4th August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by kyren, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. dgm

    dgm Phantasmal Quasar

    Just want to say I like your avatar xD
    0243 likes this.
  2. Altaeon

    Altaeon Void-Bound Voyager

    I think I missed a memo about the trees in the back ground swaying in the wind cause that right there amazed me... but nobody else seems to be mentioning it...
    RaphaZord and killpay like this.
  3. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    They also sway harder/better/faster/stronger depending on the wind strength.
    tassina, Altaeon and RaphaZord like this.
  4. Konsai

    Konsai Title Not Found

    I always feel like the camera is far too .. up-close.
    Is there going to be the possibility of zooming out a bit, by any chance?
  5. WTFtimmy124

    WTFtimmy124 Title Not Found

    i think the screen is a bit for to me but i tihnk thats just me lol
  6. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Do you remember what video that was in? I remember them swaying, but can't remember it ever happening variably, just they would randomly sway some.. not stronger or more differently at times
    tassina likes this.
  7. Chibi

    Chibi Pangalactic Porcupine

    Lighting looks very nice!
  8. XenoImba

    XenoImba Title Not Found

    That's a little TOO optimistic, The beta will probs be out later this month, or early next month. But I doubt it being released in these next few following days
    tassina likes this.
  9. Gene

    Gene Phantasmal Quasar

    • Varying planet surface based on planet level and composition, times
    • Varying planet backgrounds based on size and distance from parent star, times
    • Varying planet backgrounds based on other planets in the solar system, times
    • Varying lighting based on time of day, times
    • Varying weather, times
    • Varying special atmospheric effects such as aurorae, equals...
    Near-infinite worlds, not even counting functional differences such as monsters, dungeons, cities, NPCs, quests environmental effects, and everything the player built there on top!

    For the old skoolers who played games such as Star Control II, this is like imagining the Star Control universe with the hundreds upon hundreds of planets, except landing on each one (which took less than a minute in SC2) would now take days or weeks for each planet, and every planet will be unique in its own way!

    :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

    Phase I of game development (up to Beta and possibly up to Release) will probably be primarily focused on per-planet adventures, with interplantery plots mainly limited to travelling from one planet to the next. But post-release, I see vast potential for inter-plantetary exploration being a first-class citizen, with its own quests and plots, ships and space stations, etc.

    I also see incredible potential on the multi-player front. Imagine that, instead of having to disconnect and re-connect to each server in isolation (making the server search a disruptive out-of-game experience), you could have your solar system (or set of solar systems you discovered) be part of the "multiplayer galaxy", so joining another person's server would be as simple as flying to their planet! This will be almost like an MMO!

    In short, Starbound seems to have a huge amount of potential, and I'm really excited to see devs who are willing and and able to do whatever it takes to release an amazing game. Starbound may well become one of the best indie games of all time, and perhaps a classic in its own right, indie or otherwise.
    tassina, RaphaZord and JackofBlades like this.
  10. TunaFiiish

    TunaFiiish Void-Bound Voyager

    And then a step to the right...
  11. CubeX

    CubeX Void-Bound Voyager


    Seriusly, if they add even more variables, then it'll truly be amazing!
    tassina, RaphaZord and WTFtimmy124 like this.
  12. CubeX

    CubeX Void-Bound Voyager

    Up, Down, All Around!
  13. LastHazzerd

    LastHazzerd Title Not Found

    Oh this is so nice!
    I especially like the lighting on the backdrops. (how the light on the mountain has some parts in the shade some in the light, but when it's night the mountain is completely dark)
    A whole new Monster Generator? The amazing thing about game development is how nothing is set in stone while making it, literally anything can changed.
  14. XenoImba

    XenoImba Title Not Found

    Maybe it's a hint to the release... think about it for a sec. A jump to the left, well if we look at a clock, starting at the beginning of the clock time-wise is 12, right? Well a jump to the left by single digit would be 11... 11... well, let's grab that "2" from 12 and use that too add 2 11's 11+11=22 yes? Well 11 has two ones.. let's borrow one of those and add it to the 22. Now that would make 23... hmm... 23... Wait a second! 4th of august update.... let's take that 12 again and subtract that by 4... 8... ok. So let's see what we have? A 23 and an 8... wait hold on... 8... the 8th month of the year... is August... and the 23 of August this year.... Oh my god.... The Insomnia gaming event is on the 23rd of August this year! Release date announcement has been solved.
  15. TheKlu

    TheKlu Phantasmal Quasar

    Amazing screenshoots :) And amazzing update :3
  16. Geminisparks

    Geminisparks Orbital Explorer

    Its just a jump to the Left....
  17. SamuraiJack7

    SamuraiJack7 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Maybe its takes a while for the planet to move, a few days, not just one? I doubt that it'll be a static background.

    It would be amazing if that moon becomes a full moon once in a while. Moon light skinny dipping anyone? ;)

    Started designing bases already, Space port = check
    Home base = check
    Cabin in the woods = next project!

    At least if the beta doesn't come out around Insomnia we will at least get to see something. Tiy did also said that when the press get it, we do (or even before) that must mean... max 3 weeks and 1 day... must... stay... sane... until... then... :confused: or just sleep...
    tassina likes this.
  18. Zyloss

    Zyloss Subatomic Cosmonaut

    :eek:...could very well be correct :up:
  19. Takumi

    Takumi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh my god... Those screenshots are so amazingly breathtaking.
    This is like, extremely beautiful. Just, wow.
  20. XenoImba

    XenoImba Title Not Found

    Is it wrong that I keep refreshing since I'm so eager too see responses to my solution? :I

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