3rd & 4th November Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. FerretBoy

    FerretBoy Aquatic Astronaut

    No, I cannot be imprisoned by anything of this realm. In fact I cannot be imprisoned in any realm I have no physical form what so ever, unless of course I want myself too have one.
  2. Tolisk

    Tolisk Big Damn Hero

    I will find a way, and when I do, you best be watching the skies traveler.
  3. FerretBoy

    FerretBoy Aquatic Astronaut

    Well I can simply travel to my own realm of creation or the one I have created. Anyways you cannot see me for you're just a mere mortal and I hardly ever go into any real physical form.
  4. Tolisk

    Tolisk Big Damn Hero

    What if I was a mere bagel, with the powers of yeast? You could not hide from my Baked Senses.
    FerretBoy likes this.
  5. FerretBoy

    FerretBoy Aquatic Astronaut

    No I would simply control a being to come and eat your bagely deliciousness.
    Tolisk likes this.
  6. Tolisk

    Tolisk Big Damn Hero

    No! My one weakness!
    Ferrettomato and FerretBoy like this.
  7. brandonlk

    brandonlk Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hmmph I may be bound to this one uniferse but we are developing something so my brethren can travel to others mabey even yours but I am stuck here allowing to take form of any bird existed also you can't kill me ... I've tryed yours sincerely the bird king \|/
  8. Commander Shepherd

    Commander Shepherd Aquatic Astronaut

    Lava as underfloor heating!
  9. DubstepPotatoes

    DubstepPotatoes Tentacle Wrangler

    I hope the game will be full with adventures like these, these dungeons are amazing!
  10. Smetanol

    Smetanol Starship Captain

    I hope social armor will stay from terraria, it's awesome idea.

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