Broken

    I'd also like it if moons needed space helmets and were lifeless.
    Freethought likes this.
  8. TheLostSentinel

    TheLostSentinel Big Damn Hero

    Yes please.

  9. oOort

    oOort Industrial Terraformer

    it's a beta
  10. TheLostSentinel

    TheLostSentinel Big Damn Hero

    You didn't read the top of the post.

    He said he knows it's beta, but this might be something that would be nice to have implemented later.
  11. oOort

    oOort Industrial Terraformer

    oh my gosh i missed it. thanks
  12. Urb4n0ninj4

    Urb4n0ninj4 Poptop Tamer

    This is like a reflex for some people, I swear to god...
    oOort likes this.
  13. oOort

    oOort Industrial Terraformer

    jesus christ, is it not obvious or do i need to type /sarcasm. he very clearly pointed out in the beginning he is aware this is beta as a disclaimer, i was just.. oh gawd nvm. my humor fails
  14. Urb4n0ninj4

    Urb4n0ninj4 Poptop Tamer

    Text doesn't convey tone. So for something that could EASILY be interpreted as serious (in a forum where people quite often get on someones case about "it's just a beta!") then it is better safe than sorry to make it obviously sarcastic. Don't get pissed off because people can't hear how would say it as you're typing...
  15. oOort

    oOort Industrial Terraformer

    text conveys tone when put into context. see my "oh my gosh, i missed it. thanks". would anyone seriously say that for reals? how would anyone not detect sarcasm? i'm fucking funny, and you guys just don't get my jokes. its a beta its abeta itsabeta, it works for EVERYTHING.

    p.s- its a beta
  16. Snortellini

    Snortellini Orbital Explorer

    I totally agree, the universe has some of the most odd/diverse planets. There is a planet that is made out of diamonds but... inaccessible due to the incredibly dangerous radiation there. There are also planets with incredibly short day/night cycles. I think it would be hilarious to land on a planet and have the day/night cycle every 30 secs or so. For the diamond planet I think having a crystal planet would be a good replacement but the only way you can land on it is with gear that protects you from radiation and heat. The color and size of the star the planets orbit should affect the light hue of the planet. If its a brown dwarf the light is dim and its a more orange hue if its a blue giant you have a bright blue hue.
    Naun likes this.
  17. Serpensio

    Serpensio Big Damn Hero

    So what if it's a beta? I want it. I want it all. Everything mentioned above.
  18. Urb4n0ninj4

    Urb4n0ninj4 Poptop Tamer

    I think you need to go away now.
    Kwayne and Serpensio like this.
  19. Freethought

    Freethought Aquatic Astronaut

    You know what I don't like? EVERY body is habitable! Even the "moon" biome is just a little chilly. (Although it's my understanding they are to require spacesuits later, anyone know anything?)

    I feel like the vast, VAST majority of bodies should be totally lifeless and uninhabitable, and even most of ones that are should require some kind of special gear to survive out on the surface. Now, I understand that this might make the game difficult, and I understand that there will be a lot of habitable worlds in any case for exactly that reason, but a bit of realism couldn't hurt. Maybe just half are habitable? Or a quarter?
  20. Urb4n0ninj4

    Urb4n0ninj4 Poptop Tamer

    Yeah, totally. I don't know about the ratio of stars that have orbiting bodies in our galaxy, or if that's even something that's calculable (Hell for we know 80% are?) .
    I can see taking an artistic exaggeration of reality for the sake of gameplay on that though, because a space exploring and mining game is useless without....well...stuff to explore and mine. However I do think the ratio of habitable planets is ridiculous. But I think "The game we want" thread covers that aspect.

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