1. Note: Nightly builds are not officially supported and things that appear broken might actually just be broken with no way of fixing it, but community members may still be willing to assist you with common problems.

Closed 4/21 Unstable [Nightly] Downloads a corrupt Packed.pak File (8 bytes in size)

Discussion in 'Nightly Builds Support' started by Professor Falken, Apr 21, 2016.

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  1. TyRobot

    TyRobot Space Spelunker

    No idea...I have not PM'd them. Kinda hard to believe they are unaware of this considering they reply fairly actively to the Stable forums...
  2. Pizzavolcano

    Pizzavolcano Void-Bound Voyager

    I know you'd only need half a brain to know this, but the devs are the ones that send out the updates, right? They released an update today, and the problem started occuring a few days ago. They would have had to seen the corrupted files by now. They might be trying to fix it right now, but who knows. I think it's still a good idea to PM them anyway, just in case they somehow don't know of this yet.
  3. King Kitteh

    King Kitteh Starship Captain

    I thought the updates were automatic. So that whenever they finished something it made a new nightly.

    Anyway, if they do know of this issue, then they should really make a post to at least tell us that they're working on it.
  4. Professor Falken

    Professor Falken Seal Broken

    Hi, all.

    I just PM'd Mollygos asking if we could get a new push of the Nightly... It's very possible that upon pushing the 4/21 content to Steam, the packed.pak file failed to complete packaging.

    I just tested asset_packer.exe, and it indeed creates an 8 byte file first... It then pauses shortly, and starts putting files into the pak, increasing it in size as it progresses. So it could possibly be that the asset_packer hung, leaving behind that stub file of 8 bytes. Hopefully, it's that simple a fix!

  5. Aldarion80

    Aldarion80 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    update 24/4 day, still corrupt, my download is I put in 8 bytes, I'm losing hope, that we can see more of the upgrade.

    I've tried your method Professor falken, but no longer works, no longer serves, so I give up, wait to 1.0, I wanted to at least see progress little by little, as I was.

    sorry for my english, i am from spain. :(
    Shadechaser likes this.
  6. Druidmask

    Druidmask Void-Bound Voyager

    It's definitely not hopeless. The nightly build gets updated everyday, so the problem will probably be fixed in less than a week. I wouldn't worry.
  7. Aldarion80

    Aldarion80 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks, to see I am programmer in java and android beginner level, I understand that every day, there that fix bugs and problems, but the important thing is the code base, the packed file, but if not it well, people who have bought the game, we cannot see and help with our opinions on your part druidmask, thank you for your response and your opinion.

    Greetings from Spain and Goodnight.
  8. King Kitteh

    King Kitteh Starship Captain

    New nightly, just downloaded anddddd..... Still doesn't work.
  9. TyRobot

    TyRobot Space Spelunker

    I was just about to ask...that sucks! King Kitteh, do you want the working .pak file zip from April 20th so you can use Falken's workaround? If so, PM me, and I shall hook you up. :DD

    ...btw, how has this thread gotten this far without any sort of acknowledgement?
    Troubled_Brocoli likes this.
  10. Troubled_Brocoli

    Troubled_Brocoli Poptop Tamer

    hey just had this crazy thought about this. I know the devs do read the forums so the must know about this and be either trying or not to fix it. what if this is a secret way for the devs to work on things in 1.0 with out players knowing about it. what if there making changes that they haven't announced and this is there way to make it a surprise for when they release 1.0. what if they have added a new race of maybe more than that. so instead of complaining about not playing how bout we flip this around on the Devs and start trying to guess what might be added secretly while the nightly build is supposedly 'Down'

    this is a crazy idea but it kind of makes sense. and if any of the devs read this this is your 'get out of jail card' add something secret to the game while we cant play
  11. King Kitteh

    King Kitteh Starship Captain

    If that was true it'd still be annoying as hell. Why wouldn't they just stop putting out nightly updates? Steam doesn't let you play without updating so it shuts down the game for all of us.
  12. Troubled_Brocoli

    Troubled_Brocoli Poptop Tamer

    because its a... secret. shhhhhhhh

    haha I don't know it was just a thought I have probably not true but it would be cool if it was.
  13. Troubled_Brocoli

    Troubled_Brocoli Poptop Tamer

    when I read this that's when I had the thought, because the Devs do usually read these posts and I couldn't think of an excuse they could have for not reading them so I just put my mind out.
  14. TyRobot

    TyRobot Space Spelunker


    It's cool...I think we're all going a bit crazy right now with not being able to play (unless you wanna PM me for the nightly .pak file zip and use Falken's workaround). It took them a fairly long time to address the Matter Manipulator issue when it first disappeared on the nightly build. That having been said, there was an actual reason it was removed (supposedly, to keep the quest and cut scene a secret or whatever).

    Like King Kitteh mentioned, Steam forces you to update ALL games in your library. This in turn renders the nightly build defunct because of the broken .pak file that keeps getting pushed out. We're now going on the better part of a week without this working (four days...soon to be five in all likelihood).

    #fixitpls :gooby:
    Troubled_Brocoli likes this.
  15. Troubled_Brocoli

    Troubled_Brocoli Poptop Tamer

    this is now officially our new cause post it everywhere, send it everywhere we will not stop until we have been awarded with a full size .pak file.

    Hear me now devs... you may take our GAME but you will never take away... OUR FREEDOM.
  16. abrokenchinadoll

    abrokenchinadoll Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's a social experiment they want to see if we can fix it on our own. Has to be it. :p
  17. IvoryOwl

    IvoryOwl Pangalactic Porcupine

    In that case I'd like to get payed. I'd rather not do other people's jobs for free, specially if its cleaning up their mess. :p
  18. floranhungry

    floranhungry Void-Bound Voyager

    oh my god, it's still not working? I'm not used to not playing nightly this long, idk what to do with myself... devs pls
  19. ReijiGazpacho

    ReijiGazpacho Big Damn Hero

    Since I have folders of previous unpacked nightlies, I decided to try a few things with the asset packer. You can learn how to run it here.
    First, I wrote a batch file to run the nightly packer. The command prompt closed instantly and didn't even produce a pak file.
    Second, I wrote another batch to run the stable packer. The batch was written as such and placed within stable's base folder:
    ".\win32\asset_packer.exe" "packed" "..\Starbound - Unstable\unpackedassets3" "..\Starbound - Unstable\packed2.pak"
    And this started building a pak file with no problems. So I tried a third thing.
    I tried opening command prompt within nightly's base folder (shift + right click > "Open command window here") and running the nightly packer.
    Doing so produced "read error 38" and this:
    Another 8 byte pak, just like the one we're currently receiving.

    tl;dr I'm assuming nightly's asset packer is broken and that's why the nightly's empty.
  20. Alex_Shy

    Alex_Shy Void-Bound Voyager

    Well... not exactly like that. If you want, you can go to the properties of the game (or to your steam's settings) and disable auto-updates.
    Only if we've known when to disable it.......
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