3rd September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Percival

    Percival Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah... I'm a mean ninja. I murder every body.
    tassina, Axe Garian and NinjaDuckie like this.
  2. JennShii

    JennShii Pangalactic Porcupine

    #r00d. :lod: Bed time~ :zzz:
    tassina likes this.
  3. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    That prison area looks amazing!
    It has such a drastic contrast from the happy and bright areas full of plants and life. :)

    I'll almost certainly use some spotlights on my home planet!
    Possibly combined with sentry guns, if those are still in. ;)

    Lights sure do a lot to change the mood of an area.
    As an example a dimly lit base with red lights looks quite eerie whereas the same area fully lit isn't as special.

    Or an another example... Look at pictures of abandoned houses at night.
    tassina, Axe Garian and Prymael like this.
  4. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    How can anyone think that Chucklefish is just holding back the release for laughs?

    When people say that they are just using the missing features of the game as an "excuse" to not give us the beta, they may as well be calling Chucklefish a team of liars, cheats, scoundrels, trolls, etc... The beta just isn't ready, no excuses are required beyond that.

    If your mother was baking a cake and you kept calling her names and questioning her integrity because you were too impatient to wait until the cake was finished baking, would she have just smiled and finished the cake and given it to you? Probably not. You'd be lucky to not get your ass whooped, let alone get any of the cake.

    The game isn't ready for beta. Stop telling the professionals how to do their job and just wait.
  5. NovastarX

    NovastarX Big Damn Hero

    Very nicely done. Spotlights are going to be loads of fun to hammer onto things!

    Also, in terms of lighting, it doesn't seem like the teleportation pad gives off light, or much ambient light if it currently does. Not having any sort of illumination gives the whole cockpit area a lonely sort of feel... It's just something to consider! :p
    tassina, Axe Garian and Prymael like this.
  6. xxsuna

    xxsuna Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    :whoop: Ohh my god! I just find an prison dungeon in game! finaly a can take those spotlights and add them to ma base ... ohh ..ehh no i forgot i have to search and destroy dungeon protection first... alright let's do it .. ahh o god killed and again áááánd AGAIN! aliens ... aliens everywhere where is Ripley when i need her k this will take me a litte while.

    maybe M59/B Smartgun could be helpful - this lead's me to question will be in game some machineguns with tracking device? :)
    samufel likes this.
  7. StarBatman

    StarBatman Void-Bound Voyager

    I am loving the sort of things people are coming up with. I love the idea of a strobe planet. The spotlight following people idea there is also particularly nice, especially if we can wire it to an air raid siren or something. Set the entire base into Red Alert, have all the lights dim and go into redness.

    But then what if one of the following spotlights lands on the disco ball? NPC Dance Party?

    *uses moths on the spotlights*
  8. TheKlu

    TheKlu Phantasmal Quasar

    I really like the spotlight for a game, that make it look nice! :D
    tassina, Axe Garian and Prymael like this.
  9. kesvalk

    kesvalk Cosmic Narwhal


    now we just need a varia suit vanity set...
    Show, MetaSieg, DotBeta and 2 others like this.
  10. Rankomonaut

    Rankomonaut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Prymael likes this.
  11. Nedox

    Nedox Void-Bound Voyager

    bean daddy? ... That's a new one.
  12. Shtin

    Shtin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This game is going to be insane! Keep up the good work Chucklefish. I can't wait for the beta and I know it'll be a hit!
    tassina, Axe Garian and Prymael like this.
  13. WILF2007

    WILF2007 Void-Bound Voyager

    Great update!

    Also the pics look great! :D
    tassina, Axe Garian and Prymael like this.
  14. Parsh

    Parsh Poptop Tamer

    Very nice Armagon. They say the devil is in the details and Starbound looks like it's got plenty of devil coming my way.
    tassina and Prymael like this.
  15. Parsh

    Parsh Poptop Tamer

    I also like that you've achieved something that Skyrim still could not master - stopping the rain from falling inside buildings. Great job.
  16. marchello35

    marchello35 Big Damn Hero

    Well, they said that they are going to release it when all the things on the to do list are ready and there is no or less updates that invalidate the savefiles I don't think they are going to change that so the only thing we can do is patientlly wait.
    tassina and Prymael like this.
  17. marchello35

    marchello35 Big Damn Hero

    Well you don't need to stab them all xd
    SquarelyCircle likes this.
  18. Utco

    Utco Void-Bound Voyager

    It is work out the dungeon "Headquarters Chucklefish" where NPC's Tiy, Kyren, Legris, Molly constantly rearrange everything, and where you promise to uber-gun after they finish restructuring dungeon.
    Sorry, wrote a translator.
    This great game.
    SquarelyCircle likes this.

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