2nd September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    :DD And now we have the trifecta of short updates!
    tassina likes this.
  2. DustyMongoose

    DustyMongoose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "Can that shit Hudson!" :sparta:

    Here's hoping for an infestation of xenomorphs crawling all over that penal colony.
    neutralentropy and Serenity like this.
  3. Lost Hunter

    Lost Hunter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You DID NOT pay for the Beta! You paid for the full game!
    But you're right about Mortal Online though...
  4. Tyrindor

    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

    Sorry I didn't mean it like that. I just find it odd that most complaints are from people who paid the least they possibly could for access. You don't see a many people that bought the higher tier packages complaining about the delays, when they are the ones that spent a lot of money and "donated" to help speed up development further.

    You paid for a game with an estimate release date, until they cancel the game and don't give you your money back, you have no room to complain about "getting what you paid for". You claim I don't know what beta means, yet it is clearly you that doesn't know what beta means.


    "Beta is feature and asset complete version of the game, when only bugs are being fixed.This version contains no bugs that prevent the game from being shippable. No changes are made to the game features, assets, or code. Beta occurs two to three months before code release."

    Is this what Starbound currently is? Not even close.
  5. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    United States Colonial Marines? Do I spy an Aliens reference?
    tassina and DeadlyLuvdisc like this.
  6. Johan

    Johan Phantasmal Quasar

    I think is time to stop create and adding stuff, and focus in finish a beta
  7. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    thats the old defenition from years ago... and btw wikipedia isnt a valid source for info.. i DARE you to use that as a reference on a college paper... any collage willing to accept wikipedia as a refferance should have their license stripped from them and be closed
  8. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    buaha nice, also.. thats the android.. not the marine :(
    xxsuna likes this.
  9. Core

    Core Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh babeh, dat dungeon looks awsome :DD!

    This update suddenly makes me re-pumped for Starbound, the new implementations are very nice and unique; can't wait to see the new bird swooping animation :p
    Mukin likes this.
  10. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    actually i paid for beta and so did alot of people ^^ i mean cmon otherwise people would have waited

    ill admit mortal online has come SOOOO far since closed beta.. and soon they will be doing away with preset buildings so that might make me play for another good month or so... its the "devs that go above and beyond" behind that game that ruin it for me really :\

    CHUCKELFISH take a hint!!! dont make the same mistakes STAR VAULT MADE and actually LEARN about your game and what players like/dislike ._.
  11. Lost Hunter

    Lost Hunter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If thats the "old definition" then what is the current one? Keep in mind that you better have at least one valid source.
  12. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    any indie game u see in beta they all have missing features/bugs


    Minecraft is my source as just 1 example
  13. Lost Hunter

    Lost Hunter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Again you didn't pay for the Beta, you paid for a finished product. The money went to help the devs actually DEVELOP the game! If they released the Beta right now, it would be buggy and unstable as all hell, at that point it would be an Alpha. The point of a beta is to make sure that game is, at that point of time, stable and as bug free as possible.
  14. Blue

    Blue Former Staff

    An example then?
    Minecraft was in what they called Beta for a looooooong time. and was never feature complete. It's been released and is still not 'feature complete'. That is the nature of sandbox games, or games that receive free or continuing updates. There is no "Feature complete" until they stop updating it.

    Does that mean they were just mistaken by calling it Beta? Perhaps, or as with anything in life, everything can be seen from a different perspective. in this particular case, you have to see that regardless of what other games did Starbound Beta may not conform to what you yourself consider a beta to be.

    When I want a cheeseburger, there are like 4 places to go for cheeseburgers in my area... and not all are the same. Yet they all have the right to call them cheeseburgers. I think it's important to remember that trying to give any one thing a definition that is unchangeable is why humankind limits themselves.

    As for what a starbound beta is, Omni went a long way in explaining some of their goals for the game before they considered it 'beta'. Have you seen that post?

    Also, on the "I pre-ordered it to get beta."
    Of course, you will get the Beta, and no one has said you won't. In some senses you paid for your copy of the game, and received an entry to the 'early access' to the release version of the game when the early access opens.
    But asking for beta early, because you assumed if you pre-ordered it they would make beta accessible sooner, is actually like asking for 'early access' to the 'early access'.

    I personally don't understand the position people have when it comes to saying they paid for it, so they should get it now. It's called a "Pre"-Order. It comes with bonuses. But those bonuses are only meant to be given when they are ready too. Would you want someone to send you half a completed concept art drawing with only the first half of a signature, if that was your bonus for doing something?
    blackbolta, Renaxz, Showbiz and 7 others like this.
  15. Tyrindor

    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

    You are honestly going to compare this forum to a college paper? I'm not typing a college paper, I don't need sources that would hold up in college. It's a forum, you clearly are putting zero effort into grammar, and I didn't put much effort into my source. Beta is a very simple thing to understand, if you don't like my source, google another one. The game is not in a beta state. They are adding major features everyday, the developers themselves stated during i49 that the game is in pre-alpha or apha state. Even if you don't agree with what beta means, the developers say it is not in a beta state.

    You are getting what you paid for, it just hasn't arrived yet. If you don't like waiting you shouldn't of preordered a game with an estimated release date. Statements like "so we want beta... stop crying like a child because we want what we PAID for" make you lose all credibility in my eyes. I wasn't aware you paid for alpha access.

    Exactly you paid for Beta access. Not alpha access.

    I preorder and bought the $75 package on the first day because I wanted to support the developers as much as I could. I get beta access with the $15 package, and I still would of preordered on day 1 with no beta access. I don't care how long it takes to get beta out, I would prefer them to wait until they feel the game is ready rather than if you feel the game is ready.
  16. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    no you are right i should treat it like the moderators are treating these forums and treat you liek a 5 year old... i swear i just got the stupidest infraction on the planet

    if you dont get an infraction for this post then i shall report teh stupid mod that gave me an infraction for no damn reason

    [s its aleady well into beta state please do not comment your dropping the IQ in the entire forum
  17. Blue

    Blue Former Staff

    I personally have never banned anyone, or given an infraction. I tend to like to talk things out with people. i mean... moderation isn't when you try and over-handedly just shove the rule of law down someones throat.
    So I would please ask you to not be so generalized in your insults towards moderators. But your opinion is your own and I do not begrudge you or it. I do however apologize that you have had bad interactions with mods in the past. I can only speak for myself and have no place to tell other mods what to do or how to behave.
  18. jolijar

    jolijar Master Chief

    All those who ask for beta early should start in the penal colony and have to escape by slowly breaking blocks over a period of a few months... also looks great keep it up. Prison mech guards please?
    ChristianRVHM and coatey like this.
  19. Tyrindor

    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

    Why would I get an infraction for that? Our posts are completely different animals. My posts are written to the best of my abilities, and I am not throwing around names or calling people's posts "absolutely worthless". I did not insult you in any way. You on the other hand are being completely negative, putting almost no effort into the presentation of your posts, and then to top it off you just insulted my intelligence? I feel like you are not capable of handling a mature debate without throwing insults, and before I say something I regret I am just going to take my leave from the thread.
  20. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    i got an infraction for using the word "baby" and for saying a post was pointless

    as you have now done BOTH of those things then you do infact deserve an infraction

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