3rd October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. NixeonLow

    NixeonLow Astral Cartographer

    That's a rack, if I remember correctly.

    Please...don't use that shade of blue. T_T Too much eye strain against the grey backround of the site, lol.

    Anyways, I hope those little critters are pets or plushies! It'd be amazing if I could carry one about on my head...
  2. HedgeFlanders

    HedgeFlanders Big Damn Hero

    Why are you expecting it to come out?
  3. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wonder if any of the dungeons that have the old and decrepit backstory will have spiderwebs/bug nests in them? Imagine walking in to the Floran dungeon only to find a giant spider chilling out on the ceiling (with little tiny spiders providing backup for it).
    Jarod and HedgeFlanders like this.
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Why are you not? :p
    Tairuse and Lawls like this.
  5. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    I swear that when Starbound is out I shall going to collect ALL the plushies!
    Jarod likes this.
  6. Tairuse

    Tairuse Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If i'm not mistaken only the beta will be released 100% this year is that right?
  7. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    That's the plan. Beta release this year, full release sometime after.
  8. Belgoliad

    Belgoliad Phantasmal Quasar

    Then don't forget post-release content after full release.
    Jarod and Jonesy like this.
  9. Tairuse

    Tairuse Subatomic Cosmonaut

    gotcha..... If i have to wait till Christmas for Starbound to become beta.......
    I will say
    Jarod likes this.
  10. poplop135

    poplop135 Void-Bound Voyager

    I didn't know that Florians had gogo girls :)
    Jarod and Tairuse like this.
  11. Tairuse

    Tairuse Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Haha why wouldn't they?
    Jarod likes this.
  12. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    florans have been my favorite ever since they were announced and the dungeon makes me even happier.
    I think the second images are stuffed animals. Maybe for Hyotl dungeon because i don't think Florans play with them( or maybe neither and just humans)
  13. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    Personally I don't think spiders would be a match for Floran dungeons, but I love any game with giant spiders soooooooo, please chucklefish please make giant spidies!
  14. Tairuse

    Tairuse Subatomic Cosmonaut

    OH OH OH before i forget they should totally have the team made into plushies! LIKE one for TIY and MOLLYGOS and GEORGEV etc. (sorry if i didn't mention everyone's name... don't feel left out.)
    MyLittleBurger likes this.
  15. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    To be honest I just sort of went with spiders due to the forest like nature vibe the Floran dungeons look like they might have (that and when I think of temple like dugeons, I think I'm going to find a spider in it). Granted that is assuming their dungeons don't have hostile plants.
  16. Trowzers

    Trowzers Existential Complex

    I've seen staff plushies in many games, and they've always been awesome (well, except when they are contest prizes, then people can get kinda grabby, but I don't see how that would happen in Starbound).

    So bring on the staff plushies!
    Tairuse likes this.
  17. Lemonader

    Lemonader Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Love the dungeon!

    I also love the... plush toys? Yeah I love 'em. :love:
    loctar likes this.
  18. Zalgo

    Zalgo Void-Bound Voyager

    Those toy animal looking things are adorable and that dungeon is my shade of awesome. Can't wait to tango with my fellow Florian's. The tango... of death!
  19. TheJudge

    TheJudge Space Penguin Leader

    Floran are looking like a pretty good choice.

    Unicorn! :X
  20. Belgoliad

    Belgoliad Phantasmal Quasar

    How about To Go girls? ;3
    Get it because they're cannibals
    I'm not funny.
    anyMany and yay899 like this.

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