30th August progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. TheTruth

    TheTruth Tentacle Wrangler

    No, Tiy, no I can't.
  2. QuaziPance

    QuaziPance Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I say make the steel creation as complicated as you'd like. It would even be neat to have different "tiers" of steel. For instance you could have something simple for just "steel" where you put iron and carbon (probably just coal) into some kind of furnace. However, if you want to go out and mine for some chromium, tungstun, etc. you could work your way up to stainless steel and then high speed steel. Also, since it's a sci-fi game, you can start adding in non-existent ores to make your adamintines or mythrils or whatever. Honestly, it would make sense to have even the end game materials dependent on iron. I mean seriously, iron is a pretty awesome element.
    tassina likes this.
  3. Belgoliad

    Belgoliad Phantasmal Quasar

    I recall Tiy mentioning that tier 1 was the hardest part, and that after its completion, development of the later tiers would progress much faster.
    Let's hope that's the case! :V
    tassina and K00L like this.
  4. Mr_Grim

    Mr_Grim Orbital Explorer

    *crosses fingers for more dev livestreams in the near future* :DD
    samufel likes this.
  5. FiannaTiger

    FiannaTiger Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes I believe he said getting Tier 1 polished was hard part that would get 90% of the tier work done. Then it would be about 10% per tier to finish them up.
    tassina likes this.
  6. Eoghanpm2

    Eoghanpm2 Star Wrangler

    Awesome update! I remember that the tier 1 gameplay was just recently completed so to see that tier 2 is completely playable minus some certain things is a huge surprise for me. I know your daily updates don't fully recap EVERYTHING you do in a day, so I shouldn't be so surprised that you're making such fantastic progress. Not to say I'm surprised in a "Oh I can't believe they did that huff huff huff humphf!" but more a "That is so awesome! The developers are even more on the ball than I thought they were. Hooray for productive days." Anyway, thank you as always for the daily updates. They're a fantastic treat.
    tassina likes this.
  7. Trexus

    Trexus Void-Bound Voyager

  8. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    The three muske-tiers?
  9. like00111

    like00111 Zero Gravity Genie

    Tiy you must be from the future because I am still on the 29th. ;)

    But awesome tier two basically done already? And you just got home, dang.
    tassina likes this.

    PERPETRATOR Void-Bound Voyager

    "Full Steam Ahead"

    That couldn't mean that the Full game will come out on Steam in the near future could it??? :p

    Great work! Cant wait for Beta! :D
  11. Combat Me Bro

    Combat Me Bro Void-Bound Voyager

    I didn't say it made sense, nor did I justify it. I was just stating what they were doing.
  12. Synestra

    Synestra Sandwich Man

    Huzzah Bartwe and team! your die hard performance really payed off when the game released :)
    also, welcome home guys and keep up the good job!
    Good luck!
    tassina likes this.
  13. Synestra

    Synestra Sandwich Man

    even if there is only tier 1 on beta i already happy about it! :D
    tassina likes this.
  14. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is that profile picture a black hole? I'm very fond of those anomalies :DD

    Which by the way, wouldn't it be SWEET to have a black hole in the background of one of your starbound planets? I would DIE to have that. Black holes are scary and beautiful. :love:
  15. I know, I know, I just quoted you so that it was clear what I was referring to.
    Sorry if I caused any confusion... :badpokerface:
  16. SnakeX

    SnakeX Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Server performance is pretty important stuff for those us that will be playing with others a lot, so I'm happy to hear that Bartwe is working hard on making it as good as it can be. :up:
    riseoflegends likes this.
  17. Zanywany

    Zanywany Tentacle Wrangler

    Full steam ahead!
    Does that mean something? As in the Beta is heading onto Steam? Beta?!? Where?!?
  18. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    I looked at the update and saw "August 30th", then looked at my clock and saw "August 29th".

    Starbound updates must be so awesome that they can travel back in time!
    tassina and K00L like this.
  19. poplop135

    poplop135 Void-Bound Voyager

    It ain't the 30th:lod:
  20. Marianne Asteri

    Marianne Asteri Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It is here! GMT+8 FTW! :laugh:

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