4th September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Floof

    Floof Void-Bound Voyager

    I got to page 6 and stopped reading. Seriously, some guy comes in with perfectly reasonable explanations as to why he thinks this is dumb, and you all go "Lol funkiller walls of text you must be mad, it's just poo".

    I don't care that much, I don't like it but i'l still enjoy the game just fine. The thing is this entire community seems entirely dedicated to "Lol so randum X D" humor. This really is out of place. People AREN'T just saying they think this is dumb to insult the devs, this is genuine feedback. Feedback that i'm sure are plenty appreciated by the devs, otherwise they wouldn't be giving us these daily updates. They don't just do this so you can praise them I'm sure.

    Many people appreciate the serious aspects of this game. Does that mean their can't be some silly ones too? No of course not, the cats inside of machines and such work in my opinion. They are a bit silly but not so much that they completely break immersion. However had many (not all) of you been running this game by yourself it would just be references to a dozen off topic things, shit like this, etc.

    TLDR Having sillyness is fine, but there is a line, (un-intentional rhyme). Same goes for the people here, just because a lot of you are entirely focused on being as random as possible doesn't mean the more serious people are wrong.
  2. JosephPowers

    JosephPowers Master Chief

    I'm standing knee deep in tears.
  3. Mafa

    Mafa Tentacle Wrangler

    Sukamon what are you doing?

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