31st august progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Legris, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Brenden8r

    Brenden8r Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the idea that we have to use pixels to make certain items, that makes it harder to just grind through objects and make infinitely large numbers of them, and causes you to be more careful with what you make In order to budget pixels
    AdenSword, tassina and Axe Garian like this.
  2. marchello35

    marchello35 Big Damn Hero

    Ho, it's nothing my friend :giggle: happy to help
    P: I just have seen it on yesterdays daily post, a guy named MC Pennybags posted it
    Axe Garian likes this.
  3. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    I vote 31st August so we're one day closer to getting beta! :idea:

    For the literal minded, that was a joke...
  4. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But if we were the 30th, then we'd have to wait one day less! :idea:
    AdenSword, tassina, Torren and 2 others like this.
  5. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Omni is a God! :DD
    tassina and backeby like this.
  6. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    But it was legris who posted this... But yes omni is a being of pure code.
    tassina and Axe Garian like this.
  7. Robertus Amor

    Robertus Amor Orbital Explorer

    What about having more than 1 home planet? And then in the navigation menu, like a Home Planets tab or something?
    tassina and Axe Garian like this.
  8. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    Probably the same deal outside the game. Pay the space bank and you can have a summer home planet or a log home planet...
    tassina and Axe Garian like this.
  9. Jackorias

    Jackorias Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I do believe that's coal :rofl:
  10. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Oops, shoulda been clearer, sorry about that. Omni is a God because of this: (Can't do a direct Quote of the Post because of the Thread it's in being locked.)
    See? The Devs know what they're doing not releasing the Beta too soon! :up:

    Last i've heard, ya can have more than one Home Planet if ya can afford the Upkeep for them all, but the costs for so much upkeep was damn likely to be too high for a single player to handle... a Group of Players might be another story. A single player is most likely to only ever be able to afford a single Home World at most. :)
    AdenSword and tassina like this.
  11. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Starbound! The game where we even take real world economics and apply it somehow!~~
    :love: Love this game and its community :love:
  12. killbubble

    killbubble Void-Bound Voyager

    yo yo sup my fellow starboundians!
    a cool idea just popped into my mind, someone moght have already thought of this but what the hell, i'll just lay it down for the sake of intellectual reaction:
    when the game starts wouldn't it be better to have the spaceship ACTUALLY crash on the planet and have the player start gathering resources to fix it? i mean, it would give the player a good reason to stay on the first planet long enough to get to know the game, instead of just allowing him to go anywhere with the ship. it also allows for a good quest development and i think helps the devs get the plot and a good tutorial going on....
    it's just an idea, but feel free to share it with anyone if you like it, maybe a dev will read this and find it useful.
  13. poeticfelony

    poeticfelony Poptop Tamer

    That's a good idea. However, there is one problem. An experienced player who wants to create a new character would have to always repeat the tutorial. That would be kind of annoying to me after a while because I plan to have a character of every race, if that's possible, which I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be.
    Noctwinds, AdenSword, tassina and 2 others like this.
  14. legodude2

    legodude2 Title Not Found

    I just bought Star bound. You guys completely deserve the money for all the hard work you have put into this game, and i can't wait till this game comes out!!:DD:DD
    tassina, Axe Garian and killbubble like this.
  15. Antilogic

    Antilogic Void-Bound Voyager

    :saywhat: Moar screenz
  16. killbubble

    killbubble Void-Bound Voyager

    Well yeah you're right if one were to start off like a pro playing the tutorial would be an offset (i hope thos term fits in i dont wanna check), but then the devs could just add an option to i dunno reject the quest and find an alternative way to get off da planet. Or just go plain rambo stile and start cheat-comanding the hell your way outta there. Yea that looks like a fairly good compensation, no?
  17. DoktorKot

    DoktorKot Master Chief

    My idea exactly. Too bad my code can not yet evolve into working game :)
    I also had an idea of multiple and UNIQUE puzzles for EACH player(based on seed-number or something similar) but with NO WALKTHROUGH on youtube-like-sites.
    Main idea was like with Kaiburr crystals(star wars universe, each crystal(that is used in construction of a lightsaber) is unique to each jedi, although other crystals also can be used in lightsabers) that solving/finding clue to make ship repaired or to solve some puzzle or construct something for each player is unique! Of course player can postpone the process of solving, or findanother way, but this could be challenging.
  18. Vladp

    Vladp Void-Bound Voyager

    Am I the only one bothered by the lox pixel resolution of the game while the background being high resolution?
    Axe Garian likes this.
  19. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    My current guess: Yes. :p

    IMHO, let's see how the Dev's way of the Tutorial works out in Beta first, THEN decide if it's good enough or can use some work. Don't forget, the Devs want us to get to experience at least much of the game fresh & unspoiled, so they are intentionally not telling us EVERYTHING about the whole game. ;) (Thank goodness.)
    AdenSword and tassina like this.
  20. masher14

    masher14 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And thank you for sharing!
    Axe Garian likes this.

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