4th September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Riokan

    Riokan Big Damn Hero

    And mutated feces that as far as i understood it only appear in a sewage dungeon are that far off? i mean HOW can we know that is not possible? we're talking about a sci-fi game so im pretty sure some rediculous stuff can be in it and if that is living feces so be it.

    And anyways i quote it:
    If you're that trouble with this monster don't ask for the others that are down there and don't go there ( which i presume you wouldn't anyways cause there could be not mutated feces and other horrors of the digestion system too)

    This read itself easily as a mocking text , it isn't meant to be such one just to make it clear
    Noctwinds, Baku Vicen and tassina like this.
  2. ore9ore

    ore9ore Subatomic Cosmonaut

  3. illwac

    illwac Void-Bound Voyager

    Relaaaaax. There are a lot of things coming out for the game that are ridiculous or "gross." I think he was pointing out those mobs because they are also ridiculous. Some people are uncomfortable with the Eyeball trees and brain biome.

    Its just a pixelated piece of living poo. Convince yourself its something else if immersion is your goal. Maybe a small alien uses it as camouflage to avoid being eaten.
    tassina and Riokan like this.
  4. Gaikang

    Gaikang The Number of the Minibeast

    Except it's not a mutated pile of waste or a sludge monster. It is a cutely designed, smiling, blushing, shaped to look like those stereotypical mounds, poo. It supposedly shows up in a spooky, disgusting, terrible sewage dungeon, and a kawaii little poo would ruin that atmosphere, being completely out of place.
    AdenSword likes this.
  5. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    I'm not big on Toilet Humor... *Schedules an Orbital Strike on ALL Po containing Planets...* :lod:
  6. Briach

    Briach Void-Bound Voyager

    Just because something is cutely designed, doesn't mean that it can't also be scary as heck..
    Example: [​IMG]
  7. Iamacarrot

    Iamacarrot Void-Bound Voyager

    the beta.........it sounds sooooo close:cry::poo:(ipooteedmyself)
  8. Riokan

    Riokan Big Damn Hero

    i sadly am not kidding when i say i've seen people very happy while being WAY to close tu such matters. And this is a game, a yay hapyface poo may break atmosphere but think about it like this. "You battle through hordes of horrid monsters and after a massive wave of rather had adn strogn foes a doctiel happily grinning poop jumps past" it's so rediculous taht i would acualyl laught.

    And when it coems to games, may they be computer, Tabletop, movies or pen&paper games 2 rules always go.
    the Rule of Cool: If it's awesome/Badass/cool it goes cause "HECK YEAH!"
    The Rule of Funny: If it's funny/ amusing/hilarious IT'S great and goes

    also, i quote Molly again

    this one just needs to have a rare spawn rate to keep the comical aspect to it, i would prefer to splatter (overa GREAT distance) these litte S*@+s if they look monstrous and evil most of the time too

    also nobody knows what mosnter could be like for real, i mean have yo useen the move galaxy quest? look for the little blue aliens, actually

    not everything that looks "nice" is "nice" and before you say "But it won't turn into a evil looking monster just like that" or something along that line, W haven't seen it's attack animation
    Axe Garian and tassina like this.
  9. EarthlyOdin

    EarthlyOdin Phantasmal Quasar

    Found in sewers? Does that mean the dungeons will have lower areas? Or are there hub cities with sewers you can access?
  10. Gaikang

    Gaikang The Number of the Minibeast

    But it isn't cool or funny.
    AdenSword likes this.
  11. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    Happy poops? We need a word for this. How about... excritement.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  12. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    Why do I get the impression my soul is getting stared into and is awaiting to be devoured...?
    Noctwinds and tassina like this.
  13. nolan1024

    nolan1024 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    :cookie: i got it :x it smells
  14. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    Hello, thank you for your hard work still, devs. I hope you will make lots and lots of unique monsters because I find them much more compelling and cool than the random-generated ones.

    The Po is cute. I like it.
    Kousaka likes this.
  15. Riokan

    Riokan Big Damn Hero

    alright an old german saying goes kinda like this "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" thought beholder sounds like D&D so i usallay say lies in the eye of the viewer. Anyways same goes with Coolness, awesomeness and funnieness.

    Sure you don't think it's funny, but by now i think it's pretty obvious most people do.
    Basiclly, not funny for you doens't mean not funny at all in this case. Anyways as I see it there are several points that validate it's implementation and as far as i understood it you simply dislike it (for a good personal reason, dispice for not fittingness in regards of setting placement aka cute poop doesn't belong into scary sewer)

    Iunderstand and respect that but i think in the worst case someone can help you remove it from spawning, after all the game will be modable and i would be rather suprised if modding to remove certain things wouldn't be possible.
  16. Nathan7701526

    Nathan7701526 Void-Bound Voyager

    Is the Beta out yet?
  17. illwac

    illwac Void-Bound Voyager

  18. Daktaklakpak

    Daktaklakpak Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh boy, feces monsters. When I think of a game like Starbound, I often find myself thinking that this is a game that could benefit from more toilet humor. Thanks a lot for all of the hard work and giving us exactly what we've been asking for, Chucklefish!
  19. Sturmkrahe

    Sturmkrahe Aquatic Astronaut

    Blegh. I hope this game will be as easy to mod as they're saying it will be. What a disappointment that this is what development time is being spent on.
  20. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    You will probably get an email upon the release of the beta.
    Noctwinds, AdenSword and tassina like this.

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