6 June, admin commands

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. conorf1807

    conorf1807 Void-Bound Voyager

    Possibly add a pardon/unban command for both IPs and UUIDs?
  2. IvoryOwl

    IvoryOwl Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ooooh, makes sense. Is that coord update coming up in the next big batch or is something even further away in the future?
    Titanium likes this.
  3. It's not that, it's just the way the Engine is designed to work, it changed every update till now (as devs always added new content to the game as biomes, dungeons, monsters...), i think it's their way to spread all the content towards the Universe, they kinda "re-generate" the whole Universe again. :p

    Still if you have any world save file, it won't change a thing because it will use the save file, not generating it again on a newer version.
    Elate likes this.
  4. Elate

    Elate Spaceman Spiff

    Procedurally generated isn't the same as randomly generated, but yes, it is one humongous universe with a chance to spawn in a different place, which is why coordinates are transferable. I believe though, that with each version, they generate a new universe? I'm not entirely sure on that one.

    Could any devs explain? Kinda curious about the specifics of the generation myself.
    Titanium and Bacon like this.
  5. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

  6. Raven329

    Raven329 Void-Bound Voyager

    Set gravity has so many fun possibilities. Arenas... obstacle courses... sky cities... :D can't wait
  7. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    That's all I have to say.
  8. reddeath94

    reddeath94 Space Hobo

    commands to set the oxygen level of the planet and the temperature should also be utilized, as well as a command for all items in your inventory going to max stack.
  9. Sihn

    Sihn Void-Bound Voyager

    First of all, thank you for the commands!
    Will there be a command to protect the ship chests?
  10. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Looks like that dinner I am going to have. Tasty... srsly I had better analogies and silly comparasions a while back -.-
  11. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A command that sets the weather
    A command that freezes liquids in place
    A command that quickly settles all liquids
    A command that returns players to their ship
    A command that moves a player's ship to the planet they are on
    A command that returns players to their home planet
    A command that temp bans
    A command that gags a player
    A command that freezes EVERYTHING except for admin behavior (Give it a time limit that has to be refreshed by an admin though)
  12. liack

    liack Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Like someone previously said:
    A protect (can't place or remove blocks, loot or fill containers, either world wide, or coords based)
    A planet reset (delete modifications, or delete everything, and re-run generation for said planet)

    New requests
    A special event trigger (make them meteorites fall! or just lot of rain...of acid!)
    A position getter (/whereis <name/ID>), returning Sector, System Coords, Planet Name, Ship or World Coordinates). Could be used to figure protect locations.
    Morsus98 and Dominar Pippin like this.
  13. NikoCreator

    NikoCreator Void-Bound Voyager

    Looks Absolutely Fantastic!

    Looking forward to the update!
  14. Dj Lukis.LT

    Dj Lukis.LT Master Chief

    I would also suggest that some commands could have 2-way data (like in "Source" engine), for eg. writing /gravity with no parameters would print the current gravity, and writing /gravity X would set it to X.
    This makes the implementation more messy, but groups the basic get-set functions and makes the system more self-documented (for eg. showing the value ranges, possible parameters)
    Ignify and liack like this.
  15. Rasnal

    Rasnal Void-Bound Voyager

    I would suggest commands for an admin to adjust the planet in a larger sense.
    Already mentioned was weather and temperature.
    In case the admin is the storyteller type of person, allow them to change the biome, make a planet 'peaceful'/'not peaceful' (no mob spawns), generate structures (if possible), the ability to spawn a merchant (and fiddle with their selling inventories), and finally the protect option to keep your players from destroying a story creation. Maybe even an option for the admin to say: I want to make a planet at "x/y/sector" with "these parameters" and "this indigenous race" and "these types of structures", including the option to 'create a starbase' type thing. Also, the option to 'reset' a planet (created planets would delete or reset to base parameters)
  16. SlicedAndDiced

    SlicedAndDiced Void-Bound Voyager

  17. Does this mean we can get the thing I've been wanting since day one, server join and leave announcements?
  18. Xyvecius

    Xyvecius Phantasmal Quasar

    Is the /SetWeather X X X still available?
  19. WolfSiri

    WolfSiri Master Chief

    Will spawning everything ruin the game, I wonder?
  20. Eh, people already do it in mass with cheats inside servers! And generate stuff is not that easy, you need to find the item codes for each thing you want to spawn, unless they are able to make it so it recognizes Item Names.
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