8th September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. ArcticKaito

    ArcticKaito Master Chief

    Hi you guyss!!
    I was wondering how everyone was doing with the beta news
    so I decided to pop in and have a look around.
    ( Maybe suggest a game for distraction..? )
    I read about it recently and was like..

    :DD HehhHeh.. I'm okay....
    :mwahaha: reallly, I'm am.......
    :cry: Ehhhhhehheh...

    Being serious though, If we got beta now, it wouldn't be how they wanted, and is their game after all.
    When it Does come out, it's gonna be nice, they'll have worked on it more and hammered out more bugs and whatnot.
    They wanna finish things first ( certain tiers ) and don't wanna give beta yet if it's still crashing, deleting data a lot, and all that..
    That's not a quote, it's in my own words.. Anywho! I'm glad they're waiting and working longer if it means beta will have better quality
    I thought they were closer to be honest ( My bad.. ) lesson learned! Don't Think or Expect it, Knowww it. Lol

    I Am Really Excited about the game and beta but it's not ready for us yet and I think that's okay.
    ( At least that's how I feel xD.. Not everyone will agree on this.. )
    I think the wait will make it all the better when beta comes.

    In the meantime..
    Here's that distraction I was talking about.I loved this game when I played it
    so hopefully you guys will too!

    Some more for if and when you finish Ib..
    I haven't played them all but I liked the ones I have..
    The Witch's House, The Crooked Man,
    Mad Father, Misao, and Ib..
    Ib is my Favorite :megusta:..

    I'll be on my wayy..
    Bai bai~!
    Lucario and tassina like this.
  2. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    You'd thinks so wouldn't you? And yet on a constant basis people seem to be speaking from a position of complete ignorance and those of us who have done any level of coding in a commercial setting - and I'm not blowing my own trumpet here, it was some fairly basic website backend stuff for about half a year so I'm not putting myself in the same position as those who actually develop games and other more complex forms of programming - get accused of sucking up. Well fine. I'll take that "White Knight" label if you're dishing it out.
    We're all concerned about beta development .We all want to see the Beta released. The difference is that some of us get annoyed when others decide to complain because a Beta hasn't been released when the only comment made by the devs on the matter was "Some time in 2013". If the devs haven't (yet) gone past that very loose deadline then what the hell are these people complaining about? I waited half a year or more after Jason Brubaker's kickstarter for the excellent comic "Re:Mind" was funded and at no point did I see ANYONE complaining about the wait.Yeah I (and the others who don't like those who demand beta - rather than just saying I wish the beta was sooner, which is what we all think - when the ultimate deadline hasn't been passed) love Chucklefish but you're talking as if people are making reasonable demands about the devs and we're being precious about it and it's not really the case.
    tassina likes this.
  3. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    Yay 5 days until we know whats going on in the world of starbound

    wait, oops i misread the date YAY 1 more day!
  4. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    It may be even longer, remember it will take time to even update the roadmap as quite a lot has been done since it was last updated.
  5. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    Good point SPOOk
  6. RedDire

    RedDire Cosmic Narwhal

    They don't need this "funding". It's simply buying your game early and you get stuff as a bonus for doing so. Why do you think they insist on giving us things like Starter pets, Novakids, etc.? 'Cause they don't necessarily need this money.
    You see, you don't even know what you're talking about. "No offense meant".
  7. Lucario

    Lucario Void-Bound Voyager

    I believe you are mistaken they used the things like Starter pets and Novakids to get people to preorder because they needed the money. From what I understand if it weren’t for the money from the preorder most of Chucklefish would be to busy making the money they need to support their families to be working fulltime on Starbound.
  8. Jordancoolman

    Jordancoolman Intergalactic Tourist

    Twisted Tails! A Thousand Eyes! EPA EPA!!!!!!!!
  9. Ol joe

    Ol joe Orbital Explorer

    Are all the melee weapons really big like that
  10. EXCU

    EXCU Tentacle Wrangler

    This battle sequence looks visually striking.
    I cannot wait to play the beta.
  11. SilverSoldier

    SilverSoldier Space Hobo

    It seems you are making great progress so far, but I think it would be a good idea to bring this to consoles a couple months after it comes out on PC ( just saying)
  12. Black--snow

    Black--snow Cosmic Narwhal

    For one, this is a really bad place to post this... This would be a suggestion.

    Also, I can't see them doing a console port and people being happy with it too close to release.

    Sources: I'm one of them.
  13. uHu

    uHu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sorry, if this was asked before (I know .. I'm late to the party):

    Will there be an option to skip the "delay" in those dying animations?
    I mean, that an enemy explodes/whatever immediatly, rather than standing still and flashing for a second.

    I already noticed this in another video and think, that (especially when it gets crowdy) you could easily keep slamming on enemies, which are already dead, because you don't really notice, that they're about to explode.

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