A bit of regeneration

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Dragoluna, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Dragoluna

    Dragoluna Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi all, it's my very first mod:ssssssssss:. I was searching (and i'm still) for a method to regen health over time when well feed.
    Meanwhile i created this "Cheer Stim" require 4 plant fiber (as bandages) to create 2 stim, when used for 5minutes (300secs) heals a small ammount and is stackable with bandages. (it takes about 20secs to heal 1 square)

    To install simply copy the folder assets in the zip into your.

    if you have other mod that modify /assets/player.config you must add
          { "item" : "cheer stim" },
    "defaultBlueprints" : {
        "tier1" : [
          { "item" : "cheer stim" },
          { "item" : "copperarmorhead" },
    and in the file /assets/levelling/duration.lvlfunctions
      "300sec" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 300.0], [1, 300.0], [100, 300.0], [9999, 300.0] ],
    between the two curly brackets.

    the other files were created by me.

    If you know how to add a health over time in the food system please send a pm.

    Attached Files:

    Dagomani and Affero like this.
  2. Dagomani

    Dagomani Space Spelunker

    The idea seems great :)

    Good luck with it :D
  3. Passage

    Passage Space Spelunker

    Would you mind explaining how the contents of duration.lvlfunctions are supposed to be read? The lack of comments in the file is highly disappointing, and I can't make heads nor tails of the table.

    What does each parameter in a row do?
  4. Dragoluna

    Dragoluna Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't know exactly what they do, just figured that some one are the second of duration. Some better doc would be great.
  5. Passage

    Passage Space Spelunker

    Ah well. Thanks for at least clearing up that there's no information going around. We'll figure it out eventually, I suppose. ^^
  6. Dagomani

    Dagomani Space Spelunker

    You could always play around with the values and see what happens? xD

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