3rd September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Cable

    Cable Master Chief

    Bean Daddy has left the building
    tassina and NinjaDuckie like this.
  2. maga

    maga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Novakid ships should look like covered wagons, with an 'engine horse' infront. The bigger your ship gets, the bigger the engine horse gets. In orbit, it will slowly walk. During FTL, it will gallop fast enough to have an afterimage.
    tassina and nolan1024 like this.
  3. Armoth288

    Armoth288 Star Wrangler

    Yes! Now I can make interrogation rooms :D

    Completely Agree man. I don't think I've seen the Yogscast or anyone else on these forums. Its a little degrading almost. :confused:
    A1wa and Ryuzaki911 like this.
  4. EnigmaticExplorer

    EnigmaticExplorer Void-Bound Voyager

    New post... New Updates... :rainbow:))))
    tassina and Prymael like this.
  5. Mavi

    Mavi Aquatic Astronaut


    Is it just me or does those upper spotlights really lit the rain? :O If they do, then you are paying really big attention to the details :eek: <3
    tassina, Axe Garian, Whygee and 2 others like this.
  6. SquarelyCircle

    SquarelyCircle Cosmic Narwhal

    Love the spot lights!

    I love how excited everyone is about the beta. I even love how pissed people get sometimes. It is love, not just interest. People have passion for this game. I see people argue with them for demanding a beta soon. I can't say it's mature or has perspective - although I won't say it's immature or lacks perspective. But it is definitely full of passion. And I love it - the game is ten times more exciting because of how excited everyone is in their own ways.

    On the flip side, I'm so frickin excited about the work the devs are putting into the beta. I'm as excited as anyone (no, wait, I'm more excited than anyone else - sorry folks), but every day that passes, this game gets that much more awesome. I want to play it sooooooooo bad. SO BAD!!! But if it had come out yesterday... NO SPOTLIGHTS!!! I am so glad they've got such a skilled team working so hard on this game. I won't say "take your time," cause I want this thing out as fast as possible. Rather, keep up the good work.

    We're all running a marathon together... can't you feel the sprint to the finish coming on??!?! :alien::alien::alien:
  7. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah I agree it does.....such amazing attention to detail there :D
  8. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tassina*, c'mon man... She's like.... The liking celebrity. :giggle:
    tassina and Prymael like this.
  9. Trogolodite

    Trogolodite Space Spelunker

    I posted this yesterday and ill post it again today

    There is a real and good reason for no beta, the reason is that the game is still highly unstable, there are constant save state roll backs which means loss of character data (which you cant tell me would annoy you) and there is a very very low content cap at the moment (only about 1.5 tiers of play out of an eventual 11+) so even if you did get the beta now, there's only enough to keep you interested for a few hours, your game play would most likely get rolled back every day or so, and you wouldn't be guaranteed a stable version any way.

    Don't be deceived by the progress made each day seeming like its close. There's still a long way to go, and while i agree i never thought it would take this long, i have no one to blame but myself for optimistically believing that this game would magically write itself faster than any other well made game.​
  10. upsdn

    upsdn Yeah, You!

    What?? I missed the beta release??
  11. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yup you did..........you blinked and it was over just like that.

    Where now waiting on release :)

    (Sarcasm self test).........yup that's still working :D
    tassina, Lord Hatty and Prymael like this.
  12. Juxtor

    Juxtor Phantasmal Quasar

    Spotlights are something I always wish were going to find their way into the game! Very nice. I'm guessing they can also be of varying colors. Now I wonder if you guys could step it up even another notch and make the spotlights dynamic? Rather than a static spotlight "block" that points a particular direction, how about one that can pivot (like the player's arms) and change angle dynamically? Then if you could set a simple set of instructions using the wiring method to control the light you could make a spotlight track between two (or more?) points.

    Perhaps you could place the spotlight, and activate the wiring tool. Drag a control point for the initial direction of the spotlight (it begins pointing from it's origin towards this point. Then you set a second point and have some way of controlling a timing system so that the light points at point 1 for x number of seconds, then rotates towards point 2 over y number of seconds, then points at point 2 for z number of seconds, then rotates back to point 1 over y number of seconds. That would make for some cool atmospheric environments, ya?

    Good job and keep it up
  13. goodgame

    goodgame Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nice. Is StarBound heading to a lighting system like Terraria? I also like a full range of lighting (alpha) from near pitch black to fully lit.
  14. Rueya

    Rueya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Those spotlights really set the mood in-game! Makes for a great sneaking mission and decor. I have always found the lighting system in this game to be particularly breathtaking! :)
    tassina, Axe Garian and Prymael like this.
  15. destrozates

    destrozates Void-Bound Voyager

    I feel exactly the same, this development team work is amazing. I love the focus on the details they are doing and how cool everything looks I assume the game will work as good as it looks.
    They deserve a better deal from me when I pre ordered. If I could return the first tier and buy a better one I would do it for sure.
  16. themightyadam

    themightyadam Void-Bound Voyager

    Look at Project Zomboid, they released way before they should have, and in most of their posts they mention how frustrated they are to lose business and reputation because of game breaking bugs. Believe me, this is better.
    tassina and Axe Garian like this.
  17. dollvader

    dollvader Void-Bound Voyager

    Looks amazing!! I think I am going to make an abandoned prison my base.
    tassina likes this.
  18. alakyr

    alakyr Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The big things are made by a lot of little things and this is the kind of thing that give prestige to a game and its software house
  19. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't recall Terraria ever having a lighting system. It was just the bog standard torches lit up a set number of blocks around them in a circular fashion no? The spotlights here seem to work differently and physically "project" -so to speak- a light source out in one direction. So to answer you.. Starbound has Terraria's basic lighting system and more :p
  20. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think you can, but it requires that you bug the team for a refund so you can preorder again, and i'd feel bad doing that myself (even though i've thought about it) when they're probably stressed as it is. Plus I bought a four pack so I could get it for some of my friends (a couple of them didn't have good finances at the time), so there's probably added hassle in there.
    tassina and destrozates like this.

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