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Other a general collection of sprites and screens of stuff I'm working on because My pace varies greatly

Discussion in 'Art' started by Ixantir, Feb 17, 2014.


which icon or tool image should I rework

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  1. Ixantir

    Ixantir Ketchup Robot

    So I have the permission of Odabutsu to alter a sprite of theirs for the gravitygun/beamaxe/mattermanipulator (All names found in recipes, and files)

    I originally reworked just one sprite into the many tiers inherited from and credited to Xuhybrid and BurningAcid
    zpefmbaselarge.png zpefm01large.png zpefm02large.png zpefm03large.png zpefm04large.png zpefm05large.png zpefm06large.png zpefm07large.png zpefm08large.png zpefm09large.png zpefm10large.png zpefm11large.png zpefm12large.png zpefm13large.png zpefm14large.png zpefm15large.png

    and originally had matching icon and image files : showing the starter here

    zpefmbase.png tool
    zpefmbaseicon.png Icon

    the held item seemed fine but then I had a newer revelation and wanted to pull FROM Odabutsu sprite but no longer simply be a functional retexture. and the Matrix Compiler was born at a suggestion by Xavius for a good name. Though I'm sure I altered it in implementing.
    matrixcompilerlarge.png image
    matrixcompilericon.png Icon
    matrixcompiler.png tool

    The inspiration was Tron and rather than place this where I had it in mods. I'll simply post it here so I can leisurely develop it how I want. Things that bug me with it currently is that the details are currently non existent and I may return to the previous color scheme. but I really wanted to implement a Tron Legacy look to these:
    matrixcompiler01large.png matrixcompileraltlarge.png
    The first would be the copper upgrade the second potentially the basic one

    My thoughts so far to return to rework the tool and icon files, trying and make them look a little bit better. the problem i'm having is that I altered the shape of the large image and am uncertain as to how big I can make the tool image in pixels, same for the icon.

    My other discussion i've had with people that used the old version is that it would still utilize the original tool for placement and was therein clunky

    Starter quest changed to adjust for the name change, description changed
    starter quest
    The ship has run out of fuel in orbit of an unknown planet. Before setting out in search of fuel, ^green;search your ship's storage for a ^pink;matrix compiler^white;. Press ^green;E ^white;to interact with objects.",
      "completionText" : "Well done! The matrix compiler allows you to manipulate almost anything in the gameworld.
    compiles data into matter and vice versa.
    ideas and suggestions are welcome.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
    Darkstar01FTW and Darkchyldeone like this.
  2. Ixantir

    Ixantir Ketchup Robot

    Changes I'm making
    gravgun1large.png basic unit
    zpefm09large.png Durasteel unaltered
    template01large.png Given the base tones from the basic unit. Coloration would be similar taken from the original devices
    zpefm15large.png Impervium unaltered

    template02.1large.png while hard to see at this detail the pommel pieces are striated like the muzzle of the tool, both handles from the base color. where the one from durasteel used non striated pommels/underarms
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  3. Xavius

    Xavius Cosmic Narwhal

    hmm, looks pretty interesting, but I like the first version of the durasteel. The second version of the impervium looks better, though.
  4. Ixantir

    Ixantir Ketchup Robot

    right this is going to result in a total conversion to the impervium system. These changes may take a while since I may be shifting striation or other variants to bring a good look about.. i'm just not sure how to justifiably do this.

    I started these and found color matching to materials to be frustrating
    gravgun2large.png gravgun3large.png gravgun4large.png gravgun5large.png
    Then I went more with my intended means for this mod and came up with this (based upon the gold/cheddar colored one)
    gravgun1.png the new tool sprite to match core changes. Made it a bit bulkier too
    gravgun1icon.png the altered icon for the inventory
    those will be used by all models at this point.
    gravgun1large.png The current notion, colors will shift up through the tiers in the striation and handle, then at tier two (Steel) both handles will shift colors) though one notion as well is that the handles not shifting at all until the second tier, and then remaining a recognizable color throughout that set. though at this point I might as well set handle colors and then rotate randomly through 16 different colors. and call it good.

    gravgun1large.png gravgun2large.png gravgun3large.png gravgun4large.png gravgun5large.png gravgun6large.png gravgun7large.png gravgun8large.png gravgun9large.png gravgun10large.png gravgun11large.png gravgun12large.png gravgun13large.png gravgun14large.png gravgun15large.png gravgun16large.png gravgun1.png gravgun1icon.png
    End result: I got curb-stomped by rainbow goblins.
    the ones that repeat colors somewhat have different details such as both handles being colored or longer lines on the muzzle.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  5. Xavius

    Xavius Cosmic Narwhal

    Maybe for when you go tron-styled, but for the mod itself, I prefer the diverse casing colorations. Maybe have the 'competitors' have differing case colors/designs, such as a series that is solid black with colored accents (like shown) but has either slightly different costs (requires an extra 2 coal every upgrade for the black coloration, or something) or some other minor drawback/difference.
  6. Ixantir

    Ixantir Ketchup Robot

    As much as this started as a minecraft thing, The Ehnder may wind up as my Pipistrelle. though if people like them enough, they may just remain my crossover from Minecraft

    Another project that is blooming
    House DloVya.png house Imhuso.png House Odocmuda.png House Vuhh.png House Ymruomd.png Luwonumt.png
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014
  7. Ixantir

    Ixantir Ketchup Robot

    Hey sorry I'm simply moving into doing art. You can follow that drawing to my deviant art. I need to not game
  8. You want me to lock up this thread? or keep it open for you?
  9. Ixantir

    Ixantir Ketchup Robot

    yes please. Just doesn't seem relevant to starbound anymore.

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