4th June Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Kalaina

    Kalaina Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A lot of people just want to know the release date and only want roadmap updates so they can figure out when it is. Which is silly, as the roadmap offers us insight into what kinds of cool things we're going to see in upcoming daily updates.

    Specifically, to me it looks like they are finally able to start on the push for humanoid NPCs - generating villages full of unique villagers who interact with the player and provide quests. It's going to do a lot to bring the Starbound lore into the actual game. Obviously this is something they want to get in before the beta (as it's not an alpha; betas are feature-complete).

    We'll also probably hear about multiplayer shaping up more and more, although I doubt there will be much screenshot-wise. Parts of it may have a dependency on the existence of other parts of the code first, though, but the unification of code that they've talked about in past updates should make this more doable.

    And of course, continuing work on all creature generation and getting them to exist and behave properly. The basics seem to be down, but the magic that's going to make Starbound amazing in having a huge variety of possible creatures that all act in interesting (though maybe not unique) ways is still in the works.

    And all the 90%s? Lots of polish. Polish is important, and contrary to what you might think if you're not a software developer, it is not quick and easy. But it does produce a lot of screenshots, and when all they have left is polish, we'll probably have an estimated beta release date.

    So it's coming, but we need to be along for the ride, and knowing what the ride is should be plenty of information for those of us who are so hungry to get this game as soon as we can. Personally, I'm getting more excited with every cool thing they show me.
    Kernkin, Silican Beat, Repede and 4 others like this.
  2. LFPO8k

    LFPO8k Subatomic Cosmonaut

    great, looking forward for more things
    AdenSword likes this.
  3. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey Omni could you please figure out how to put your post in News? this is your second upadate (out of 2 that you did) that is in uncategorized i thought there was no update in the 31st cuz i always look at the news but it wasent there (i guess i will look at the homepage from now on but still please figure out how to do that or mabye you know how to do that you just dont, well please do)
    Luna likes this.
  4. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    wait do you speak cat? if you do please translate
  5. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    well good because you difenitly will not have to (i suppose you have heard the promise of release date sometime in 2013 but if you didnt well they promised they would release it sometime in 2013) LOVE :chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish::chucklefish: Chucklefish
  6. singe971

    singe971 Void-Bound Voyager

    The question is : Why arent you learning how to speak cat ?
    AdenSword likes this.
  7. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Good news is good news. No argument in that.
  8. Zolon

    Zolon Big Damn Hero

    What that spreadsheet is failing to take into account is the workload weighting of every different item. Just because it falls into a percentile doesn't mean it's equal work to the end-product. Think of it like your school grades - you might have scored 80% on your midterm and 100% on a small assignment out of 5 assignments, but that assignment isn't worth the same weight on your grade as that midterm is. Of course, we have no idea what the weighting is on any of those reports on the roadmap, but just saying - those couple of 10%s might be worth a larger chunk of the game, and we're only between 35 and 50% towards completion.
  9. *Teo

    *Teo Big Damn Hero

    If you're asking if it's compatible with Macs, then yeah, both the beta and the full game will be Mac-compatible. ^_^
  10. Pigeon

    Pigeon Cosmic Narwhal

    WhiteMousse likes this.
  11. omegavvarrior

    omegavvarrior Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well said.
  12. soulpwner12

    soulpwner12 Space Spelunker

    great job Tiy and all the starbound crew. keep up the good work! :)
  13. Subwoofer

    Subwoofer Astral Cartographer

    After reading through these comments, is it me or does Starbound seem like it'll be like a combination of World of Warcraft and Terarria? I loved digging and exploring and crafting in terraria but the game had no focus for me. Adding quests and such seem to bring this to a new level.

    Well worth the $15
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Forum Bot

    My cat disagrees.
    cant wait for the next update! :up:
  15. AzViz

    AzViz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This clearly states otherwise: https://twitter.com/StarRoadTracker
  16. Ace_

    Ace_ Space Spelunker

    Was that the meow mix song at the end?
  17. Mykin

    Mykin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dang it cat! Why did you have to puke before telling me what the release date was?!...Or did I misread that and it said it had too much Ice Cream to eat...why are you feeding it...nevermind.

    Good post overall, thanks for keeping us in the loop. Glad to see that you guys are planning ahead and making good use of the money we gave you. Looking forward to your next update!
  18. nebnebben

    nebnebben Void-Bound Voyager

    Chucklefish :chucklefish: seems the best indie studio at the moment. So excited.
    Thanel and TheUnartist like this.
  19. Azure Edge

    Azure Edge Void-Bound Voyager

    Wait... so all this time every single day I was looking at the Roadmap to see if the percentages went up, they were always the same?! Meh, at least it took my time out of the day and entertained me for while I searched for updates...
  20. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wait wait, is the release going to be a tarball or a hairball?
    Someone said september. As the anniversary of my hatching falls in that month, I would love that. I know, I know, just speculation but would still rock.
    Devs, thank you for the updates and for all your hard work on the game! (and get that cat some grass)

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