3rd August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Mayson Davis

    Mayson Davis Aquatic Astronaut

    Im sure there is, but they were only working on tier one bosses I think.
  2. The Blue Octopus

    The Blue Octopus Orbital Explorer

    >improvements were made to D3D error reporting.

    Half Life 3 confirmed.

    But in all seriousness, looks like all this polishing work might lead up to (hopefully) beta. Maybe not.
    killpay and CapnComrade like this.
  3. Noonu

    Noonu Void-Bound Voyager

    Sunlight is important. Sometimes. Keep up the good work. Also, thanks for keeping us posted. I enjoy reading the daily posts.
  4. sieg131

    sieg131 Aquatic Astronaut

    haha ORANGE BOY ;) good job! a well behaved program is a good program!
  5. greenskye

    greenskye Pangalactic Porcupine

    According to Aug 2nd's update:
    Sounds like Tier 1 = tutorial, so it may not be representative of how Tiers 2-10 work. For all we know each Tier could contain more and more bosses. Every indication has been made that Tier's are large scale events that should take awhile to complete. Given how many items/ores/quests seem to be available I doubt that you'll be able to blow through each Tier too quickly.

    Both Tier 1 and Tier 10 appear to be special though. I know I've previously heard them mention that Tier 10 is supposed to be some sort of never ending end-game. I wouldn't assume that any one Tier's experience will tell you how the others will work.
  6. TheJudge

    TheJudge Space Penguin Leader

    Sunburn around the sunglasses? Where is the pic of this?? :pwease:
    steelwing likes this.
  7. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    Cool. Wait, minions? *thinks Eye Of Cthulhu*
  8. FibonacciZombi

    FibonacciZombi Aquatic Astronaut

    Nice! I am very excited to play this game. Two things, will this game work on Windows XP machines? And will there be a boomerang type projectile or item in the game?

    Thanks for your time!
    tassina likes this.
  9. PunderfulYT

    PunderfulYT Void-Bound Voyager

    Question: wheres the July wallpaper? D: gotta keep mah desktop in the loop man lol
    tassina likes this.
  10. Silvestre

    Silvestre Pangalactic Porcupine

    Aw, no screenshot today. But at least a progressive day. I wonder what's in store about that boss, his and his minion's behaviours... I hope it's nothing like those crazy old castlevania bosses :giggle:
  11. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    How about since you are posting the update early, you do the T1 gameplay stream tonight Tiy?
    Saturday night streaming, c'mon everybody lets chant maybe he will.


    Edit: You can like me to pieces everybody but don't forget to speakup and let 'em hear it from you too. :)
  12. voltfan

    voltfan Void-Bound Voyager

    Yay! These little updates about GUI and bug fixes means we are inching closer and closer. I CAN'T WAIT! I've stocked up on snack foods and energy drinks (mana energy drinks) so I can play non-stop! :). Can't wait to see all of you in beta! Btw: 1st page!!
  13. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    Ooo, technical update! Lovely! :whistle:
  14. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    Keep your eyes peeled, guys! :ninja:

    ...that box up there was supposed to link you to his Twitch Channel. oops.
  15. BeowulfDragon

    BeowulfDragon Void-Bound Voyager

    What about the livestream?
  16. Starfinder

    Starfinder Big Damn Hero

    Very nice ChuckleFish, very nice!! :D
  17. Davosalm

    Davosalm Aquatic Astronaut

    Tiyuri, for real, why you don't only speak about the beta? Seriously, man... i'm getting a pretty unsure about the release this year...
  18. Noc

    Noc Guest

    there's definitely without-a-doubt gonna be a livestream taking place at 12pm est (in 12 minutes)
    tassina likes this.
  19. Rueya

    Rueya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Absolutely loving this kind of update! Go Chuckefish! :DD
  20. Nearu-Senpai

    Nearu-Senpai Void-Bound Voyager

    Sunburn??? What ever it takes...
    Nice work. Im really curious about this particular update actually.
    How interesting would it be to have 2 versions of the build of the game but one of them lacked the Direct 3D and performance modifications.
    Imagine how lagged back one of them would be.

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