7th June Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Glitch1500

    Glitch1500 Aquatic Astronaut

    I remember seeing that guy before in a Dota 2 one.. He makes like 2-3+ a day, hell of a way to pass time I can imagine :eek:
  2. Sethusk

    Sethusk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What a trailer, more hyped than ever now! ....:p
  3. Seb

    Seb Phantasmal Quasar

    That 'trailer' was brilliant.
  4. Zichqec

    Zichqec Void-Bound Voyager

    That was the best trailer for a game that I have ever seen!

    Another stream? Awesome! :D

    Keep up the great work!
  5. rexmankiller5

    rexmankiller5 Aquatic Astronaut

    Dungeon Master likes this.
  6. Khrowe

    Khrowe Void-Bound Voyager

    1) Who made that video?

    2) The very first monster in Tiy's stream looks like it shooting Pokeballs at Tiy.

    That is all.
  7. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    hey hey you put the post in news yay!

    but on the topic of the update WHYYYYYY DID YOU GET MY HOPES UP WITH THAT TRAILERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I was SO excited and I yelled to my bro THEY MADE A TRAILER and then he gets here and im like WHY WHY WHY WY
    MonkeyCo likes this.
  8. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    how about a REAL trailer next time ok?
  9. MonkeyCo

    MonkeyCo Void-Bound Voyager

    :eek: was wondering if I was watching the wrong video when I seen it... Just sent my brother to watch it (letting him figure it out :whistle:). You evil dev ;)
    AdenSword likes this.
  10. zoudain

    zoudain Orbital Explorer

    Good job on the trailer guys :)
    Hyped up even more now! woo!! :D
  11. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    I can't believe it.
    Before I even watched the trailer I told my friend in a excited tone:
    I even went outside to say starbound trailer is out, many neighbors staring at me.
    I even jumped around and skipped like a giddy schoolgirl.
    I click on the link.
    What do I get?
    Now I have to apologize to everyone. Thanks Omni.
  12. Von Marlon

    Von Marlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    David Lynch aint got shit on that guy!
    mollygos likes this.
  13. flamedance58

    flamedance58 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As much as that "trailer" was supposed to be funny...you might of offended a lot of people who were really hoping for a trailer..

    I personally was really hoping for a real trailer to see the the game and it's content in action. Not this random crap off of youtube.

    While I understand the need for humor and it was probably funny at the time, I don't believe it was 100% wise to pull a joke like that on a subject that a large portion of people are quite adamant about.
    I'd compare this to hiding a message in the progress map that when pressed it says: "We're not updating cause we don't give a fuck!"
    AdenSword and flippitydip like this.
  14. JayRyT

    JayRyT Void-Bound Voyager

    Ha ha ha Love the trailer! Hello everyone! I am New to the forums and Starbound! Cant wait to play!!! Most exciting game I've seen in ages! :metroid:
  15. kpxtreame

    kpxtreame Void-Bound Voyager

    Oo cool, a new tra... GRANDAD???!!!!
  16. ExoSapien

    ExoSapien Title Not Found

    i laughed so hard
  17. EnderRydel

    EnderRydel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Considering some of the apeshit video game ads we got in the 90s, I'd say this "trailer" actually isn't too bad.
  18. CrimsonWingzz

    CrimsonWingzz Pangalactic Porcupine

    I never had brain cells to begin with.
    AdenSword and Straw Hat like this.
  19. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Trailer was well worth the wait.
  20. TheLochNessCheeseBurger

    TheLochNessCheeseBurger Phantasmal Quasar

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