4th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by GeorgeV, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Nynjah

    Nynjah Void-Bound Voyager

    Pokemon, gotta catch em all....:V Ok now I'm pretty sure beta is coming because George said
    Terraria 1.2 is helping me wait but it just doesn't compare to what Starbound will be! Keep it up devs :up:
  2. RamenGaiden

    RamenGaiden Title Not Found

    Who here sees the pokemon poster lol
    CrazyGrape, Alucard I, onerb2 and 9 others like this.
  3. Deathgarnet

    Deathgarnet Title Not Found

    Loving it ! absolutely awesome so far. Keep up the awesome work.
    tassina and BrenSage like this.
  4. jakeroo123

    jakeroo123 Void-Bound Voyager

    Loving the posters. And the arcade... And...

    It's just a nice-looking place all around, really.
    onerb2 and tassina like this.
  5. Aliasing of the West

    Aliasing of the West Orbital Explorer

  6. HedgeFlanders

    HedgeFlanders Big Damn Hero

    Dang! I might be playing Hylotl now...
    onerb2, tassina and BrenSage like this.
  7. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    tassina, JT` and BrenSage like this.
  8. HedgeFlanders

    HedgeFlanders Big Damn Hero

    Wait... is that a Pokeball poster on the 3rd (main) level?
    tassina and TheNightOwl like this.
  9. Gruntdonttoot

    Gruntdonttoot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If you can actually play arcade games and air hockey, wow that'd be amazing. Looking good! :up:
  10. diegopau

    diegopau Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    so much argue about the unicorn and there it is... just a figure in the arcade room!
    tassina likes this.
  11. Ultimuh

    Ultimuh Phantasmal Quasar

    I was expecting the Hylotl would have Feudal Japanese styled architecture.
    However this.. has a certain appeal to it as well.
    Wildaces22, onerb2, killpay and 4 others like this.
  12. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    I like how the outside sign is Japanese (or a likeness of it), and the inside signs are English.
    I also like the movie poster at the top of a stack of crates.
    pigrocket and tassina like this.
  13. Exxil3d

    Exxil3d Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Bzubko123 likes this.
  14. Nedox

    Nedox Void-Bound Voyager

    Single words that are iconic/common in English are actually used in Japan more than you'd think... such as Arcade... or Open... Not that that is true for those words in particular, but...
    onerb2, Mopy and tassina like this.
  15. 0418orion

    0418orion Void-Bound Voyager

    AWESOME underwater city :D
  16. irongamer

    irongamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That looks great. One thing that concerns me is all the stairwells. If there are no elevators in release I hope they would be explored as an option post release. The latest Terraria patch did a pretty good job with making vertical mine shafts very useful. Powered vertical lifts would really add to the futuristic feel of the game.
    Exxil3d, Showbiz, gokkan and 3 others like this.
  17. goblininabox

    goblininabox Space Spelunker

    They should so add big daddy like guards in that dungeon :rofl:
  18. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    When I first saw it I wanted to blow a hole in the side and flood it, is that bad?.
    Bzubko123, onerb2, killpay and 2 others like this.
  19. Sir ceil

    Sir ceil Existential Complex

  20. Joe Shmoe

    Joe Shmoe Void-Bound Voyager

    VOTE MOLE - MAN FOR 2414

    Andrew MOLE is the presidential lead in the party this year, with his associate Phillip MAN as his running mate there go get them attitude has really brought there numbers up after the tunnel collapse of '09.
    onerb2 and tassina like this.

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