3rd & 4th November Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. Equen

    Equen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That armor looks realy great, do i see a cape there? :) And those lava / coal blocks look realy nice to.
  2. ernestopresto

    ernestopresto Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I've said it once, and I'll say it again!
  3. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    Niiiice! :up:
  4. Foxforce1

    Foxforce1 Void-Bound Voyager

  5. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

    Darn the pic is not resizable... :(

    I was actually wondering what was up with those ship designs... they look awesome! Nice work guys

    Also: If the Florans are kinda tribal and build with plants and trees... wouldn't lava or hot coals burn down their buildings? :p
  6. Saek

    Saek Title Not Found

    Plant-house + lava/hot-coals blocks, I'm totally fine with this.
  7. star killer ex

    star killer ex Subatomic Cosmonaut

    love it can not wait to play
  8. Chadpole

    Chadpole Aquatic Astronaut

    See, now this is why Starbound is going to be a million times better than Terraria for me: That dungeon looks like it had some purpose in the past besides being a dungeon. Is that a Floran prison? Like, the dungeon in terraria is just a bunch of hallways and spikey giant rooms with chests in them, it's not supposed to be anything but a dungeon, and that's just no good when you like exploring stuff. Not only do Starbound dungeons look like something, a prison, a crashed spaceship (please?), or a sewer, they're going to be filled with lore-filled documents and assorted awesome junk tied in with said documents.

    Also, you can scan/inspect creatures! Can we have the option of naming a (randomly generated) species ourselves when we first scan them? I feel like this might already be a thing though....
  9. Timeolord

    Timeolord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That Armour looks awesome!
  10. RainbowStarBoy

    RainbowStarBoy Space Spelunker

    mmmmm I bet that bed is toast as fuzz.:D
  11. DanteStigma

    DanteStigma Phantasmal Quasar

    they could always be firefly vines X3
  12. DanteStigma

    DanteStigma Phantasmal Quasar

    this should be a thing, even if it is already, it should be a thing.
    Chadpole likes this.
  13. steveduck2345

    steveduck2345 Void-Bound Voyager

    That gear is so good, I gotta get that when beta's open.
    killpay likes this.
  14. Remiarn

    Remiarn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm digging the armor.
  15. SlyNinjaRabbit

    SlyNinjaRabbit Title Not Found

    The Hytol ship looks sweet but the black outlines a little much :)
    Trowzers likes this.
  16. While I like the art for the new Hylotl ship, I prefer the old design. The lighting was beautiful, and it was, by far, my favorite of the various ship designs. I would love to have the option to choose between the two. I don't know how complicated this would be code wise, but having a few starter ships to choose from for each race would be great.

    on another note, the armor looks pretty amazing.
  17. Therevan789

    Therevan789 Big Damn Hero

    It seems that there are Tiers (and also, the new ship has more space than the original)
  18. Ignis

    Ignis 2.7182818284590...

    Will the beta testing also include beta testing of multislayer? Let's go PvP bonanza! We won't get to keep the toons anyway, so we might aswell go fragging crazy! :D Who's with me?
    Besides, what better way to stresstest for bugs than to hold the trigger down until you run out of ammo on all your weapons, running around wildly all over the map and making things and eachother explode?
    killpay likes this.
  19. KlownZer0

    KlownZer0 Aquatic Astronaut

    That made me giggle when i pictured it.
  20. Guepardar

    Guepardar Master Chief

    That new armor just looks SO cool! it will be my favourite for sure...
    killpay likes this.

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