3rd October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. HedgeFlanders

    HedgeFlanders Big Damn Hero

    So... when will we see the Hylotl dungeons? If I don't like the Hylotl lore/dungeons then I'll end up playing as an Apex.
  2. EpicExplorer

    EpicExplorer Master Chief

    The second image is pets i just know because mainly they seem TO SMALL to be actual mobs unless they shrunk the image or did something of the sort good work so far love what you've done! Wonder when betas gonna come out I think of Starbound 24/7 :yoda: p.s. I LIKE PUNCAKES!
  3. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dawwww cute lil Teddy bear =D cool update

    Kinda curious what happened to the Oct 2nd update:geek: usually they mention if they miss it - maybe the upload didnt go through and nobody realized? =o curious
  4. Jayson

    Jayson Big Damn Hero

    amagah, that dungeon looks wonderful. can't wait to delve in! :D
  5. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That Floran dungeon (if that is what it is) still looks like it I missing some creepy ambience. I think some pixel skeletons would look good in the cages/some mummified corpse like things there too. They actually wouldn't have to add to much stuff that could be gore for them, it would rather be some creepy aspect.
  6. PhancyBear

    PhancyBear Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hylotl dungeon:D can't wait:D
    HedgeFlanders likes this.
  7. TheHalfBit

    TheHalfBit Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not every day *HAS* to have an update -.-
    Silican Beat, Torrle and Jonesy like this.
  8. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    oooh that floran dungeon looks ominous, nice.
  9. Kingpwn

    Kingpwn Big Damn Hero

    For real, though. These devs are keeping us more informed than any other group of devs I've ever encountered. They give us ample updates on what they're accomplishing. We can live without seeing an update every single day, can't we? I think we can show some respect for these dedicated devs by not expecting an update every day, and by being grateful when we get one. :)
    TheHalfBit and Jonesy like this.
  10. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Are you not familiar with the definition of "daily" in the term "daily updates"?

    I like how you act as though its completely unwarranted to expect an update each day when even the devs call them daily updates.
    Paddon and Pingeh like this.
  11. Chadpole

    Chadpole Aquatic Astronaut

    There has been literally one other dev I've ever heard of (notch) that even came close to keeping their fans so in the loop. Like seriously, they don't HAVE to tell us shit. We never asked for it. There's no contract saying they have to do it. They do so much for their community that no other Dev has ever done, for no other reason than that they like us. And they are working HARD on the game, let alone keeping the community up to speed.

    So try not being such a spoiled little child, please.
    Silican Beat and Kingpwn like this.
  12. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    That has literally nothing to do with my post. I'm not claiming we're entitled to anything, however given that the developers began giving us daily updates and called them daily updates and all that, I don't think its so unbelievably selfish of us to expect daily updates to be, wait for it, daily.

    Learn to read. Not once did I claim we were entitled to the updates. A lack of literacy implies childlike qualities moreso than acknowledging the fact that the daily updates are hence named because they are daily and that it is perfectly natural to expect daily updates to be daily. Theres nothing selfish or entitled about having an expectation.
    Wolfie14, Paddon, JT` and 2 others like this.
  13. Luchóg

    Luchóg Sandwich Man

    I have tried to think of reasons I "don't need" Starbound, but watching the updates makes it soooooo hard. Not only do the graphics look amazing but seeing that the dev's are putting so much work into AI makes this game a must have.
  14. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    Haha, I was wondering what the next update argument would be!

    Just kidding, I knew exactly what it was going to be about as usual.
    Chadpole likes this.
  15. Chadpole

    Chadpole Aquatic Astronaut

    You know what, I did jump to conclusions a bit there, I apologize. There is that group of people that always show up being all impatient and whiny, so I basically came into the forums expecting it, but that's no excuse. My B.
  16. Rueya

    Rueya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Looks to me like them Florans love to bunk in bed with their lovely prisoners hanging outside in cages! :giggle: The dungeons and villages do look really neat, pertaining to the variety of unique dwellings each race has to offer. I am really baffled by the amount of sheer content in the works thus far, especially when everything is multiplied with 6 alternative races in mind. Keep up the awesome job, Team Chucklefish! :up:
    HedgeFlanders and Jonesy like this.
  17. Seir

    Seir Phantasmal Quasar

    it... so.. prettty. TT_TT
  18. HedgeFlanders

    HedgeFlanders Big Damn Hero

    Same here! If they don't release anything about the Hylotl other than their dungeon then I might just go Apex though.
  19. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    I'm not usually one to be optimistic, but I'm expecting the beta sometime this month. If not that, then early november.
  20. Tairuse

    Tairuse Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Lol it's kid friendly! Who says its for keeping prisoners....
    It's a DANCE CLUB!!!! Floran dungeon copy.png

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